
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大浜小児科医院

住所 :

Matsunami, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0044 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://park15.wakwak.com/~oohamaclinic/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

みなみ on Google

It is helpful that the waiting time is not long overall.
カーちゃん on Google

子供の初めての予防接種に行きました。 先生はとてもいい方ですが、受付の方が残念すぎる。
I went to my child's first vaccination. The teacher is very nice, but the receptionist is too disappointing.
小野狸 on Google

大浜医院の院長は優しくて親切で 患者の身になって話を聞いてくれる 。 安心してまかせられる。 院長は五ツ星だが受付が足を引っ張る。 受付、見習いなさい‼️ 大先生の足を引っ張るな‼️
The director of Ohama Clinic is kind and kind Being a patient and listening to the story .. You can leave it to us with confidence. The director is five-star, but the receptionist is a drag. Receptionist, apprentice! ️ Don't pull the big teacher's legs! ️
S K on Google

受付の態度が悪すぎて驚きました 口調も荒く、受付中に頬杖ついて睨んできたので・・・いい歳して恥ずかしくないのでしょうか もう2度と行きません
I was surprised that the receptionist's attitude was too bad The tone was rough and I was glaring at the cheeks during the reception ... Isn't it embarrassing to be a good old man? I will never go again
きなこ on Google

The teacher is very kind. I went there the other day for the first time in a while, but the reception is still the worst. While the new Corona specifications have changed in various ways, the lady at the reception is still standing up without a single guide. I used to put up with it when I was an older child, but I don't want to go there again. If the reception is normal, it will be 4 stars.
かぼちゃ on Google

昔からある町の診療所という雰囲気。 施設は清掃が行き届いていて衛生的ですが、施設の老朽化のせいか、照明のせいか、院内が全体的に薄暗く感じます。まぁ、子どもは待合室に置いてある熱帯魚の水槽がお気に入りで、あまり気にならないようですが。 先生は親身になって話を聞いてくれますし、子どもへも声がけをしながら丁寧にみてくださいました。 他の方が言うように受付の方はあまり良い印象はありません…
The atmosphere of an old town clinic. The facility is well-cleaned and hygienic, but the hospital feels dim overall, probably because of the aging of the facility or because of the lighting. Well, children like the tropical fish tank in the waiting room, so it doesn't seem to bother them much. The teacher was kind enough to listen to me, and he also spoke to my children and looked carefully. As others say, the receptionist doesn't have a very good impression ...
黒うさぎ on Google

口コミを見てビビりながら行きましたが、受付の方の態度について、私はあまり気にならなかったです。 先生はしっかり症状を聞いてくださり、優しくも頼もしい印象を受けました。 受付の方、2名とも会話しましたが特に不快な思いはしませんでしたし、2人目の方は笑顔で対応してくださっていました。みなさんが書かれている受付の方とはまた別の方々だったのかもしれません。
I was scared to see the word of mouth, but I didn't really care about the attitude of the receptionist. The teacher listened to my symptoms and gave me a gentle and reliable impression. I had a conversation with the receptionist and both of them, but I didn't feel particularly uncomfortable, and the second person responded with a smile. It may have been a different person from the receptionist where you are writing.
南野南子 on Google

本当は星1つすらつけたくありません。マイナス1億です。 風邪ぎみだったので診療うけました。薬の受け取りに寒い中30分以上外で待機、薬の説明も病原菌扱いで顔を避けるような対応でぼそぼそ、診療内容に至ってはも診察されずコロナときめつけるかのような内容。薬もなにを診療して出したものなのかわからず。 挙句の果てには610円の診療で1000円を要求。 なんですかここ?患者に寄り添う気持ちは1ミリもないんですか?もう2度と行きませんし周囲にも絶対に他にいくようにおすすめをします。
I don't really want to even have one star. It is minus 100 million. I had a cold, so I was treated. Waiting outside for 30 minutes or more in the cold to receive the medicine, the explanation of the medicine is treated as a pathogenic bacterium and the response is sloppy to avoid the face, and even if the medical treatment content is not examined, it seems as if Corona is crushed. I don't know what the medicine was for medical treatment. At the end of the day, a medical treatment of 610 yen demands 1000 yen. What is it here? Do you feel like being close to the patient? I will never go again and I recommend that you definitely go elsewhere.

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