オリジン弁当 瑞江店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オリジン弁当 瑞江店

住所 :

Minamishinozakimachi, Edogawa City, 〒133-0065 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://toshu.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5AM–11PM
Sunday 5AM–11PM
Monday 5AM–11PM
Tuesday 5AM–11PM
Wednesday 5AM–11PM
Thursday 5AM–11PM
Friday 5AM–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Minamishinozakimachi, Edogawa City, 〒133-0065 Tokyo,Japan
urupeko (名前が設定されていません。) on Google

レジの若い女の子、全く覇気がない。 愛想の1つもない。 小さな女の子が買い物に来ていて、これくださいや ありがとうって言っていたのに返事さえしていなかった。これならレジも自動化したほうがいいですね。 からあげ買ったけどあんまり美味しくなかった。
The young girl at the cash register is totally unreliable. There is no one of loveliness. A little girl is coming for shopping, please Although I said thank you, I did not even reply. In this case, it is better to automate the cash register. I bought it from there but it was not so delicious.
ショコラスペシャル(ショコラ) on Google

店内がとても狭い、このご時世はお弁当待ちの人と、店内で惣菜選ぶ人とで既に密です。ベビーカーとかはまず無理かなぁ。 最近(半)自動精算機が導入されました。
The inside of the store is very small. In this age, there are already people waiting for lunch and those who choose side dishes in the store. A stroller is impossible at first. Recently (semi) automatic checkout machine was introduced.
K T on Google

レジにてクレジットカードの支払い方法にてうまくいかなかった時に、女性店員(30歳ぐらい)が無愛想な感じで支払い方法を変更してくださいと言われました。 帰りの際も挨拶もなく、とても嫌な印象でもう行きたくありません。 せっかくオリジン弁当が好きなのに、残念でなりません。。
When a credit card payment method didn't work at a cash register, a female clerk (about 30 years old) asked me to change my payment method in a fussy way. I don't want to go anymore with no greeting on the way home and no disgusting impression. I'm sorry to like the origin lunch. .
山下謙二 on Google

品数豊富味美味しい‼しょうが焼弁当や計り売り等いろいろ❗コロッケの甘さ加減がgood 春巻き等々‼でも少しコスパ高い❗一人前1000円以内に納?めたい❕ここの味が好き‼他のオリジンは知りませんが何軒かの好みでない店も多々ありました❗店によって作る物味が違う‼️
Goods rich taste Delicious! Ginger baked lunch and selling price etc. Various ❗ The sweetness of croquette is good Good spring roll and so on! But a little cospa high ? I want to pay within 1,000 yen for a single person ❕ I like the taste here! I do not know other origins, but there were many shops that did not like it. 物 The taste made by the shop is different! A
Tom on Google

スペースはこじんまりですが、弁当揚げ物、サラダ類がぎっしりあります。 また、23時まで開いているので、遅い時間にも家で食事が取れ、駆け込み寺的なお店です。 また、分からなければ、店員さんが教えてくれるので初めてでも安心です。
The space is small, but there are plenty of fried lunch boxes and salads. Also, since it is open until 23:00, you can eat at home even late, and it is a rush temple-like shop. Also, if you don't understand, the clerk will tell you, so it's safe even for the first time.
もちっこもちこ on Google

I feel that the mackerel miso (single item) is very delicious and the cost performance is also good. The ginger-grilled lunch is also delicious. If you can make a reservation online, you don't have to wait at the store ... It's always crowded, so you have to wait about 10 to 15 minutes. It will be dense, so I want you to improve only that point.
yu on Google

今日はバターチキン、キーマを選択 どれも美味しくいただきました ただ今日は店員さんの機嫌が(´・ω・`)ショボーン
Today I chose butter chicken and keema Everything was delicious However, today the clerk is in a good mood (´ ・ ω ・ `) Shobon
有川今日子 on Google

At the end of work, I sometimes buy side dishes for dinner, but they are all delicious. It's a menu that is well thought out in terms of nutrition.

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