株式会社 ヒロックラボ デザイン オフィス

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社 ヒロックラボ デザイン オフィス

住所 :

Minamiaoyama, Minato City, 〒107-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://hirock-lab.com/
街 : Tokyo

Minamiaoyama, Minato City, 〒107-0062 Tokyo,Japan
jezza nissank on Google

Eiko Kat on Google

The quality was not good
JAPAN 森SHEN on Google

I like the design. Also, I would like to ask you when creating a landing page.

納期が短い中、こちらの無理な要望にも真摯に対応していただきありがとうございました。 デザインも良く評判も非常に良いです!
Thank you for responding sincerely to this unreasonable request while the delivery time is short. The design is good and the reputation is very good!
橋本裕樹 on Google

We asked Hirok Lab to renew our homepage. Thank you for your quick response during the creation process. Also, I was asked to create something that was very satisfying in terms of workmanship. In the future, I would like to ask for leaflets and so on. Thank you very much.
HaL on Google

当社のHP更新を依頼しましたが、斬新な提案、細かな要望に対する迅速な対応で出来栄えは大満足!コスパも優秀でした。 また機会があったら依頼したいと思います。
We requested an update of our website, but we are very satisfied with the result with our innovative proposals and quick response to detailed requests! The cost performance was also excellent. I would like to request it again if I have the opportunity.
FP前島香苗 on Google

ホームページの制作をお願いしました。 ファイナンシャルプランニング事業のホームページは堅いイメージのものが多いため、初めから「あえてファイナンシャルプランニング事業らしくないもの」を希望しており、女性の目に留まってほしいということから、言葉よりも雰囲気で伝えるホームページをということでお願いしました。 出来上がりはイメージに近く、友人からは「女性デザイナーが作ったと思った」とビックリされたほどです。 男性目線のデザインはもちろん得意とするところだとは思いますが、女性目線でのデザインも制作してもらえるデザイン会社であると思います。
I asked you to make a homepage. Many of the homepages of the financial planning business have a solid image, so from the beginning I wanted something that was not like a financial planning business, and I wanted it to be noticed by women, so I wanted to create a homepage that conveys the atmosphere rather than words. I asked for it. The finished product was close to the image, and my friend surprised me that I thought it was made by a female designer. Of course, I think that I am good at designing from a male perspective, but I think that it is a design company that can also produce designs from a female perspective.
坂本匡史 on Google

I asked you to make a homepage for the first time. I think that I was a customer who had high hopes and commitment even without that knowledge. So, honestly, there was a gap between me, who has always been concerned about what the final form will look like, and this company, who responded as a professional. However, the response was consistent from beginning to end, I was able to get appropriate answers to the questions, I was able to respond to requests for special designs, and he responded immediately when I requested ZOOM. Was a relief for me as an amateur. For me, who is a manufacturer of architecture, the process is always accompanied by anxiety and dissatisfaction, but I think it is professional to evaluate how satisfying the final form is. In that sense, I think the compatibility was good. The problem that made me feel uneasy and dissatisfied was surprisingly easy to solve, so it may have been stress-free if I had you solve it in advance. As a result, I think we have a highly satisfying homepage without any compromises. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to releasing it in the future.

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