
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 権兵衛村

住所 :

Minamiminowa, Kamiina District, 〒399-4511 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Nagano

Minamiminowa, Kamiina District, 〒399-4511 Nagano,Japan
美崎由紀 on Google

年配のご夫婦がやっている地元の食事処。 ここのソースカツ丼は一風変わっている。 トンカツと言うと、手のひらの形のカツの大きさや、その厚さが凄いことでお店の看板メニューになる。 ここのトンカツの特徴はカツの形、それも手のひらでなく、まるでげんこつのような形。 げんこつなので固いイメージがあるけど、これがとても柔らかく、ソースカツ丼大はその大きさがとにかく凄い。 お腹を空かせ行かないと完食できないくらいの大きさです。 ソースカツ丼の他、十割蕎麦も美味しいです。 もう一つお店の名物は、分厚い鉄板で作ったという薪ストーブ。 これもデカいし、大き過ぎるのか、冬場でもけっこう暑いそうです。 一見価値ありです。
A local restaurant run by an elderly couple. The sauce cutlet bowl here is unusual. Speaking of pork cutlet, the size of the palm-shaped cutlet and its thickness make it a signboard menu of the shop. The characteristic of the pork cutlet here is the shape of the cutlet, which is not the palm of your hand, but the shape of a pork cutlet. It's hard, so it has a solid image, but it's very soft, and the size of the sauce cutlet bowl is just amazing. It's so big that you can't finish it unless you're hungry. Besides the sauce cutlet bowl, 100% buckwheat noodles are also delicious. Another specialty of the shop is the wood-burning stove, which is made from a thick iron plate. This is also big, and maybe it's too big, it seems to be quite hot even in winter. It's worth a look.
ひろ on Google

すっげえ ストーブがある とうちゃん手造り! 暖かいんだろうね?と、 かあちゃんに訊いたら 熱くて近くには居られないそうだ 天婦羅サービスしてもらいました (星は蕎麦評価)
Great There is a stove Tou-chan handmade! Isn't it warm? When, If you ask mom It ’s so hot that I ca n’t stay nearby. I got a tempura service (Stars are soba evaluation)
かきはらのりこ(ノンたん) on Google

私はお蕎麦とミニカツ丼のセット 連れ合いはお蕎麦大盛と肉厚カツ丼を頼みました‼️ お蕎麦は香りとほのかに甘味もありお汁無しでも十分美味しく、ソースカツ丼も肉厚なのに中まで程よく火が入りとてもボリューミーでジューシーでした。 大満足です。 お店の店主ご夫婦もとても優しく、食後のサービスの珈琲や帰りに、アルパカちゃんを見て帰ってね✨と気さくに声掛けして下さいました。又訪れたいです☺️
I'm a set of soba and mini cutlet bowl For my companion, I ordered a large serving of soba noodles and a thick katsudon! ️ The soba had a fragrance and a slight sweetness, and it was delicious enough without soup. Even though the sauce cutlet bowl was thick, it was cooked moderately to the middle and was very volumey and juicy. I am very satisfied. The owner and his wife of the shop were also very kind, and they kindly asked me to go home after seeing Alpaca-chan for coffee and on the way home after meals. I want to visit again ☺️
岩村満男 on Google

ざるそばもソースカツ丼も美味しくいただきました ソースカツ丼(肉厚)拳くらいあり 箸で持つのも重かったです 柔らかくておいしかったです
釣山伸一 on Google

When I wanted to have lunch, I saw it, so I stopped by. It's a shop that looks okay. The inside is quite unique. I ordered 100% buckwheat noodles. Tempura was a service. I was happy because I wanted to eat soba in Shinshu. It seems to be run by a married couple, but when they got used to it, they were quite friendly. It is located along National Highway 361, where you can see the Southern Alps.
ぽてちん on Google

