Mekikino Ginji Otemachi

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mekikino Ginji Otemachi

住所 :

Ōtemachi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Ōtemachi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0004 Tokyo,Japan
たぼ on Google

ランチのざる蕎麦と選べる小どんぶり(?)の三色丼を注文 三色丼のサーモンが匂うなぁ。ちょっと生臭い 他の刺身は美味しかった 蕎麦は太く固ゆでで歯応えあり。乾麺だろうけどまぁまぁ美味しい蕎麦。 蕎麦つゆが薄めで蕎麦猪口が専用の物ではないのはしょうがないけど雰囲気は無いです トータルのボリュームはかなりのもので連れ2人はミックスフライ定食(定食は全てご飯お代わり放題)でしたが僕も含めて相当腹いっぱい 油が少し古いって言ってました 要約すると、お客の為にコスパは良いけど味で今一つ 良くも悪くもチェーン店って感じです メニュー豊富なので僕は悪くはない、普通の評価
I ordered a three-color bowl of small bowl (?) That you can choose with Zaru soba for lunch I can smell the salmon in the three-color bowl. A little fishy The other sashimi was delicious Soba is thick and hard boiled and chewy. It's probably dried noodles, but it's delicious soba. It is unavoidable that the soba soup is thin and the soba inoguchi is not a special one, but there is no atmosphere. The total volume was quite large, and the two of us had a mixed fried set meal (all set meals were all-you-can-eat meals), but I was quite full, including myself. I said the oil was a little old In summary, cospa is good for customers, but the taste is not good enough It feels like a chain store, good or bad. I'm not bad because the menu is abundant, normal evaluation
友成陽祐 on Google

アルバイトとして2年ほど働いていた。基本的には良い人ばかりだし、他の居酒屋に比べて少し時給も高い。 ただ、かなり厳しい方がいるため、メンタル強い人でないと継続できない可能性があります
I worked as a part-time job for about two years. Basically, all of them are good people, and the hourly wage is a little higher than other izakaya. However, there are some people who are quite strict, so it may not be possible to continue unless you are a mentally strong person.
うちゅうソムリエ on Google

土日祝日のランチは 12時過ぎたら 料理提供までえらい待たされますよ
Lunch on weekends and holidays after 12:00 You'll have to wait a long time for the food to be served.
山田新 on Google

モンテローザのお店 安いです。 でも生ビールの味がちょっと変。 酎ハイはほぼキュービックアイス。
Monte Rosa shop It's cheap. But the taste of draft beer is a little strange. Chuhai is almost cubic ice cream.
Ma a on Google

The prices are cheap and the food is reasonable for the Marunouchi area. The correspondence of the clerk is also good. A good place to drink casually.
KOTA NIHEI on Google

I don't have a good connoisseur, so I recommend lunch. Seafood curry and beef bowl are more delicious here than sashimi and grilled fish. The curry is topped with kimchi and mini salad, and 800 yen for coffee after a meal is reasonable. Each table is equipped with an outlet, but the radio wave of the mobile phone is very bad, so it's Pramai Zero.
アプリコットジャム on Google

I ordered 4 kinds of seafood for 850 yen including tax at lunch. The cost performance of taste and price is highly recommended. By the way, the 10 kinds of sea urchins added was 1100 yen.
近藤竜太 on Google

ランチタイムに訪問しました。 海鮮丼のランチが売りの店ですが、ご飯おかわり無料という事で「本日の焼魚(焼きサバ)定食」を食べました。 焼サバは通常のフィレとは異なり、硬い骨のサバの半身でしたが、本格的なサバの味わいで満足です! そして、自分の注文を担当した外国人店員さんの決め細やかなサービスも良かったです! 次回は海鮮丼を食べます。
I visited at lunch time. The restaurant sells seafood bowl lunch, but I ate "Today's grilled fish (grilled mackerel) set meal" because it is free of charge for rice. Unlike regular fillet, grilled mackerel was half the body of mackerel with hard bones, but I am satisfied with the authentic taste of mackerel! And the detailed service of the foreign clerk who was in charge of my order was also good! Next time I will eat seafood bowl.

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