スイミングクラブ ルネサンス 新所沢

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スイミングクラブ ルネサンス 新所沢

住所 :

Miharacho, Tokorozawa, 〒359-0045 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.s-re.jp/shintokorozawa/
街 : Saitama

Miharacho, Tokorozawa, 〒359-0045 Saitama,Japan
村田恵子 on Google

I don't know the teacher's level yet, but the administrative level is the worst. When I decided to join the club, every time I called, I was told the same thing many times, are you all right? ? Becomes anxious.
a a on Google

The staff is conscient and can feel relieved at the swimming club where the family takes care of everything. However, the manners of taking parents' place to visit are the worst. I want that somehow
外園志穂 on Google

A 5-year-old boy goes to school. I think the hall is clean and comfortable. The parking lot was expanded a few years ago and the number of cars can be kept as it is. You can rest assured that the staff are polite.
髙橋佳之 on Google

ホリデー会員だったが、ホームページにも書いていない謎ルールにより成人会員だけ土曜日は夕方まで使えない。料金はそのまま。 日曜日は早く閉業するので、土日泳げると思って入会すると非常に失望する羽目になる。 子供がルール違反の遊びをし始めても、知らんぷりかスクール生の指導に夢中で全く気が付いていないのどちらか。 常にスクール生徒に対する怒号が飛び交う(中には聞くに堪えない人格否定もある) 癒しやリラックスを求める人には絶対に勧められない。 周りのすべてをシャットアウトして泳ぎだけに専念する人以外は無理。
Although he was a holiday member, only adult members cannot use it until the evening on Saturday due to a mystery rule that is not written on the homepage. The price remains the same. It closes early on Sundays, so if you think you can swim on Saturdays and Sundays and join, you will be very disappointed. When a child starts playing in violation of the rules, he is either ignorant or crazy about the guidance of school students and is completely unaware. There are always angry words about school students (some of them are unbearable personality denials) It is definitely not recommended for those seeking healing and relaxation. It is impossible except for those who shut out everything around them and concentrate on swimming.
ko-m on Google

子供のジュニアスクール料金がまた値上がりするらしい。 いらない動画機能ついて9000円越え。コナミより高くなる。都内のルネサンスでさえ7000円代なのになぜ所沢が。兄弟姉妹入れようと思ったけどここやめよ。
It seems that the junior school fee for children will increase again. Over 9000 yen for unnecessary video functions. It will be higher than Konami. Why is Tokorozawa even though the Renaissance in Tokyo costs 7,000 yen? I thought I'd put in my brothers and sisters, but stop here.
T Aki on Google

The wind is very careful outside, but inside is the same as usual and there are no special measures. There is no space between the students, and the school remains dense. There are many seeds of clusters. The tour corners for attendants are also spaced apart, but the number of people is not restricted and remains dense. It can only be said that infection control has not been taken comprehensively.
Y Holly on Google

所沢の老舗のスポーツクラブ。駐車場もきちんとあり、アクセス良いです。コーチの能力もかなり良い。 設備は古めですが、清掃はされていて清潔感はあります。カビだらけということもありません。健康になりに行っているのに不健康は一番良くないですからね。 また、水に潜れない子供でも、ちゃんと泳げるようになります。昔からたくさんの子供たちを指導してきた実績もあり、実力がある老舗プールです。 今後はカメラ撮影によるフォームなどの改善のために、設備投資で月謝が1000円ほど上がる、とのこと。泳げる人にとっては、タイム上昇で成果が実感しやすいですが、そのレベルにない人には有り難みがわかりづらいかも。そのため吉と出るか凶と出るかと(勝手ながら)心配しています。ビデオでこんな指導を受けたらこんな風に改善しました!といった利用者の声を紹介してみてはいかがでしょうか。 所沢市内の、同業他社の他プールにはない、新たな取組みなので、ぜひ生かしてほしいです。画像流出防止などの防犯対策もお願いします。
A long-established sports club in Tokorozawa. There is a proper parking lot and it is easy to access. The coach's ability is also quite good. The facilities are old, but they are clean and clean. It's not full of mold. I'm going to be healthy, but unhealthy is not the best. Also, even children who cannot dive in water will be able to swim properly. It is a well-established pool with a track record of teaching many children from long ago. In the future, the monthly fee will increase by about 1000 yen due to capital investment in order to improve the form etc. by shooting with a camera. For those who can swim, it is easy to realize the results by increasing the time, but for those who are not at that level, it may be difficult to understand the gratitude. Therefore, I am worried (although it is selfish) whether it will be good or bad. When I received this kind of guidance in the video, it improved like this! Why don't you introduce the voices of users such as? This is a new initiative in Tokorozawa that is not found in other pools of other companies in the same industry, so I would like you to make use of it. Please also take security measures such as preventing image leakage.
たた on Google

いつもスタッフの対応がとても悪いです。忘れ物があるか確認したらないと言われたのに数日後電話がかかってきて早く忘れ物を取りに来いと、、、。確認したらないと言われたのですがと言ったら謝りもせず電話を頂いた後に見つかったのかもと言われた。(電話確認したより前から忘れ物を預かっているとスタッフが最初に話していたのでそれは嘘です)スタッフ間での報連相は全然なっていない感じです。電話もいつも喧嘩腰な物言いで不愉快。ママ友みんな言ってますよ。いつも喧嘩腰で言われると。 動画でフォームが見れるという無駄なシステムで値上げするのに(強制ではなく必要な人が加入するか選べるようにしてください)、スタッフ、コーチの質は最悪。値上げするならまず接客対応を見直すべき。これは必須でお願いします。関わると不愉快になるスイミングスクール。
The staff is always very poor. I was told that I had to check if there was something left behind, but a few days later I got a call and wanted to pick up the thing left behind. I was told that I hadn't confirmed it, but I didn't apologize and was told that it might have been found after receiving the call. (It's a lie because the staff first told me that I had left behind before I confirmed the phone call.) It seems that there is no Ho-Ren-So between the staff. The phone is always unpleasant because of the quarreling words. All my mom friends are telling me. Whenever I'm told in a quarrel. The quality of the staff and coaches is the worst, even though the price is raised with a useless system where you can see the form in the video (please let the people who need it join or choose instead of compulsory). If you want to raise the price, you should first review the customer service. This is mandatory. A swimming school that makes you uncomfortable when you get involved.

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