Mihama Dental Clinic - Mikata District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mihama Dental Clinic

住所 :

62-32-1 Sata, Mihama, Mikata District, Fukui 919-1205, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 919-1205
Webサイト : http://www.mihama-dental.com/

62-32-1 Sata, Mihama, Mikata District, Fukui 919-1205, Japan
しばわん on Google

初めての歯医者さんは、ドキドキしますね。でも大丈夫でしたよ。 不安に思うことや疑問にも、丁寧に答えてくれて不安を取り除いてくれました?
The first dentist is thrilled. But it was okay. He politely answered my anxieties and questions and removed my anxiety ?
松岡芽衣 on Google

先生もスタッフの方々もすごく優しく、院内もキレイで雰囲気がすごく良かったです! 治療もていねいにやっていただくことができとても安心して治療が受けられました。
The teachers and staff were very kind, the hospital was clean and the atmosphere was very good! I was able to receive the treatment with great peace of mind because I was able to receive the treatment carefully.
清司 on Google

健康な歯を削り、むしり取られ とことん悪くされた! ここに来て歯医者恐怖症になり、なかなか他の歯医者にも行けなかった。 後にも先にも これほどの金儲け主義の歯科はなかった! 担当がコロコロ代わり、スタッフ間の連携も全く取れてない。 被害者の会を募りたいくらいです。 追記 知り合いの歯科衛生士に聞いたが、ここの院長は曲者すぎて、過去にスタッフが同時期に全員いっせいに辞めていたらしい。 その時は敦賀の いもじ歯科の院長(兄)に泣きついてスタッフを派遣してもらったらしい。 あと、院内感染のせいか、ある患者さんの治療中に顔面がぶくーっと腫れあがり、救急車を呼んだが、その患者さんは亡くなられている。 田舎の事なかれ主義か、ご遺族は みはまデンタルクリニックを訴えたりはしなかったようだ。 しかし、このような奴らに罰も与えずに放置しておくと、被害者の方が絶えることはないように思う。
I sharpened my healthy teeth and plucked them off. When I came here, I became phobic to dentists and couldn't go to other dentists. There was no such money-making dentistry later or earlier! The person in charge has changed, and there is no coordination between the staff. I would like to recruit a victims' association. Postscript I asked a dental hygienist I knew, but it seems that the director here was too tuned and all the staff had quit all at once at the same time in the past. At that time, it seems that the director (elder brother) of Imoji Dental Clinic in Tsuruga cried and dispatched a staff member. Also, probably because of a nosocomial infection, a patient's face swelled up during treatment and he called an ambulance, but the patient died. It seems that the bereaved family did not sue Mihama Dental Clinic, perhaps because of the countryside. However, if these people are left unpunished, the victims will never die.
ささ on Google

初めて美浜デンタルクリニックで治療をしていただきました 歯科衛生士さんも 歯科助手さんも 歯科医師さんも とても皆さん親切でした 笑顔で話しかけてくださいます 治療中も患者さんを第1に考えて進めてくれます 治療以外にも 自分にあった歯磨きの仕方を教えて下さり 綺麗にして返してくれます とても雰囲気がよく 今まで行った歯医者さんの中でも特に 良かったと思えます これからも美浜デンタルクリニックさんに お世話になりたいと思います ありがとうございました
I was treated at Mihama Dental Clinic for the first time Dental hygienist too Dental assistant too Dentist too Everyone was very kind Please talk with a smile Even during treatment, he / she puts the patient first and proceeds. Besides treatment Tell me how to brush your teeth Will clean and return Very nice atmosphere Especially among the dentists I've been to I think it was good To Mihama Dental Clinic from now on I would like to take care of you Thank you very much
Hi Amuse on Google

There is a feeling of cleanliness, and the staff are happy to say hello and talk to you even while waiting for the examination table, making it a very pleasant clinic! Occasionally, the teacher is irritated, changing staff, responding differently from the consultation, implant treatment, and sometimes feeling a little suspicious, and the pain after treatment comes out later. I hope I can have a more convincing medical examination.
紺汐菜 on Google

こないだ歯の治療(右下奥歯)に初診で行きました。他のところで治療してたことを伝え、レントゲンを何故か大きいのと小さいので撮られました(何か違いが?) その後仮のフタを取られ、またかぶせてもらったのですが、ズキズキします!!(それまでそこまでの痛みはありませんでした)被せ物をするのにも入れ歯かインプラントしかないと言われたのも謎です(ただお金取りたいだけ?)とりあえずお金払って痛くなってますので、有り得ません! 治療の方は行かない方がいいかと思います。土日祝さらに平日の水曜日もたまに休みみたいです。休みすぎでは?
I went to the treatment of my teeth (lower right molar) for the first time. I told him that I had been treated elsewhere, and the X-ray was taken because it was big and small for some reason (what's the difference?) After that, I had a temporary lid removed and put it on again, but it throbs. !! !! (I didn't have that much pain until then) It's a mystery that I was told that I only had dentures or implants to cover (I just want to get some money?) Hmm! I think it is better not to go for treatment. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and Wednesdays on weekdays also seem to be closed occasionally. Is it too much rest?
tarou sushi on Google

転勤のためしばらくの間、こちらのクリニックでお世話になりました。以前は大阪で通院していましたが、こちらの病院ほうが設備が充実していて、大変気持ちよく治療いていただけました。 追記 先日久々出張で近く行った際、メンテナンスに伺いましたが、丁寧に診察していただけました。 スタッフも増えた?のでしょうか。 活気があってよかったです。
I was taken care of at this clinic for a while due to my transfer. I used to go to the hospital in Osaka, but this hospital has more facilities and I was able to treat it very comfortably. Postscript The other day, when I went on a business trip for a while, I visited for maintenance, and he gave me a careful examination. Did the staff increase? Is it? I'm glad it was lively.
Masahide Nishikawa on Google

敦賀市内の歯科医院を転々としていましたが、となり町まで思いきって足を運んでみてよかったです。 女性スタッフの方の治療方針の説明がたいへん丁寧でした。メインの先生がお二人おられて、活気があるクリニックでした。 虫歯が治ってもまた通いたいです。
I used to go to the dental clinics in Tsuruga City, but I'm glad I went to the town next door. The explanation of the treatment policy of the female staff was very polite. It was a lively clinic with two main teachers. I want to go again even if my cavities are healed.

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