
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魚寅本店

住所 :

Minamisaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0005 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 4–9PM
Sunday 4–9PM
Monday 4–9PM
Tuesday 4–9PM
Wednesday 4–9PM
Thursday 4–9PM
Friday 4–9PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Minamisaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0005 Kanagawa,Japan
& YM AD on Google

日曜日21時〜なのにほぼ満席。 物凄い活気のあるお店。 本日のオススメの紙にずらっと オススメ魚が書いてある。 お店の方がきっちり調理しているのだろう、厨房の様子も見える。 昔はこういう居酒屋が主流だったなーと思った。 大型チェーン店の味気無い刺し身なんて食べる気しないが、このようなお店なら間違いない。 ちなみに、唐揚げの味付けも最高でした!
It's almost full from 21:00 on Sunday. A tremendously lively shop. Today's recommended paper Recommended fish are written. You can also see the state of the kitchen, probably because the shop is cooking properly. I thought that such izakaya was the mainstream in the old days. I don't feel like eating bland sashimi from a large chain store, but there is no doubt that it is such a store. By the way, the seasoning of fried chicken was also the best!
nori katochan-pe on Google

I often use it for drinking parties with my colleagues at the company. Mainly fish and the fish dishes themselves are delicious! There is also an izakaya menu, so you won't get tired of what you eat. ◎ There are various drinks, so you can eat and drink. The food is voluminous and you can go home with satisfaction. My recommendation is natto tempura, kakiage, and crab fried rice. Especially the crab fried rice is delicious with seasoning like a Chinese restaurant! I often eat it. Nowadays, due to the influence of Corona, there are times when the number of staff is less than before, and drinks are sometimes delayed, but if you urge them, they will respond immediately without making an unpleasant face. I want you to do your best. Ah ... I can smoke in the seat, so I recommend it to those who smoke. I'm in the top 3 of my own Yokohama.
johnmack24 Y on Google

常連のためにあるようなお店。常連には良い席を提供し他の客がオーダーにいくら呼んでも来ず、常連とお喋りに余念がなく、全くホールが機能していない。 オーダー時もタメ口で横柄だし、いくら味が良くても全く意味がない。 一生行くことは無いでしょう。
A shop like that for regulars. They provided good seats to the regulars, no matter how many other customers called for orders, they were busy talking to the regulars, and the hall wasn't working at all. Even when ordering, it is arrogant with a tame mouth, and no matter how good the taste is, it makes no sense. You won't go there for the rest of your life.
W K on Google

料理はとても美味しかったです。ただ、ホールと厨房の連携がうまくいっていないのか、着席後いきなり30分以上待たされました。以降も同じような提供の遅さです。店の入りは半分ほどなのにです。 また、それ以上に不満だったのが、森、萩原というホール店員です。客に対して非常に高圧的かつぞんざいな態度で、本当に最悪でした。 他の店員さんは非常に丁寧な対応で良かったです。 料理は美味しく基本的に店員さんも丁寧な対応ですが、その一部ホール店員のために不快になるため、しばらくは行かないと思います。
The food was very good. However, I had to wait for more than 30 minutes suddenly after sitting down, probably because the coordination between the hall and the kitchen was not working well. After that, it is the same slowness of provision. The number of people in the store is about half. Even more dissatisfied was the hall clerk named Mori and Hagiwara. It was really the worst, with a very high-pressure and awkward attitude towards the customers. It was good that the other clerk was very polite. The food is delicious and the clerk is basically polite, but I don't think I'll go there for a while because some of the hall clerk makes me uncomfortable.
gland on Google

コスパよし!が、安いけど沢山頼んだら薄利多売で結構かかります。 店員は下町感溢れて基本大雑把です。 客も多いので、コロナ禍を考えると危ない。 牡蠣とかは美味いし、また行きたいお店ではある
Cospa is good! However, although it is cheap, if you ask for a lot, it will cost you a lot with low profit and high sales. The clerk is full of downtown feeling and is basically rough. Since there are many customers, it is dangerous considering the corona disaster. Oysters are delicious and I want to go there again
karasawa fumiyo on Google

駅から近く、料理も美味しく日本酒も種類豊富です。 写真はカラスミ大根ですが大きくて絶品! 店員さんも気さくに話しかけてくれます。 混んでるので2時限で出されてしまいますが?
It is close to the station, the food is delicious, and there is a wide variety of sake. The photo shows Karasumi radish, but it's big and exquisite! The clerk also talks to me kindly. Because it is crowded, it will be issued in 2 time periods ?
村松 賢太郎 on Google

Costly than expected.
Masahiro Omata on Google

so so good. egg rolled omlet is very good!!

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