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Contact 旧水海道小学校本館

住所 :

Midoricho, Mito, 〒310-0034 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://rekishikan-ibk.jp/exhibition/mitsukaido-schoo/
街 : Ibaraki

Midoricho, Mito, 〒310-0034 Ibaraki,Japan
黒太銀次郎 on Google

I went to see that I would hold a projection mapping at the Icho Festival. From the middle of the show, a lot of ghosts appeared, and after all Mito Komon appeared, I thought that the show was fun for children.
chima renren on Google

文明開化の頃に建てられた、和洋折衷の擬洋風建築の旧水海道小学校本館です。 常総市から水戸にある茨城県立歴史館に移築されたものだそうです。 設計・施工した宮大工の羽田甚藏は女優羽田美智子さんの高祖父だそうだ。 館内には水海道小学校の歩みやルーツが展示されています。
This is the former Mizukaido Elementary School main building, which was built around the time of civilization and has a Japanese-Western style quasi-Western style architecture. It is said that it was relocated from Joso City to the Ibaraki Prefectural History Museum in Mito. Jinzo Haneda, a palace carpenter who designed and constructed it, is said to be the grandfather of actress Michiko Hada. The history and roots of Mizukaido Elementary School are exhibited in the museum.
ひでくんだよ on Google

立派な建物だね。ファミリーヒストリーで見たような?と思って調べたら、やっぱり羽田美智子さんの4代前のおじいさまが棟梁となって、建てられた小学校でした。屋根につく塔が特徴的ですね。 以下、出典はgooより 羽田家に関する資料が県の歴史館にあり、見つかったのは水海道にある報国寺の建設に関わる150年前の記録で、寺を建てた宮大工の棟梁の中に羽田安兵衛という人物がいて、美智子さんから遡ること5代前の先祖であることがわかった。 安兵衛の跡を継いだのが長男の甚藏で、美智子さんから遡ること4代前の高祖父にあたる。常総市立水海道小学校にある歴史の部屋には、甚藏さんによる建築の専門書が残されていた。 甚藏が33歳の時、手狭になった水海道小学校の改築を依頼された。地元の豪商などに寄付を募ると瞬く間に建築に必要な費用が集まり、町から甚藏への注文は当時流行していた洋風建築の校舎にして欲しいというものだった。横浜で数多くの洋風建築を見て、必死に研究したという。明治14年に水海道小学校が完成し、擬洋風建築と呼ばれる新しい建築様式だった。
It ’s a great building. Like you saw in family history? I thought that Michiko Haneda's 4th generation grandfather was the master of the building. The tower on the roof is characteristic. The following is from goo There is a document about the Haneda family in the prefectural history museum, and it was found 150 years ago concerning the construction of the Hokukoji temple on the Mizukai road. I found out that I was an ancestor before my fifth generation. The son of the eldest son who succeeded Yasubei's trace was Ms. Michiko, who was a grandfather before the fourth generation. In the historical room at the Joso City Mizuukaido Elementary School, there was an architectural book by Mr. Tsuji. When Tsuji was 33 years old, he was asked to renovate the narrow Mizukaido Elementary School. When we asked for donations from local local merchants, we quickly gathered the necessary expenses for construction, and orders from the town to Sakai wanted a Western-style architecture school building that was popular at the time. He looked at many Western-style buildings in Yokohama and researched desperately. The Mizukaido Elementary School was completed in 1890, and it was a new architectural style called pseudo-western architecture.
Kei Tani on Google

グランドピアノは保存の為非公開です。 ただ、歴史ある建物なので見る価値はあります
The grand piano is not open to the public for preservation. However, it is a historic building, so it is worth seeing.
じゃんぼちゃん【まやかし展覧会】 on Google

It was a nice building with modern Western architecture. Inside the hall, there was a panel on display that introduced local celebrities, and samples of lunch at that time.
fly ageha on Google

[Free, parking available] It's a facility attached to the prefectural museum, but it's free. The school is nostalgic. Reminiscent of Mito in the Meiji era

素敵な西洋風建築でした。 ステンドグラスもレトロでいい感じ♪ 中の展示の年代別の給食に目が食いついてしまいましたw
It was a nice western style architecture. The stained glass is also retro and nice ♪ I was struck by the age-specific school lunches in the exhibition inside.
山田あんこ on Google

水戸歴史館の敷地内にある旧水海道小学生本館です。無料で入れます✨ とてもオシャレな外観です。中は木造で、靴を脱いで入ります。教室の展示そのままで、時代時代の給食の見本があります。
It is the former Mizukaido elementary school student main building on the grounds of the Mito History Museum. You can enter it for free ✨ It has a very fashionable appearance. The inside is made of wood, so you can take off your shoes to enter. There is a sample of the lunch of the times as it is on display in the classroom.

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