キンライサー 大阪本店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About キンライサー 大阪本店





  • 東京ガスIT4210KRSSWCM
  • 大阪ガス(N)44-380
  • リンナイRUF-2400SAW
  • ノーリツGT-2422SAWX
  • パロマFH-241AWD
  • パーパスGS-H2402W-1

Contact キンライサー 大阪本店

住所 :

Minamikaneden, Suita, 〒564-0044 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.kyutooki.com/
街 : Osaka

Minamikaneden, Suita, 〒564-0044 Osaka,Japan
のりこ on Google

突然のエラー14表示で給湯器が使えなくなりました。4社様に相見積をお願いしましたところ、お見積もりはもとよりレスポンスの早さもお電話のご対応も全てが1番でした。深刻な給湯器不足の折でしたが我が家の対応製品を探して下さり、工事日時も早くご対応して下さり本当にありがたかったです。事前連絡も当日の到着予定電話もあり安心できました。お電話で相談してくださった方も、施行に来てくださった方も明るく丁寧で好感の持てるにこやかな方で、初めから終わりまで気持ちよく対応してくださいました。お会計も現金、クレジットと選ぶことができました。 給湯器工事だけでなく水回り全般、外壁屋根工事もしておられるとの事(チラシを頂きました)、自宅はもとより貸家のメンテナンス等でもお世話になりたいと思います。 親類、知人、会社の人、あちこちにお奨めしたいと思います!
Sudden error 14 display makes the water heater unusable. When we asked the four companies for a quotation, not only the quotation but also the quick response and the telephone response were all the best. It was a serious shortage of water heaters, but I was really grateful that you searched for a compatible product for my home and responded quickly to the construction date and time. I was relieved because there was an advance notice and a phone call scheduled to arrive on the day. Both the person who consulted by phone and the person who came to the enforcement were cheerful, polite, and smiling, and they responded comfortably from the beginning to the end. I was able to choose cash or credit for payment. Not only the water heater construction, but also the general water supply and exterior wall roof construction (I received a leaflet), I would like to take care of not only the home but also the maintenance of the rental house. I would like to recommend it to relatives, acquaintances, company people, and so on!
tomoko takayama on Google

給湯器の納品がいつになるかわからない状況の中、キンライサーだけが明確な返事をくださり、手配して2/19に交換工事が終了しました。 電話口に出られた方も工事をして下さった方もとても親切で、安心してお任せできました。 本当にありがとうございました?
In a situation where we did not know when the water heater would be delivered, only Kinriser gave us a clear reply, and we made arrangements to complete the replacement work on February 19. The person who answered the phone and the person who did the construction were very kind, and I was able to leave it with confidence. Thank you so much ?
keita onishi on Google

給湯器の生産が間に合わず、納期がかなり遅れると言われながらも、予約を入れて僅か一ヵ月で納品&取り替え工事完了。 年内は完全に諦めていましたが、安心して年末年始を迎えることができます。 工事ご担当者様もとても親切丁寧で、安心してお任せする事が出来ました。 本当にありがとうございました。
Although it is said that the production of the water heater is not in time and the delivery date is considerably delayed, the delivery and replacement work is completed in just one month after making a reservation. I had completely given up during the year, but I can feel at ease during the year-end and New Year holidays. The person in charge of construction was also very kind and polite, and I was able to leave it to him with confidence. I'm really thankful to you.
さわい家 on Google

Seven and a half years after the new construction, there was a water leak from the EcoCute heat pump unit, and I made an estimate from three locations, but Kinlycer was extremely cheap. I was worried because it was cheap, but the people who came to the construction responded well, and I was worried about the delivery date because it was said that there were few semiconductors, but I was able to use the hot water safely in about a week from the estimate ⭐︎
日高洋史 on Google

In December, my water heater sometimes got an error, and I knew the news of the water heater shortage, so if you contact me as soon as possible, I will give you a very kind and polite explanation. Even though it was the end of the year, I was very happy that I was able to come to the site immediately and complete the construction work early in the new year. Thank you so much for being able to spend your time comfortably from the beginning of the year!
noriko s on Google

I was worried about the shortage of water heaters in the news, but the water heater that I used for 20 years suddenly broke down. It's good to go to a public bath once in a while, but it's hard every day. In a hurry, I looked up various things and called. Most of the respondents said that they did not know when the construction date would be because there was a shortage of water heaters, but they were in stock. The construction date was as early as desired, and the construction was completed before the public bath coupons were used up. The exchanges were smooth, and the people who were constructed were kind and polite. The 10-year warranty is also attractive. I'm glad I asked.
tomoko idei on Google

18年半使用していた給湯器が、昨年くらいから異音がしたりしていたので、交換しないといけないと思いながらのんびりしていたら、テレビなどで給湯器の在庫がコロナで少ないと知り、調べ始めた頃に、年末の寒い時に給湯器にエラーが出て、お湯がでたりでなかったり、その際すぐ3軒くらいに見積りをお願いしたところ、キンライサーさんは、対応機種の在庫が全くないので、2月ごろに入荷するかもしれないのでもう一度お電話いただけますか?とおっしゃってくださり、2月にすぐお電話したところ、 私の見積もりの後に状況が一気にかわってしまい、希望機種なら夏以降になってしまうこと、希望以外の機種であれば、入荷数がとても少ないため、お値段は少しあがってしまいますが、対応機種がご用意できますとおっしゃってくださり、工事時も2日後に設定してくださりました。しかし、注文したその日に私が発熱したため、コロナだといけないので、すぐに連絡をいれると、工事日をすぐに変更くださいました。とても対応が早く安心できました。 その後、コロナ陰性だったのと、また給湯器にエラーが出てしまったので、お電話で相談したところ、2日後には工事を施工していただきました。 本当に本当にたすかりました。 今は安心してお湯を使えます^ - ^ 工事に来てくださった方も、定期的にPCRを受けておられるそうで、安心できました。 本当に対応が早くて、説明等もきちんとしてくださるので、とても安心です。 支払いは現金とクレジットカードを選ぶことができました。 本当にこの度はありがとうございました^ - ^
The water heater that I had been using for 18 and a half years had been making strange noises since about last year, so if I was relaxing thinking that I had to replace it, I learned from TV etc. that the water heater stock was low in Corona. When I started to investigate, an error occurred in the water heater when it was cold at the end of the year, and hot water did not come out. So, it may arrive around February, so can you call me again? When I called immediately in February, The situation changed at once after my estimate, and if it is a desired model, it will be after summer, and if it is a model other than the desired model, the number of arrivals is very small, so the price will rise a little, but compatible models He said that we could prepare it, and he set it up two days after the construction. However, because I had a fever on the day I ordered it, I had to use Corona, so when I contacted him immediately, he immediately changed the construction date. I was relieved that the response was very quick. After that, I had a negative corona and an error occurred in the water heater, so I consulted by phone and had the construction work done two days later. I really really enjoyed it. Now you can use hot water with confidence ^ --^ I was relieved that the people who came to the construction also received PCR on a regular basis. I am very relieved because the response is really quick and the explanations are neat. I could choose cash or credit card for payment. Thank you very much for this time ^ --^
D TAKE on Google

There was no particular problem with the water heater in my house, but since it has been 15 years since it was installed, I decided to replace it before it failed. I got a phase estimate from four companies and it was the second cheapest in terms of price, but I decided on Kinraiser because the telephone response was the best. The person who came to the installation feels good, and I am satisfied with the quick replacement work. It was also attractive that it had a 10-year warranty and was available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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