ME不動産千葉株式会社 - Chuo Ward

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ME不動産千葉株式会社

住所 :

Sakaecho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0016 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 260-0016
Webサイト :
街 : Chiba

Sakaecho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0016 Chiba,Japan
嶋田亮 on Google

担当者の対応等が親切で、とても親しみやすさを感じました。 雑談も交えてこちらの緊張もほぐして頂き、分かりやすく説明等してもらえて とても満足しました。
The person in charge was kind and I felt very friendly. Please relax this tension with chat and have them explain in an easy-to-understand manner. I was very satisfied.
Pocky & Pocky on Google

とても親身にお話を聞いて下さり 目線を合わせた考え方をして頂き、すごく話しやすく相談しやすかったです!
Thank you very much for listening to me It was very easy to talk and consult with them because they thought about it from the same perspective!
みさにゃんた on Google

担当の方がとても気さくで親切丁重とてもよかったです。 初めてのちゃんとした家探しなのでわからない事、不安なことも多かったのですが、助かりました。 何件かまわって見させてくださり、助かりました。 そのおかげでいい家が見つかりました。
The person in charge was very friendly, kind and polite. It was my first time to find a proper house, so there were many things I didn't understand and I was worried about, but it was saved. It was helpful to see some of them. Thanks to that, I found a good house.
藤林恵美 on Google

Thank you for your prompt and courteous response
松本成美 on Google

I visited with my child, and I was able to listen to the story with peace of mind because of the kind response. The explanation was also very easy to understand.
Sinjitu Sakashita on Google

現状の自分の状況(仕事・年収・将来の予定)を踏まえて、マンションを買うべきか賃貸で進めるか相談しました。 特に契約を前提に話を急に進めることはないので、決めかねている方でも安心して相談できると思います。
Based on my current situation (work, annual income, future plans), I consulted whether to buy an apartment or rent it. In particular, we will not proceed suddenly on the premise of a contract, so even those who are undecided can feel free to consult.
稲垣慎一 on Google

丁寧に御説明頂き、親切な対応でした。 これから良いお付き合いが出来そうです。
Thank you for your kind explanation. I think I can have a good relationship from now on.
Amila Kuruvita on Google

Very helpful.good service.

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