Matsukaze Park - Nishinomiya

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matsukaze Park

住所 :

1-9 Matsukazecho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0073, Japan

Postal code : 662-0073

1-9 Matsukazecho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0073, Japan
せいめい on Google

A park where you should have a little more play equipment
goumama matsu on Google

A park on the Yodo River side. There is playground equipment and is moderately sized.
Tom90314 on Google

The construction of the slide is elaborate, such as a suspension bridge. Enjoy
片岡彰(かたやん) on Google

It's a quiet park. It is a place of relaxation for neighbors. Occasionally, the bazaar is opened.
知久福本 on Google

It is a lively park with many children.
藤原純 on Google

少し長めの滑り台と簡単なアスレチックになっており、小さな子ども連れには、遊びやすいです。 夙川公園よりも、穴場な感じで人も少ないです。トイレはありませんので、注意です。夙川の河川敷にも近く遊び方を変えて川遊びと公園遊びの両方が楽しめる場所です。
It is a little longer slide and easy athletic, so it's easy to play with small children. There is less feeling and a lot of people than Yodogawa Park. There is no toilet, so be careful. It is a place where you can enjoy both river play and park play by changing the way of play near the riverbed of Yodogawa.
高充川村 on Google

The old play equipment was gone. New playground equipment installed this year. Suitable for small children. Both are beautiful.
toshihiro S on Google

子供をよく連れていきます。 遊具は小さく比較的安全だと思います。 ただ砂場の砂室は固いかなと思います。
I often bring my children. I think the playset is small and relatively safe. However, I think the sandbox in the sandbox is hard.

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