Matsugami Shrine - Tottori

4/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Matsugami Shrine

住所 :

Tottori, 680-0933, Japan

Postal code : 680-0933

Tottori, 680-0933, Japan
HAYATO .A on Google

紫葵小町 on Google

さとる仲元 on Google

Oan Ayahazak on Google

A shrine that is well cared for by locals. Izumo type guardian dogs remain, but those with open mouths are heavily weathered.
田中正典 on Google

「松上神社」は鳥取市徳吉、国道29号線の徳吉跨線橋を上がり切った所に鬱蒼と茂る古木が見えていますが、その古木の息づいている根元に神社の境内が広がっています。 徳吉は中世の戦乱期と度々繰り返された千代川の水害を生き抜いて来ました。 「松上神社」鳥居横に赤みを帯びた御神燈があり、石に嘉永六癸丑年九月吉日とあります。境内はけやきの古本数本と国道跨線橋とが空を覆っているので日中でも少し薄暗く空気はひんやりとしています。ですから真夏の暑い日には格好な涼みの場所です。 境内には稲荷神社が祀られ祭神は保食神、度々の水害からの食糧難の解消、五穀豊穣が切なる願いです。 令和二年の御大典奉祝の記念植樹が日光を浴びて生育をしています。いずれかの年月を経過して周りの樹木にも匹敵する力強い若木へと成長をして行くことを祈願しました。
At "Matsugami Shrine", you can see a dense old tree at the top of the Tokuyoshi overpass on Route 29 in Tokukichi, Tottori City, but the precincts of the shrine spread out at the root of the old tree. Tokukichi has survived the frequent floods of the Chiyo River during the war in the Middle Ages. "Matsugami Shrine" There is a reddish lantern next to the torii gate, and the stone says September Yoshiday, Kaei Rokusho. The precincts are covered with several old zelkova books and the national highway overpass, so it is a little dim and the air is cool even during the day. Therefore, it is a cool place on a hot summer day. Inari Shrine is enshrined in the precincts, and the deity is Ukemochi, a wish to eliminate food shortages caused by frequent floods, and to have a good harvest. A commemorative tree planting for the celebration of the Great Enthronement of the 2nd year of Reiwa is growing in the sunlight. I prayed that after some years, it would grow into a powerful young tree comparable to the surrounding trees.
masanori maeta on Google

祭神 国之常立命 29号線のバイパスの山陰線高架橋から立派なケヤキの木が見えているのがこちらの境内。近くには山陰線の列車の音もして賑やかですが、戦国期には徳吉城が付近にあり武田高信と山名氏との戦場にもなったらしい。本殿がかなり高くしてあるのは洪水のたびに浸水が甚だしかった名残なのかな。 古くは松上大明神と称したが明治期に松上神社へ 境内神社は稲荷神社で祭神は保食神 氏子戸数 三十七戸(鳥取県神社誌)
Religious God Kuniyuki Tsunei This is the precinct where you can see a splendid zelkova tree from the San-in Line viaduct on the bypass of Route 29. It is lively with the sound of the San-in Line train nearby, but during the Warring States period, Tokuyoshi Castle was nearby and it seems that it became a battlefield between Takeda Takanobu and Yamana. The reason why the main shrine is so high is that it is a remnant of the great inundation every time the flood occurred. In the old days, it was called Matsugami Daimyojin, but in the Meiji era, it went to Matsugami Shrine. The precincts shrine is Inari shrine and the deity is Ukemochi Number of parishioners 37 households (Tottori shrine magazine)

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