
2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 本郷並木通り内科

住所 :

Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0033 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Webサイト : http://www.hongo-avenue-medical-clinic.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Makuharihongo, Hanamigawa Ward, 〒262-0033 Chiba,Japan
ゆゆ on Google

診察までかなり待った挙句、肝心の診察は2.3分で「風邪でしょう。」の一言。 処方された薬飲んでも一向に良くならず、別の病院に行ったら風邪ではなかったという今日この頃。
After waiting for a medical examination for a long time, the essential medical examination is a word of "It will be a cold" in 2.3 minutes. Even now, I'm not getting better at taking prescribed medicines, and it was not a cold when I went to another hospital.
Medic Souryu on Google

先日突然の悪寒に襲われて予約なしで受診しました。 予約なしの為に大分待ったこともあり、寒いわだるいわしんどいわでしたが、看護師の方がしきりに「大丈夫ですか?」と声をかけてくれました。 医者にかかる事自体が数年ぶりでしたが、気配りに温かいものを感じました。
The other day I was attacked by a sudden chill and went to see a doctor without reservation. It was cold and worrisome because I waited for a long time because I had no reservations, but the nurse constantly asked me, "Is it okay?" It was the first time in a few years to see a doctor, but I felt attentive and warm.
Idai Matsuura on Google

待ち時間が長いです。朝9時開診ですが、朝8時前ぐらいから並びはじめており、朝一で見てもらうには朝7時30頃から並ぶ必要があるかも知れません。 朝8時になると院内で受付が開始し、以降は待合室で待つことが出来ます。 私の場合は事前に提出した検査の結果を聞きに伺った際に、朝7時55分頃に到着し、前に二名先に待っていたので3番目の受付でしたが実際に診察室に呼ばれたのは朝9時45分ごろでした。
The waiting time is long. It is 9 am in the morning, but it has been starting to line up around 8 am, and it may be necessary to line up from around 7:30 in order to have it be seen in the morning. Reception will start at 8:00 in the hospital, and you can wait in the waiting room thereafter. In the case of me, when I heard about the result of the examination submitted in advance, I arrived at 7:55 am and I was waiting for two people before, so it was the third receptionist, but actually to the examination room It was about 9:45 in the morning to be called.
はち on Google

初診でした。 昨日から発熱しインフルエンザ検査希望で伺いましたが、なにも言われず待ち時間二時間以上。 体調不良で行った病院で悪化するかと思った。 長時間の待ち時間があるなら受付で一言言ってほしいです。 看護師さんは優しくて良かったです。
It was my first visit. I had a fever since yesterday and asked for an influenza test, but I was told nothing and waited for more than two hours. I thought it would be worse at a hospital where I went ill. If you have a long waiting time, please say a word at the reception. The nurse was nice and nice.
ココミル on Google

駐車場が8代分あるということで、車で伺いましたが満車で駐車出来ず、、。 歩ける距離でしたので、直ぐに自宅に戻り引き返したのですが、診療受付時間を少しだけ過ぎてしまいそうでした。 ご無理かとは思いながらも、一応伺わせて頂きたく、受付時間を少し過ぎてしまうのだが、診療は可能か問い合わせてみたところ、、。 受付の方は明らかに迷惑そうな態度で 「一応聞いてみますね」と、電話を離れたようですが、受話器から話している内容が全てこちらに丸聞こえでした。 受付の方の本当に迷惑そうな 「10分過ぎるっていう初診の方なんですけど」 との問いかけと、先生と思われる男性の「初診?無理無理無理無理」とのこれまた迷惑そうな声。 その後のやりとりにも患者を患者と思っていない態度に感じられ、その様子を聞きながら受話器口で苦笑してしまいました。 受診を断られた事は仕方のない事と理解していますが、このような『裏の声』を聞いてしまい、こちらの医院で受診する気持ちは一気になくなってしまいました。 2度と伺いません。
I asked by car because there is a parking lot for 8 generations, but I couldn't park because it was full. It was within walking distance, so I immediately returned to my home and returned, but it seemed that the consultation hours would have passed a little. Although I thought it was impossible, I would like to ask you, but the reception time has passed a little, but when I asked if medical treatment was possible ,. The receptionist is obviously annoying It seems that he left the phone, saying, "I'll ask you," but I could hear everything I was talking about from the handset. It seems to be really annoying to the receptionist "I'm the first person to see me after 10 minutes." And a voice that seems to be annoying again, saying "First visit? Unreasonable impossible" of a man who seems to be a teacher. In the subsequent exchanges, I felt that the patient was not a patient, and while listening to the situation, I laughed bitterly at the receiver's mouth. I understand that it is unavoidable that I was refused a medical examination, but when I heard such a "back voice", I suddenly lost the feeling of having a medical examination at this clinic. I will never ask you again.
T M on Google

Suitable in a good way! Due to the influence of corona, the consultation time was limited, and in the case of a cold symptom, I could only see it from 14:00 to 15:00, but when I went to just 14:00, I was able to see it immediately. The teacher talks in a straightforward manner, so I may like or dislike it, but I was satisfied because I didn't want to stay in the hospital for a long time.
何野某 on Google

幕張本郷駅の改札から左に下り、跨線橋下の信号を渡ってさらに進んで、ガソリンスタンドの隣にある。2階が受付。 数年前からお世話になってますが、生活習慣病予備軍の指導と投薬が主なので、可もなく不可もなしです。 患者が多いので待ち時間も長くなりがちですが、受付しておけば外出OKです。 どのくらい待ちそうかは、こちらから聞けば教えてくれます。 平日の午後イチが空いていることが多いようです。 基本的に診察の予約は受け付けていないとのことです。インフルエンザの予防接種なども同様なので、当日に電話で在庫確認することになります。 先生の人当たりは柔らかく、緊張しないで済むのは良いです。 2020年後半から、風邪症状とそれ以外で診療時間を分けるようになりました。時間外には待合室にも入れないので、事前によく確認されることをお勧めします。
From the ticket gate of Makuharihongo Station, go down to the left, cross the traffic light under the overpass, and proceed further, next to the gas station. The reception is on the 2nd floor. I have been indebted for several years, but since I am mainly instructing and taking medication for the lifestyle-related disease reserve army, it is neither good nor bad. Since there are many patients, the waiting time tends to be long, but if you accept it, you can go out. If you ask here, we will tell you how long you will wait. It seems that Ichi is often vacant on weekday afternoons. Basically, we do not accept appointments for medical examinations. The same applies to influenza vaccinations, so you will need to check the inventory by phone on the day of the event. It's good that the teacher is soft and you don't have to be nervous. From the latter half of 2020, the consultation hours will be divided between cold symptoms and others. You cannot enter the waiting room after hours, so it is recommended that you check in advance.
デーです on Google

率直な人柄が、いいです。 胃が調子悪く検査していただき、ピロリ菌と判明、除去して、楽になりました。
I like the candid personality. I had my stomach examined for a bad condition, and it turned out to be Helicobacter pylori.

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