メンズクリア 堺東店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

【堺東店】ヒゲ脱毛・男性全身脱毛は通い放題のメンズクリア - Mensclear.com


Contact メンズクリア 堺東店

住所 :

Minamihanadaguchicho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0075 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト : https://mensclear.com/salons/osaka-sakaihigashi/
街 : Osaka

Minamihanadaguchicho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0075 Osaka,Japan
てるなお on Google

予約時間から待ち時間なく案内、施術がされるので ストレスなく通えます。
Since guidance and treatment will be performed without waiting time from the reserved time You can go without stress.
kunio on Google

ヒゲ脱毛2年全身脱毛一年通い放題プランで契約したのですが、始めの9ヶ月ほどはそこそこ予約がとれていたのですが、ここ3〜4ヶ月、仕事の都合もあり土日しか行けないので全く予約が取れません、このまま予約が取れない日々が続くのでしょうか! どうにかしてほしいです。
I signed up for an all-you-can-eat plan for 2 years of beard hair removal and 1 year of whole body hair removal, but I had made a reasonable reservation for the first 9 months, but for the past 3-4 months, I can only go on Saturdays and Sundays due to work reasons. I can't make a reservation at all, will the days when I can't make a reservation continue? I want you to do something about it.
denka kunka on Google

ヒゲ脱毛2年契約で通っていますが、スタッフの方々の対応も丁寧で非常に気持ちよく利用できています。 他の部位も脱毛したい時はこちらでまたお願いしたいと思っています。
I have a two-year contract for beard hair removal, but the staff are polite and very comfortable to use. If you want to remove hair from other parts, I would like to ask you again here.
masa 。 on Google

毛が薄くなるのは少しずつですが実感できてますが、 予約が本当にとれません。そんな説明もなく。お金がもったいなくて焦ってます。 高いお金払ってるのに契約から半年の時点で5回ほどしかいけてません。 なんとかしてください。他の場所で契約したらよかった、と後悔してます。
I can feel that the hair is getting thinner little by little, but I can't really make a reservation. Without such an explanation. I'm impatient because I don't want to waste money. Even though I am paying a lot of money, I have only been able to do it about 5 times in half a year since the contract. Do something. I regret that I should have signed the contract elsewhere.
k 1511 on Google

I can only go on Saturdays and Sundays because of my work, but I can't make reservations for a long time. The situation is like throwing away money every month. The all-you-can-eat period will end if you wait for the day when you can make a reservation. How pretty is it?
th com on Google

1年弱通い、かなり効果を実感できました! 気になるところを部分的に通い続けます! スタッフの方たちも気さくで通いやすいと思います!
After less than a year, I was able to feel the effect! I will continue to go through some of the places I care about! I think the staff are also friendly and easy to go to!
今日から俺は on Google

ヒゲ脱毛で通い始めて1年半近くが過ぎましたが、まだ半分も量が減っていません。毎回スタッフ変わるから施術方法も変わるし通いまくらないと行けないし交通費もかかるので他にすれば良かったです。 予約もなかなか取れません。 考えてる方は是非医療脱毛にしましょう。
It's been almost a year and a half since I started going for hair removal with a beard, but the amount hasn't decreased by half yet. Since the staff changes every time, the treatment method also changes, and I have to go through it, and transportation costs are high, so I should have done something else. It's hard to make a reservation. If you are thinking about it, let's do medical hair removal.
ゆすけ on Google

はじめての脱毛で通いやすい、コスパがいい、お店の雰囲気がいいという理由で当店を選びました。 通い始めて1年になりますが、効果も実感できて非常に満足しております。 これからも通い続けたいと思います!
I chose our shop because it is easy to go to for the first time hair removal, the cost performance is good, and the atmosphere of the shop is good. It's been a year since I started going, and I'm very satisfied with the effect. I would like to continue to attend!

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