Matsumotoshinkyu Acupuncture - Kadoma

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matsumotoshinkyu Acupuncture

住所 :

コーポ田中 1F 14-32 Oikecho, Kadoma, Osaka 571-0076, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87887
Postal code : 571-0076
Webサイト :

コーポ田中 1F 14-32 Oikecho, Kadoma, Osaka 571-0076, Japan
garnet on Google

右手の親指がバネ指になり、ひどい場合は悪化すると指が曲がったまま固まってしまう事もあると調べて知りました。 利き手で安静を保てない事もあり、仕事と家事を行なっていくのに不安になりましたが、近くのまつもと鍼灸整骨院で治療出来る事を知り受診させて頂きました。 初診時はとても緊張していたのですが、先生や受付の方々が温かく親切丁寧に応対して下さり、以後安心して通院を続けて行く事が出来ました。 私の場合バネ指の要因は、右手の使い過ぎと更年期である事、元々巻き肩や側弯症があり、姿勢が悪かった事等から考えられるようでした。 先生は施術前に症状の様子を必ず聴いて下さり、症状に合わせて丁寧に施術を行って頂きました。また、日常生活の注意点や、テーピング、ストレッチ方法を経過に合わせて教えて頂きました。 利き手の親指という事で治癒期間は要しましたが、週1回の通院から始め、経過に合わせ2週間に1回、後に1ヶ月に1回と通院間隔をあけれるようになりました。仕事を休まず、家事も続けながら無理せずにじっくり治療に取り組む事ができ、今では指の痛みや引っ掛かりを嘘のように忘れてしまうくらい治癒する事が出来ました。 気持ちも前向きになり、再発しないよう日々ストレッチに励んでおります。 本当に有難うございました。
I found out that the thumb of the right hand became a spring finger, and in severe cases, when it got worse, the finger could become bent and hardened. I was worried about doing my work and housework because I couldn't rest with my dominant hand, but I knew that I could be treated at a nearby Matsumoto and Acupuncture and Osteopathic clinic. I was very nervous at the time of my first visit, but the teachers and the reception staff responded warmly, kindly, and politely, and I was able to continue going to the hospital with peace of mind. In my case, the reason for my spring finger seemed to be due to my overuse of my right hand and menopause, and my poor posture due to my shoulders and scoliosis. Before the procedure, the teacher always listened to the condition of the condition, and carefully treated according to the condition. He also taught us the precautions in daily life, taping and stretching methods according to the progress. Although it took a long time to heal because of the thumb of the dominant hand, he began to visit the hospital once a week, and once every two weeks according to the progress, he can now go to the hospital once a month. I was able to take care of my treatment without taking any time off and doing my housework without overdoing it, and now I have been able to heal the pain and catch on my fingers as if lying. My feelings are positive and I try to stretch every day so that I don't have a recurrence. Thank you very much.
苗代直隆 on Google

20年ほど前に椎間板ヘルニアを発症して、その時は知り合いの方に治していただいたんですが半年ほど前に再び同じような症状が出ました。 丁度、嫁が通っていたので院長先生の空いている時間の予約が取れたので診察していただきました。同じような症状だったので椎間板ヘルニアかと思ったんですが、1時間ほど丁寧に診察していただいた後に椎間板ヘルニアではなく坐骨神経が通っている狭い部分が神経を圧迫して同様の症状が出ているとの説明を受けました。 最初の丁寧なカウンセリングのおかげでやるべき事とやったらいけないこと、原因と改善策をしっかりと教えていただけたので日々の生活でも私自身の意識が変わりました。 その後、数ヶ月通っていますが症状はほとんどありません。座る時間が長い時に少し症状は出ますが、その症状が出ないための自衛の方法も教えていただいています。 え、こんな治療でほんとに治るの?と最初は思っていましたが今まであった腰の張りや違和感も「そういえば最近腰がしんどくないな」と感じています。 腰の症状が出る少し前から右肩が後ろに回す時に痛みがあったのですがそれも現在治療していただいていて日常生活には全く問題ない程度まで回復しました。肩甲骨の動きの悪さの様々な原因を教えていただいているので、毎回納得しながら治療に励んでいます。もちろんこれにも自分で出来る肩甲骨体操を教えていただいているのでコツコツとやり続けています。 是非1度同じような症状でお困りの方はぜひご相談なさってください。
I developed a herniated disc about 20 years ago, and at that time I had an acquaintance cure it, but about half a year ago I had the same symptoms again. Just because my wife was attending, I was able to make an appointment for the director's free time, so I had a medical examination. I had similar symptoms, so I thought it was a herniated disc, but after a careful examination for about an hour, the narrow part through which the sciatic nerve passed, not the herniated disc, pressed the nerve and the same symptoms appeared. I was told that I was there. Thanks to the first careful counseling, I was able to tell me what I should do and what I should not do, the cause and the remedy, so my consciousness changed in my daily life. I have been there for several months since then, but I have few symptoms. I have some symptoms when I sit for a long time, but I am also taught how to protect myself so that I do not have those symptoms. Eh, does this kind of treatment really cure me? At first, I thought, but I also feel that the tension and discomfort that I have had up until now is "By the way, I'm not feeling sick recently." I had a pain when I turned my right shoulder backwards shortly before my lower back symptoms appeared, but I am currently receiving treatment and have recovered to the extent that there is no problem in my daily life. I have been told about various causes of poor movement of the scapula, so I am working hard on treatment while being convinced every time. Of course, I am also taught how to do shoulder blade exercises by myself, so I keep doing it steadily. If you have any problems with similar symptoms, please feel free to contact us.
優子 on Google

