MaxValu Express Shimizu Oiwake - Shizuoka

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MaxValu Express Shimizu Oiwake

1 Chome-3-18 Oiwake, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0841, Japan
tsj myk on Google

マックスバリュの縮小版と考えてくれれば伝わりやすい。 ここは近場のスーパーと比べて駐車場が狭いので徒歩がおすすめ。入りにくい出にくいので免許取り立てにはおすすめしない。ここは ビック富士、エスポット、タイヨー、マックスバリュ、バローが近場にあり駐車場が他と比べて少ないので多分ターゲットは近場の住人重視。 個人的に頑張ってほしい。
If you think of it as a reduced version of Maxvalu, it's easy to convey. The parking lot is smaller than the nearby supermarkets, so walking is recommended. It is difficult to enter and exit, so it is not recommended for license collection. here Big Fuji, Espot, Taiyo, Maxvalu, and Barrow are nearby and there are few parking lots compared to others, so maybe the target is focused on nearby residents. I want you to do your best personally.
坂本一勇賀 on Google

昔、エコーだった頃、おばあちゃんと初めて行ってから、ずっと通っています。 標準的な品物は一通り揃っており、価格帯はリーズナブルです。 イオン系なので、イオンカードやWAON等がポイント高還元率。 レジで袋詰めしてくれるので、子連れの時はとても助かります◎ 混雑時は並び待ちしますが、袋詰めしてくれるので、後のつかえがなくトータルでは素人がもたつきながら袋詰めするよりも早く、ストレスが少ない様に感じます。 ご年配の方にもお勧めです。 ?️駐車場は狭く、混雑時には若干待つこともありますが、慣れれば問題ないレベルかと思います。
A long time ago, when I was Echo, I've been going since I first went with my grandma. We have a complete lineup of standard items and the price range is reasonable. Since it is an ionic system, points such as ionic cards and WAON have a high reduction rate. It will be packed in a bag at the cash register, so it will be very helpful when you are traveling with children ◎ When it's crowded, I'll wait in line, but since it will be packed in a bag, I feel that it's faster and less stressful than an amateur's sluggish bagging in total. It is also recommended for elderly people. ?️ The parking lot is small and you may have to wait for a while when it is crowded, but if you get used to it, there will be no problem.
風間夏希 on Google

The clerk at the cash register and the clerk at this store all have a bad attitude, and even though I don't say hello to the customers, the voice of wasteful talk with the clerk is huge ?
のーてんほわいらあ on Google

K M on Google

セルフレジが導入されていたが、現金が使えないためか客が普通のレジに長蛇の列だった。 もう少し考えていただきたい。
A self-checkout was introduced, but customers were in a long line at a regular checkout, probably because they couldn't use cash. I want you to think a little more.
かじゅ on Google

はじめて行きました。駐車場がとても狭く、マックスバリュの中でも最小店舗だと思われます。弁当は最近展開されている上海飯店の中華料理の弁当が美味しい。ライバルはしずてつストアやビッグデー辺りだと思いますが、棲みわけ出来るんじゃないかな? イオン系なのでクレジットカード、WAON、交通系電子マネー、QUICPay他。 レジのレイアウトがコンビニエンスストアみたいで面白い。ご飯少し硬い所有ったから4点。前身のスーパーにはちびまる子ちゃんも買い物したのかな?
I went for the first time. The parking lot is very small and it seems to be the smallest store in Maxvalu. As for the bento, the Chinese bento of the Shanghai restaurant, which has been recently developed, is delicious. I think the rivals are around the Shizutetsu store and Big Day, but I think they can live separately. Since it is an ionic system, credit cards, WAON, transportation electronic money, QUICPay, etc. The layout of the cash register is interesting like a convenience store. Rice is a little hard, so I got 4 points. Did Chibi Maruko-chan also shop at the predecessor supermarket?
rogerio hiroaki miyamoto on Google

黃真月 on Google

Food is fresh!

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