
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mihashiya

住所 :

Ekihigashi, Yahaba, Shiwa District, 〒028-3618 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899789
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Iwate

Ekihigashi, Yahaba, Shiwa District, 〒028-3618 Iwate,Japan
だいふく on Google

いつも店主の方が笑顔で迎えてくれる。 安いし美味しい。 お土産に買って電車に乗ったら、お好み焼きの匂いを車内に充満させてしまったので、電車やバスでの持ち運びはしない方が良いかと… 矢巾駅前の無料駐車場から買いに行くことをオススメします。
The shopkeeper always welcomes you with a smile. It's cheap and delicious. When I bought it as a souvenir and got on the train, the smell of okonomiyaki filled the inside of the car, so I thought it would be better not to carry it by train or bus ... We recommend that you go to buy from the free parking lot in front of Yahaba Station.
坂下博 on Google

厚切りベーコンが好きでよくたべてます! 昔ながらの懐かしいそっけなさ(いい意味で)と、変わり種の日替わりおすすめが中々外しません。 値段もかなりお手頃なので是非小腹を満たしてください!
I like thick sliced ​​bacon and eat it well! The old-fashioned nostalgia (in a good way) and the unusual daily recommendations are not to be missed. The price is quite reasonable, so please fill your stomach!
Hiroyuki Takisawa on Google

うすやきと大判焼が代表メニューのお店です。非常にリーズナブルで食べごたえがあり、学生にも人気のお店です。大判焼以外ではうすやき、スティックドーナツなどがあり、手で持って気軽に食べるものを中心に取り扱っています。小腹が空いた時などにピッタリのお店なのではないかと思います。 大判焼の見た目はとりたてて特徴がありませんが、それだけにバランスが良い品でした。外側の生地はやや固めでしっかりとした少し香ばしいものでした。柔らかめのものより少し香ばし目の大判焼が好きな人にはよく合うと思います。あんこは適度な甘さのつぶあんです。その他、キムチチーズなどのユニークな品もあります。 小さなお店で店内に席などはありませんが、ヤハバル内に座れるスペースがあり、すぐそばの矢幅駅構内でも座ることができます。高校生などがこちらで購入した商品をよくそのあたりで食べているのを見ることができると思います。 支払いは現金のみです。
It is a restaurant with a representative menu, Usuyaki and large format. It is a very reasonable, well-eatened restaurant that is popular with students. Other than large-format yaki, there are thin sticks, stick donuts, etc., and we handle mainly things that you can hold by hand and feel free to eat. I think it is a perfect shop when you are hungry. Although the appearance of the large-format ware has no distinctive features, it was a well-balanced product. The dough on the outside was a little firm and firm and a bit fragrant. I think that it goes well with people who prefer large-size baked fragrant eyes a little more than soft ones. Anko is boil of moderate sweetness. There are also other unique items such as kimchi cheese. There is no space in the small shop, but there is a space where you can sit in Yahabar, and you can also sit in the nearby Yabari Station premises. I think I can see that high school students often eat the products they bought here. Payment is cash only.
こうちゃん on Google

Whenever I go to Yabuki, I always stop by. It is very popular with adults, children and students, with its old-fashioned simple taste and new limited menu. The uncle and the clerk of the shop are all kind.
on Google

学生時代部活帰りによく大判焼きとか薄焼きとか食べてたなぁ☺️ 懐かしいなぁ?最近はいってないけどまた行ってみようかなぁ?
When I was a student, I used to eat large-sized and thin-sized grills on my way home from club activities. I miss you ? I haven't been there lately, but I wonder if I should go again ?
のんびりのんの on Google

うすやきのしょうゆ¥180!モチモチの生地で最高においしい!! コロナ禍でお祭りの出店もなくなりさみしいですが、ここにくればいつでも食べられます♪ 出店より安くておいしい!!そしてお店の方々もほんわかしていて素敵でした。
Light soy sauce ¥ 180! The chewy dough is the most delicious! !! It's sad that the festival isn't open due to the corona, but if you come here, you can eat it anytime ♪ Cheaper and tastier than opening a store! !! And the people in the shop were also warm and nice.
Toshi Ito on Google

タピオカみるく、美味しいよ~ あんこ、キムチーズ、厚切りベーコンの大判焼き、それと薄焼き(昔懐かしのお好み焼き)は必ず購入しています。
Tapioca milk is delicious ~ I always buy red bean paste, kim cheese, large-sized thick-sliced ​​bacon, and thin-baked okonomiyaki (old-fashioned okonomiyaki).
soichi miyata on Google

初めて寄りました。 昔ながらの美味しい大判焼き、薄焼きが買えます。 店内飲食はできなそうですが、ヤハバル内のベンチで食べれそうです。
I stopped by for the first time. You can buy old-fashioned delicious large-sized and thin-sized grills. It seems that you cannot eat or drink in the store, but you can eat it on the bench in Yahabar.

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