MAISON KAYSER Lasona Kawasaki Store

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MAISON KAYSER Lasona Kawasaki Store

住所 :

Horikawacho, Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki, 〒212-0013 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887888
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Horikawacho, Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki, 〒212-0013 Kanagawa,Japan
06 aremam on Google

There are buckets in every bakery, but it's hard to find a hard-type bakery. I especially like Turt and Campagne. If you ask, you can cut it to the width you like. It is also delicious with honey, maple syrup and fruit sauce.
るるcream on Google

My favorite bakery in the Kawasaki station area. There are many hard systems, and they are all delicious ~
pokeasa poketake on Google

JR川崎駅?直結のラゾーナ川崎1階にあるパン屋?さんです。お値段は高い?部類ですが、食感といい風味といいしっかりしており、買って納得の価格設定です。?なにより人が途切れず潰れないことが確かなクオリティを物語っています。川崎には他のブランドのパンもありますが、まだここを上回るレベルのパン屋さんはありません。 おすすめはゴマのネジネジパンでしたが、残念ながら発売停止になってしまいました。なので今のオススメはクロワッサン?コクのあるバターの風味が広がります。アップルパイも爽やかな酸味がたまりません。?ここにはイートインスペースもありキッシュなどを楽しむこともできます? ぜひぜひ行ってみてください!
It is a baker ? on the 1st floor of Lazona Kawasaki directly connected to JR Kawasaki station ?. Although the price is high ? category, it has a solid texture and good flavor, it is a reasonable price to buy. ? Above all, it tells a certain quality that people will not be interrupted and crushed. There are other brands of bread in Kawasaki, but no bakeries outperform here. The recommendation was a sesame screw screw pan, but unfortunately it has been discontinued. So the recommendation now is to spread the flavor of croissant ? rich butter. Apple pie also has a refreshing acidity. ? There is also an eat-in space here so you can enjoy quiche etc.? Please try it!
MP on Google

ラゾーナ川崎の1階にあるカウンターで注文するタイプのパン屋さんです。 いつも購入するのはバゲットモンジュ、細めのバゲットで小麦粉の独特の風味がくせになります。デリスブランはホワイトチョコが練り込んでありほどよく甘くて美味しいです。抹茶と柚子のパンは抹茶と柚子の爽やかな風味がマッチしていくらでも食べられます。 ハード系以外のクロワッサンもパリパリでとても美味しいです。 対面販売なので時間がかかるため並ぶことがよくあります。もう少しスムーズに買えるようになるといいなと思います。
It is a type of bakery that orders at the counter on the 1st floor of Lazona Kawasaki. I always buy baguette monju, a thin baguette, which gives it a unique flavor of flour. Delice Blanc is moderately sweet and delicious with white chocolate kneaded into it. Matcha and Yuzu bread can be eaten as much as you like with the refreshing flavors of Matcha and Yuzu. Croissants other than hard croissants are also very delicious in crispy. Since it is a face-to-face sale, it takes time, so it is often lined up. I hope I can buy it a little more smoothly.
王美弥 on Google

先日、川崎に行った際にパンを買いたいと思って ラゾーナ川崎のデパ地下でちょうど、メゾンカイザー発見!!! バゲットモンジュを購入しましたー!! ちょうどほどよい長さで、大きすぎずちょうどいい感じだったのが決め手でした。 2cm幅にカットしてもらって、お持ち帰りー! 食べてみたら、このバゲット めっちゃめっちゃ美味し〜い!!!! 中がもっちりとしていて、ふんわり。 硬すぎないので、お母さんでも食べられたのでとてもよかったでーす! アプリコットジャムをつけて食べたら、ますます美味しかったー!!! このバゲットモンジュ、かなーりおすすめ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ またラゾーナへ行った際に、買いたいと思います。
When I went to Kawasaki the other day, I wanted to buy bread Just find the Maison Kaiser in the Depa underground of Lazona Kawasaki! ! ! I bought Baguette Monge! ! It was decided that it was just the right length, not too big and just right. I have you cut in 2 cm width, and take it home! If you try to eat this baguette It's really delicious! ! ! ! The inside is muddy and soft. It was not too hard, so I could eat it with my mom so I was very happy! When it was eaten with apricot jam, it was more and more delicious! ! ! This baguette Monge, I recommend it ♪ (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑) ♪ I also want to buy it when I go to Lazona.
L HotDog on Google

A line-up bakery centered on hard bread. The bread made by traditional French method using natural yeast is excellent. I ate the famous croissant and it was excellent. Through the bread, the local customers, craftsmen and sales staff seem to be aiming for a store where they can share the fun of living with bread.
CF K on Google

The bread is baked freshly, but the price is not cheap
aLvin Yee on Google

A bit pricy but very delicious freshly baked breads.

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