Makuta Station - Kisarazu

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Makuta Station

住所 :

Mari, Kisarazu, Chiba 292-0212, Japan

Postal code : 292-0212

Mari, Kisarazu, Chiba 292-0212, Japan
ちばのあべゆうと on Google

I think it's amazing because the countryside scenery like this still remains in Chiba.
てっしー on Google

When I was waiting for a train with very few trains, a pheasant girl was taking a walk at a face-to-face platform.
Gentaro on Google

The station building at Ma Kurida Station on the JR Kururi Line has an atmosphere and is very tasteful. Isn't it the nearest station building from the city center that you can enjoy the feeling of local lines?

You can taste JNR and Showa near the center of Tokyo
小川徹 on Google

久留里線の無人駅。 そのルーツは大正時代末期の千葉県営軽便鉄道久留里線まで遡リます。 国鉄時代の駅舎のままで田園地帯の風景が見事なまでに溶け込んでいます。 この駅はかつては2面2線の島式ホームで列車交換駅だったり荷捌き取り扱い所があった様で現在では使われていない留置線が残っていたり、反対側の引込線が撤去された跡が残っています。 木造駅舎からは“昭和”の懐かしさや人の営みがありありと伝わってくる駅です。 駅舎の右手に万葉集で詠まれた詩が石碑に刻まれています。
An unmanned station on the Kururi Line. Its roots go back to the Kururi Line, a light railway operated by Chiba Prefecture at the end of the Taisho era. The scenery of the countryside blends in beautifully with the station building of the JNR era. This station used to be an island platform with two sides and two lines, and it seems that there was a train exchange station and a cargo handling office, so there are still unused detention lines, and the drop line on the other side has been removed. Is left. From the wooden station building, you can feel the nostalgia of "Showa" and the activities of people. On the right side of the station building, a poem written in the Manyoshu is engraved on the stone monument.
中村中 on Google

久留里線馬来田駅(まくた) 大正元(1912)年12月28日、千葉県営鉄道久留里線(くるりせん)として開業。 大正12(1923)年に国有化。 平成7(1995)年に無人駅化。 木更津起点 13.9km 電報略号 マク 明治22(1889)年の町村制施行により真里谷村、戸国村、大稲村、真里村、下内橋村、茅野村、茅野七曲村、山本七曲村が合併して望陀郡馬来田村が発足。 明治30(1897)年4月望陀郡(もうだぐん)が統合されて君津郡となる。 昭和30(1955)年4月、富岡村の一部と合併して君津郡富来田町(ふくたまち)を新設し、馬来田村は消滅した。 昭和46(1971)年10月、木更津市に編入されて富来田町は消滅した。
Kururi Line Makuta Station Opened on December 28, 1912 as the Chiba Prefectural Railway Kururi Line. Nationalized in 1923. Unmanned station in 1995. Kisarazu starting point 13.9km Telegram code Mac Due to the enforcement of the town and village system in 1889, Mariya Village, Tokuni Village, Oina Village, Mari Village, Shimouchibashi Village, Kayanon Village, Kayanonanamagari Village, and Yamamoto Nanakyoku Village merged to form Makuta Village, Moda District. Inauguration. April 1897 (Modagun) was integrated into Kimitsu-gun. In April 1955, Makuta Village disappeared after merging with a part of Tomioka Village to establish Fukuta Town, Kimitsu District. In October 1971, Fukuta Town disappeared after being incorporated into Kisarazu City.
ichiro on Google

久留里線の駅です。 素朴な駅舎がいいですね。
It is a station on the Kururi line. I like the simple station building.
Kuro Neko on Google

Quaint country station, with great summer events.

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