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和泉市で車を修理するなら辻本自動車 - Tsujimotojidousya.com


Contact 辻本自動車

住所 :

Mibayashicho, Izumi, 〒594-1112 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://tsujimotojidousya.com/
街 : Osaka

Mibayashicho, Izumi, 〒594-1112 Osaka,Japan
牧野歩美 on Google

I asked you to change tires. I ordered it online and sent it directly. Direct delivery was also OK and the tire replacement was completed in less than one hour. He told me that I could lend a substitute car because there was no place to wait, but I just kept waiting. PayPay can also be used, and it cost 6000 yen including 4 replacements and disposal. I want to use it again.
Desktop Factory on Google

持込でタイヤ交換(×4本)頂きました。 バランス調整、古タイヤ処分費込みで税込6000円と良心価格ながら、作業は手抜きなし。 2名で作業頂きましたが、お二人とも気さくで話しかけ易く、何でも相談に乗って頂ける感じです。 リピートしたいお店です。
I had a tire change (× 4). The balance is adjusted and the old tire disposal fee is included. We worked with two people, but both of us are friendly and easy to talk to, so you can feel free to talk about anything. This is the shop you want to repeat.
白雪ひめ on Google

タイヤ交換をお願いしました。作業も丁寧で早く、費用も安くすみました。 一本につき1500円です。 店長さんも優しい方でとても良心的です。 また、整備などで何かあれば相談しようと思います。 ガソリンスタンドや車専門店はここも変えたほうがよいとか何かと高くなりますが、必要な整備以外は勧められません。 よい整備を安心して任せられるお店です。
I asked for a tire change. The work was polite and quick, and the cost was low. It is 1500 yen per bottle. The manager is also kind and friendly. Also, I would like to consult if there is something for maintenance. Gas stations and car shops are expensive or something to change here, but it is not recommended except for necessary maintenance. It is a store where you can leave good maintenance with peace of mind.
まこと on Google

メチャクチャ良い! 安いし朝早くからしてるし 社長もとても良い人! タイヤ一本脱着でなんと! 千円ポッキリ! 大阪で、いや!日本で1番安いやろね!(笑)
Good mess! It's cheap and it's early in the morning The president is also a very good person! How by attaching and detaching one tire! Thousand yen! In Osaka, no! It's the cheapest in Japan! (Lol)
藤原亜彩 on Google

冷却水が漏れていて急遽見てもらいに伺いました。笑顔でとっても優しく分かりやすい説明でした。 また何かあった時はお願いしたいです。
The cooling water was leaking and I hurriedly asked to see it. It was a very gentle and easy-to-understand explanation with a smile. I would like to ask if something happens again.
Ryo Inoue on Google

新品ホイールへのタイヤ組み付けで利用させていただきましたが、バランスウェイト貼り付け時の脱脂をしていただけず、ウェイト飛びによる傷を作ることになりました。 その後のバランス取り直しは無料で対応していただけましたが、折角のホイールにいきなり傷を作ることになり、安かろう悪かろうなのかなぁ...といった感じでした。 工賃やお人柄は満足だったために残念です。
I used it to assemble a tire on a new wheel, but I couldn't degreas it when attaching the balance weight, and I ended up making scratches due to weight skipping. After that, I was able to rebalance for free, but I suddenly made scratches on the wheel, and I wondered if it was cheap or bad. I am sorry that I was satisfied with the wages and personality.
蓮カイ on Google

持ち込みタイヤ交換が激安! 外して持って行けば、バイクのタイヤでも嫌な顔一つせず快く対応してくれるし、 1本二本なら予約が埋まっててもなんとかしてくれる
Cheap tire replacement! If you take it off and take it with you, it will be happy to respond to you without a disgusting face even with motorcycle tires. If it is one or two, it will manage even if the reservation is filled
kiyo kane on Google

持ち込みでタイヤ×4交代して頂きました。 前日の予約でも快く受け付けてもらい、当日に代車まで貸して頂き、大変助かりました。タイヤの破棄込みで6000円は破格だと思います。
I had you change tires x 4 by bringing in. Even if I made a reservation the day before, I was happy to accept it, and I was able to lend a substitute car on the day, which was very helpful. I think that 6000 yen is exceptional, including the disposal of tires.

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