Maruetsu - Saitama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Maruetsu

住所 :

7 Chome-12-1 Bessho, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88889
Postal code : 336-0021
Webサイト :

7 Chome-12-1 Bessho, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0021, Japan
月見団子 on Google

武蔵浦和駅近くにあるスーパー。 目の前にある駐車場は2000円以上の買い物で無料。 小型店なので品揃えはイマイチだが一通りはある。 弁当は398円が多くボリュームが大きい。
Supermarket near Musashi Urawa station. The parking lot in front of you is free for shopping over 2000 yen. As it is a small store, the product lineup is not good, but there is a general lineup. The bento is 398 yen and the volume is large.
座敷わらし on Google

武蔵浦和で最古参のスーパーマーケットです。 駅の建物1Fにあります。 深夜1時頃まで営業してくれるので終電で帰ってきてもお買い物ができる大変ありがたいお店です。
It is the oldest supermarket in Musashi Urawa. It is on the 1st floor of the station building. It's open until around 1am, so it's a very nice shop where you can shop even if you come back by the last train.
こじこじ3 on Google

The most exciting? I often use it at supermarkets. There is no complaint about the assortment. Before I knew it, the scan & Go app was introduced and now I can collect a lot of T points.
KOJI TDKR on Google

このあたりに住んで10年近く、 何百回と行っておりますが今日は大変いやな思いをしました。 店員ひど。もう行かない。 おいしいおべんとうありますよ!
I've lived around here for almost 10 years I've been there hundreds of times, but today I felt very uncomfortable. The clerk is terrible. I won't go anymore. There is a delicious meal!
Naoyuki Oi on Google

It is a stable supermarket to Musashi Urawa which has become bed town. We have considerable items. When approaching 10 pm, perishable food items, bento fried foods, sashimi etc are nearly sold out. Sashimi and yakitori are quite delicious. For the discount time, the item I want is out of stock. Milk carton is committed. Even if it is somewhat expensive, the limited number of items are sold out. T cards will be collected. I am paying by credit card ? payment.
Hyunoh Kim (Sam) on Google

다른 슈퍼에 비해서 야채와 과일이 저렴한 편은 아니네요. 밤 12-1시까지 열려 있어서 늦게 퇴근할 때는 너무나도 감사하고 편리한 곳! 밤 9시 지나서 도시락에 붙는 할인 스티커에 소소한 기쁨을 고르는 재미가 있는 곳.
Vegetables and fruits are not cheap compared to other supermarkets. It's open until 12-1pm, so it's a great and convenient place to get off work late! A fun place to choose small pleasures from discount stickers on lunch boxes after 9 pm.
香取貴子 on Google

It's the same building as the station, a supermarket under the overpass, and it feels like a normal supermarket, but it's very convenient because it's open until 1 am. I feel that there is a large selection of side dishes. Also, the assortment of 3D masks may be large for a supermarket. The parking lot is free for 2 hours if you shop at Beans Musashi-Urawa for 2000 yen or more, so it is easy to reach by car even though it is near the station.
Shreejan Shrestha on Google

good place to buy drinks daily use goods. etc etc on the way back from work.

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