以前から権兵衛トンネルを利用する際に行き帰りに見て気になっていたお店でした。口コミをチラッと見た際、メニューにあじフライ定食があるのを見つけて今日の昼ごはんはここに決めました。 まさに正午に到着すると広い駐車場に車がポツポツと停まっているだけで中に入ったらご夫婦のお客様がひと組だけでなんとも静かな店内でした。そうそうここは引き戸を開けると玄関になっていてスリッパに履き替えです。手指消毒用アルコールも準備されていました。店内は広くテーブル席に囲炉裏を囲む席、お座敷ありとなっていて超大型のストーブが店内をぽかぽかぽかぽか暖めていました。こちらのイチオシはカツ丼、お蕎麦のようですが迷わずあじフライ定食を注文しました。窓から見える青空と南アルプスの山なみを見ながらお茶を飲んでいるとほどなくしてあじフライ定食が運ばれてきました。あじフライの衣はサクサク食感で噛むとホロホロとアジの身が崩れて味わいがあって美味しかったです。ソースが付いてきたのでソースをかけていただきましたが2枚あったので1枚は醤油をかけて食べてみたかったです。ご飯はちょっとかための炊きあがりになっていましたがあじフライのホロホロ食感とごはんのしっかり食感が相まって好食感でした。お味噌汁は少し渋みを遠くに感じる塩味ちょい強めの味わいでした。小鉢のきんぴらは名脇役的な一品でした。お会計をしようと席を立つと「コーヒーをお持ちしますよ。」と女性スタッフの方が声をかけてくれました。改めて出された熱々のコーヒーをいただきながら南アルプスの山並みと青空を眺めることができゆっくりと食事をいただくことができました。次回はカツカレーがいいかなぁなどと思いながら会計をして帰ってきました。お店から見えるロケーション、お料理の味、お会計の金額、オススメのお店となりましたが混雑するようになったら嫌だなぁと思うあまり知られてほしくないお店でした。ごちそうさまでした。 2022.3.11 「カツカレーを食べたい」と思い立って権兵衛村へ来ました。カツカレー(200g)をお願いすると「辛くていい?」と聞いてくださったので「お願いします。」と返事をしました。厨房から揚げ物を揚げる音を聞きながら待っているとなんとも言えない美味しそうな香りをまとったカツカレーが運ばれて来ました。甘み、酸味、辛み、塩味、いろんな味わいがひとつに交わり合って美味しいを醸し出していました。カツはサクサク衣に包まれた柔らか歯応えの美味しさいっぱいの熱々カツでした。ごちそう様でした。(^o^)
It was a shop that I had been interested in when I went back and forth when using the Gonbei tunnel. When I glanced at the word of mouth, I found that there was a fried horse mackerel set meal on the menu and decided today's lunch here. When I arrived at noon, the car was just parked in a large parking lot, and when I went inside, it was a quiet shop with only one couple. Oh yeah, when you open the sliding door, it becomes the entrance and you can change to slippers. Alcohol for hand disinfection was also prepared. The inside of the store was wide with table seats, seats surrounding the hearth, and a tatami room, and a super-large stove warmed the inside of the store warmly. This recommendation is like katsudon and soba, but I ordered the fried horse mackerel set meal without hesitation. As soon as I was drinking tea while looking at the blue sky seen from the window and the mountains of the Southern Alps, a fried horse mackerel set meal was brought in. The batter of Aji fry was delicious because it had a crispy texture and the body of horse mackerel and horse mackerel crumbled when chewed. Since the sauce came with it, I had it sprinkled with sauce, but since there were two, I wanted to sprinkle soy sauce on one. The rice was cooked a little hard, but the texture of the fried horse mackerel and the firm texture of the rice combined to make it a good texture. Miso soup had a slightly strong salty taste with a bit of astringency in the distance. Kinpira in a small bowl was a supporting role. When I stood up to make a payment, a female staff member said, "I'll bring you coffee." I was able to enjoy a relaxing meal while enjoying the hot coffee served again and looking at the mountains and blue sky of the Southern Alps. Next time, I came back after accounting, thinking that Katsu curry would be good. The location you can see from the restaurant, the taste of the food, the amount of the bill, and the recommended restaurant, but I don't want it to be crowded, so I didn't want it to be known. Thank you for the meal. 2022.3.11 I came to Gonbei Village thinking "I want to eat cutlet curry". When I asked for cutlet curry (200g), he asked me "Is it spicy?", So I replied "Please." Katsu curry with a delicious scent that can not be said to be waiting while listening to the sound of deep-fried food from the kitchen was brought in. Sweetness, sourness, spiciness, saltiness, and various flavors were mixed together to create deliciousness. The cutlet was a hot cutlet wrapped in crispy batter and full of deliciousness with a soft texture. thank you for the food. (^ o ^)
hiha (hirohiha1313) on Google

令和3年8月の日曜日 流石に肉厚カツ丼は2個でギブアップでした。400グラム有るそうで割り箸で持っているだけでキツイですよ。(笑) 子供のゲンコツ位の肉の固まり4個これだけ分厚いカツなので1度茹でてから揚げてると思います。中までちゃんと火が通ってます。 味はともかく隠れ家みたいなお店で穴場ですね。最後にはコーヒーサービスで油を流してくれます。 お店は2人で回しているみたいでご主人が最後にげた箱まで見送ってくれました。 アルパカが奥にいるから見ていってと言われました。アットホームなご夫婦のお店です。 今度は無理しないでカツカレー食べに来ます。 カツ丼食べた後は皆さん可愛いアルパカが4匹いますよ。是非‼️
Sunday, August 3rd, Reiwa It was a give-up with two thick katsudon. It seems that it weighs 400 grams, so it's tough just to have it with disposable chopsticks. (smile) 4 chunks of meat that are about the size of a child's genkotsu This is a thick cutlet, so I think it's boiled once and then fried. It's cooked to the inside. Aside from the taste, it's a little-known place like a hideaway. At the end, the coffee service will flush the oil. It seems that the shop is being run by two people, and the owner sent me off to the last box. I was told to watch it because the alpaca is in the back. It is a homely couple's shop. Next time, don't overdo it and come to eat katsu curry. After eating Katsudon, there are 4 cute alpaca. I'd love to! ️
味噌汁大臣 on Google

This is Gonbei Village, a soba restaurant that I went to during my trip to Nagano. The soba was delicious in Nagano, the home of the stone. No, I was surprised at the size of the cutlet. It's bigger than you can see in the picture. It is a tremendous volume. I have never seen this size. And it's cheap. There are a lot of clocks and I don't know what time it is. If you want to eat big cutlet when you go to Nagano, be sure to stop by.

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