It has been 12 years since I had a herniated disc. The pain was alleviated and I lived without any hindrance to my life, but from this summer, my back pain suddenly became worse and I had sciatica, and even standing alone was painful and painful. I consulted with a friend because I thought that this would affect my work. Then, I was introduced to this osteopathic clinic. A friend told me that he had the director perform the treatment and he was completely cured. I was told that I would definitely get better without surgery, so I went to see him immediately. With the first treatment, the pain was immediately relieved! I'm surprised that my numbness is gone! I have been treated at various osteopathic clinics, but I didn't expect the results to come out so soon. I received a total of 8 treatments, once a week, once every two weeks, once every three weeks, and once every four weeks. Every time, he carefully explained the current state of his body using a body model, so I was able to know which part of my body was bad and was prone to pain. I also learned how to stretch at home, so I continue to practice it. It was very helpful! Now there is no pain at all. I didn't expect it to recover so quickly, so I wanted to continue to go for regular maintenance. For me, I'm glad to have a family osteopathic clinic ♪ Thank you ☆
たのさん on Google

交通事故にあい、首から背中にかけて痛みがひどかったので整骨院を探していたところネットで見つけてお世話になりました。 事故にあったのが初めてだったのですごく不安でしたが、体の事や示談までの流れを丁寧に説明して頂けたのでとても安心して治療に専念する事が出来ました。 先生方・スタッフの皆さん全員が親切で、院内の雰囲気もすごく良く、 人見知りの私でも気楽に通院する事が出来たので事故にあった事は辛かったのですが、 良い整骨院に出会えた事はラッキーでした♪ 本当にありがとうございました(^-^)
I had a traffic accident and had a lot of pain from my neck to my back, so when I was looking for an osteopathic clinic, I found it online and was taken care of. It was my first time to have an accident, so I was very anxious, but I was able to concentrate on the treatment with great peace of mind because I was able to explain the physical matters and the flow up to the settlement carefully. All the teachers and staff are kind, and the atmosphere in the hospital is very good. Even though I was a shy person, I was able to go to the hospital comfortably, so it was hard for me to have an accident. I was lucky to meet a good osteopathic clinic ♪ Thank you very much (^-^)
m m on Google

交通事故をきっかけにお世話になりました。 週に1度の通院でしたが、腰の痛みもすぐ無くなり、肩の高さ程しか上がらなかった腕が真っ直ぐ上がるようになりました。 4ヶ月間お世話になりましたが、日々の不調が嘘のようになくなり快適に過ごせるようになり本当に感謝です。 院長先生、スタッフの方々、みなさん温かく優しい方ばかりでした。 心身ともに癒やしていただき本当にありがとうございました。
I was taken care of by the traffic accident. I went to the hospital once a week, but the pain in my lower back soon disappeared, and my arm, which was only raised to the height of my shoulder, started to rise straight. I've been indebted to you for four months, and I'm really grateful that my daily upsets have disappeared like a lie and I'm able to spend my time comfortably. The director, staff, and everyone were warm and kind. Thank you very much for healing your body and soul.
目指すは美魔女 on Google

交通事故で通院させていただきました。 4ヶ月の治療が終わり、ほっとしてる間もなく二度目の事故。 精神的にも不安定で何度も治療を止めたいと話す私に寄り添い気長に話かけ色々な面でサポートしてくださった女性スタッフさん☺️ 手の痺れがとれず悩んでる私に『10月末までに治す予定です。?』と力強く宣言して下さった担当医の先生。 良くなるにつれて自分でも姿勢や体調など意識する様になり通院するのが楽しくなっていきました。 先生が、『何事にもそれに至るまでの過程があるはずです。』と話されてて‥。 本格的な冬が始まる前に自分なりに冷え性の事を学んで自分で出来ることは自分で頑張りながら足りない所はサポートしていただけたらと思っています。 スタッフの皆様、本当にありがとうございました。
I went to the hospital because of a traffic accident. After four months of treatment, I was relieved to have a second accident. A female staff member who was mentally unstable and told me that she wanted to stop treatment many times. I was worried because I couldn't get rid of my numbness in my hands. ? ”, the doctor in charge who declared strongly. As I got better, I became more aware of my posture and physical condition, and it became more fun to go to the hospital. The teacher said, "Everything must have a process leading up to it. I was told. Before the start of full-scale winter, I would like to learn about the coldness of my own and do my best to support what I can do. Thank you to all the staff.
キャプテンジョニー on Google

交通事故のリハビリで、通院しました、院長の説明が凄く丁寧・親切で判りやすかった。 施術はまだ数回しか、通っていないので、評価は変わるかも知れない。
I went to the hospital for the rehabilitation of a traffic accident, and the director's explanation was very polite, kind and easy to understand. The evaluation may change as the procedure has only been performed a few times.
川崎有理 on Google

いつもお世話になってます(^^) 長年、頭痛と腰痛が悩みでしたが通いだしてから本当に改善されました! 施術後はいつも身体がスッキリ軽いです!! 先生もスタッフの皆さんも親切でお話しやすく通うのが毎回楽しみな日常になりました✨ 交通事故の専門治療にも力を入れられているそうで、いつも通ってる整骨院でその様な専門治療もなされているということで普段の生活も安心して過ごせます! 自分自身や家族になにかあった時は先生に相談させていただきますね❗️ これからもよろしくお願い致します?‍♀️
I am always indebted (^^) I've been suffering from headaches and back pain for many years, but it has really improved since I went there! After the treatment, my body is always refreshing and light! !! The teachers and staff are kind and easy to talk to, and I'm always looking forward to going there ✨ It seems that he is also focusing on specialized treatment for traffic accidents, and since such specialized treatment is also done at the osteopathic clinic that he always attends, he can spend his daily life with peace of mind! If something happens to you or your family, I will consult with your teacher ❗️ Thank you for your continued support ?‍♀️

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