Mazda - Moriguchi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About Mazda




PC Windows 10 以降
macOS Catalina 10.15 以降
スマートフォン iPhone(OS) iOS 13.x 以降
Android (OS) Android 9.x、10.x 以降
タブレット iPad(OS) iPadOS 13.x 以降


PC Google Chrome 最新版
Mozilla Firefox 最新版
Microsoft Edge 最新版
Macintosh Safari 最新版

Contact Mazda

住所 :

2-78-33 Yagumo Higashimachi, Moriguchi, Osaka 570-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 570-0021
Webサイト :

2-78-33 Yagumo Higashimachi, Moriguchi, Osaka 570-0021, Japan
ムネリン on Google

マツダ車に乗り始めて3台目、10数年になります。 担当の営業マンにいつも良くしてもらってます。 その他のスタッフの皆さんも良い感じです。
It's been 3 years since I started riding Mazda cars, and it has been over 10 years. I always get the sales person in charge. The other staff members also feel good.
ちゅうくら on Google

全国で何店舗もマツダにお邪魔しましたが、ここが断トツで対応も良く感じも良く丁寧な接客で全体的なレベルが高く心がこもっていて雰囲気が良いので、最寄りディーラーより少し遠いですが利用させてもらっています。 本当は黒マツダに行きたいところですが、そんな見てくれよりもここが良いです。
Many stores across the country were in trouble with Mazda, but this is a bit far from the nearest dealer because the overall level is high and the atmosphere is good with a polite customer service with good response and good feeling. I am allowed to use it. I really want to go to Black Mazda, but this is better than me.
r q on Google

お店はきれいだしピットも広く安心がある 挨拶もきっちりとしてくれるのだが売り方が好きじゃない YES/NOしか言えないならネットで条件設定して購入する 相談に乗って欲しいからこその実店舗だと思うのだが・・・ 当たり前のサービスは有るので平均点
The shop is clean and the pit is wide and secure The greetings will be perfect but I do not like how to sell If you can only say YES / NO condition set on the net and buy I think it is a real store just because I want you to get a consultation ... Average points because there is a common service
k teruaki on Google

車を見に来たって言ったから対応がイマイチだったのかな? CX-3に興味があると伝えてるのにお薦めはCX-30と言われるし見積もりも作ってくれないし…結局そのまま帰ってトヨタ車に決まりました!対応さえ良けりばCX-3を買ってたんやけどな
I said I came to see the car, so I wonder if the response was bad. Even though I told you that I'm interested in the CX-3, the recommended one is the CX-30, and he doesn't even make a quote for me. I bought the CX-3 if it was good enough.
阪本清一 on Google

店舗は広く、豊富な展示車と試乗車があり、中古車展示場も併設されています。 また、とてもレアな車が入出庫することもあり、クルマ談義しだすと話が止まらなくなりそうな、クルマ好きのセールスさんばかりってこともあって、楽しい時間が過ごせます。
The store is large, with abundant exhibition cars and test rides, and a used car exhibition hall. In addition, very rare cars may come in and out, and if you start talking about cars, you will not be able to stop talking, so you can have a good time because there are only car-loving sales people.
vanp和兄 on Google

It is located along the central loop line and the entrance is wide and easy to understand. The site is vast, and the used car exhibition area is very large! The staff's response is kind to the contractor, and they respond quickly and have a high degree of trust.
Kとし on Google

昔のスレート屋根整備工場時に比べ、営業所全体が綺麗になりました。 現在は武漢ウィルス感染対策でショールームでは車のカタログや商品等、人が触れて感染しないよう殆んどのモノが無くなっていますが、ある意味安心して入ることが出来ます。 (早く以前の日常に戻ってほしい...)
Compared to the old slate roof maintenance factory, the entire sales office has become cleaner. Currently, as a countermeasure against Wuhan virus infection, most things such as car catalogs and products are gone in the showroom so that people do not get infected, but in a sense you can enter with confidence. (I want you to return to your previous daily life soon ...)
康浩 on Google

I think the location of the showroom and the quality of the sales staff are close to the best. I think it is definitely higher than Nissan and Mitsubishi Honda.

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