家族葬 千の風 尼崎南武庫之荘ホール - Amagasaki

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 家族葬 千の風 尼崎南武庫之荘ホール

住所 :

Minamimukonoso, Amagasaki, 〒661-0033 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 661-0033
Webサイト : https://1000kaze.jp/1000kaze/kansai/amagasaki/service/mukonosou/
街 : Hyogo

Minamimukonoso, Amagasaki, 〒661-0033 Hyogo,Japan
yucca yukka on Google

担当は田窪さんでした 父が誕生日だったのに 気付いて下さりケーキを 用意して頂き家族一同とても 感激しました
The person in charge was Mr. Takubo Even though my father was on his birthday Please notice the cake The whole family is very prepared I was impressed
yasuko on Google

家族でゆっくり個人の思い出を語りあい、ゆっくりした葬儀ができました。 義父の葬儀で、義母と私の家族で宿泊しました。ホテルのような設備で、遺体を囲んで話したり、ドリンクサーバーもあってゆったりできました。 1日1組だけなので、亡くなった翌日に通夜はできず普通より1日遅い葬儀になりましたが、それがかえって良かった気もします。 斎場のスタッフがよく義母の思出話を聞いてくれて、遺影を選ぶ時も複数の写真のどれにするか悩む義母にずっと付き合ってくれて、良い遺影を選ぶことができました。 昔の写真を取り込んで、ディスプレイに一晩中流してくれたのも良かったです。 また、火葬後の手続きもポイントを教えてくれたので助かりました。 ありがとうございました。
The family slowly talked about their personal memories and had a funeral. At the funeral of my father-in-law, I stayed with my mother-in-law and my family. With facilities like a hotel, I could talk around the body and have a drink server. Because there was only one group per day, I could not wake up the day after I died and the funeral was one day later than usual, but I feel that it was rather good. The staff at the Seiba often listened to my mother-in-law's recollections, and when I chose the remains, I always went along with my mother-in-law who was worried about which of the multiple photos to use, so I was able to choose a good one. It was nice to take in old photos and stream them to the display all night long. Also, the procedure after the cremation was also helpful because it taught me the points. Thank you very much.
MMP MMP on Google

初めて喪主を務めましたが、スタッフ方々のご配慮、指導により滞る事なく済みました。 千の風を選び、本当に良かったです。
I served as a mourner for the first time, but thanks to the consideration and guidance of the staff, I was able to do without delay. I chose a thousand winds and it was really good.
中村優 on Google

Thank you for your help in a thousand winds. The funeral hall was beautiful and the flowers were decorated according to the pamphlet. The fee was about twice as much as the pamphlet set fee, but it was good to ask for a photo slide service etc. with one group per day and after-sales follow-up. By the way, if you put in a word of mouth, it will serve you a little, so the stars are high w
mikako Yagi on Google

綺麗で設備も整っていました。スタッフの方々も皆様親切丁寧な対応でした。 1日1組の利用というのも、他の利用者に気を使わず使えた点が良かったです。 ホールで担当いただいた支配人田窪祐子さんには大変お世話になりました。お陰様で無事に母を見送ることができました。家族一同感謝しております。
It was clean and well equipped. The staff were all kind and polite. It was good that I could use one group a day without worrying about other users. I am very grateful to Yuko Takubo, the manager who was in charge of the hall. Thanks to you, I was able to see off my mother safely. I am grateful to the whole family.
杉山聖子 on Google

The person in charge is Mr. Sawa. The other staff members were all very kind and we were able to have a satisfying funeral from the estimate to the end. Despite the large number of people who came, I was able to calmly hold the funeral for two days because of the measures taken against the corona.
まつむらさやか on Google

家族葬にて利用致しました。 こちらの会社と場所は初めて利用させて頂くのですが、1日1組限定ということで、気兼ねなく故人としっかりお別れする時間が取れました。 会館に泊まるのは初めてで、正直、あまり良いイメージはなかったのですが、こちらの施設は清潔感もあり、割と広めのスペースがあるように思いました。(最大6人まで泊まれるようです) 備品類もあったら良いなぁと思うものが常備されており(コロコロとか)助かりました。 スタッフの方たちも皆さん丁寧に対応下さったと思います。(未就学児が数人いましたが、全く嫌な顔もされず、優しく声かけも頂きました) また、故人に対してエピソードをアナウンスして下さる時には、スタッフの方も少し涙ぐんでおられたように思います。 個人的には気持ちに寄り添って頂いたようで嬉しく思いました。 故人との最期のお別れの時にも思い出にちなんだお心遣いをして下さり、嬉しい驚きでした。感謝しております。 ただ、お骨上げまでの間の昼食が慌ただしかったのと、アドバイスとして昼食までに時間がかかってしまうこと(昼食を食べれたのが14時過ぎていたので)を事前に伝えてもらえていれば、小さな子供たちに何かちょっと食べさせるお菓子を持っていたのになぁと思うのが、少し残念でした。
I used it at a family funeral. This is the first time I've used this company and place, but since it's limited to one group per day, I've had time to say goodbye to the deceased without hesitation. It was my first time to stay at the hall, and to be honest, I didn't have a very good image, but I thought that this facility had a clean feeling and had a relatively large space. (It seems that up to 6 people can stay) It was helpful to have equipment (such as rolling) that I wish I had. I think that all the staff were polite. (There were a few preschoolers, but I didn't have any unpleasant faces and kindly spoke to me.) Also, when the episode was announced to the deceased, I think the staff were a little weeping. Personally, I was glad that you were close to my feelings. It was a great surprise for me to take care of my memories even when I said goodbye to the deceased. I am grateful. However, if you let me know in advance that the lunch until the bones were raised was hectic and that it would take a long time to have lunch as an advice (because I ate lunch after 14:00). It was a little disappointing to think that I had some sweets to feed small children.
chachamaru on Google

家族葬で利用いたしました。 一日一組の完全に貸切状態なので気兼ねなくに利用できる点は素晴らしいです。 スタッフも丁寧な方が多く対応も文句なしです。 一点残念な点があるとするとお通夜とお葬式の食事がこちらの店舗指定の2店のみ(セットメニュー概ね4000円〜)しか対応しておらず、おつまみのみや子供の食べるようなメニューが少なかったのが残念でした。持ち込みも不可という事で、もし持ち込みを考えているのであれば他をお勧めします。
I used it for a family funeral. It is wonderful that you can use it without hesitation because it is completely reserved for one group a day. Many of the staff are polite and there is no complaint about the correspondence. One unfortunate point is that only the two restaurants designated by this store (set menus start at around 4000 yen) are available for wake-up and funeral meals, and there are few menus that only snacks and children can eat. That's too bad. It is not possible to bring it in, so if you are thinking of bringing it in, we recommend another one.

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