Maido Ookini Suita Kishibe Shokudo - Suita

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Maido Ookini Suita Kishibe Shokudo

住所 :

1 Chome-2-3 Kishibeminami, Suita, Osaka 564-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 564-0011
Webサイト :

1 Chome-2-3 Kishibeminami, Suita, Osaka 564-0011, Japan
アンナパパ on Google

焼き魚、卵焼きも焼きたてを提供してくれます。 昼時を避けて、3時頃の来店でも、結構混んでます。
Grilled fish and omelet are also served freshly. Even if you come to the store around 3 o'clock, avoiding noon, it is quite crowded.
菅原文太 on Google

Why is the rice here so hard and dry? The sign says Koshihikari Kamado-cooked, but I wonder if Koshihikari is used even though Koshihikari cooked in a normal rice cooker at home is soft and plump.
ほのてぃほのか on Google

??ゆったりとしていて、とても落ち着きます。 (๑´ڡ`๑)塩さば?卵焼き?冷奴? ポテトサラダ?ごはん?味噌汁? 癒やされるんよ?✨
?? It's spacious and very calm. (๑´ڡ`๑) Salted mackerel ? Tamagoyaki ? Cold tofu ? Potato salad ? rice ? miso soup ? You will be healed ?✨
桃源郷ファーム on Google

The taste is normal, but not only in this restaurant, but also in the Maid Ookini cafeteria, I get the impression that it is a little expensive overall. Worst of all, there is a young female clerk who is in charge near the cash register and has an unfriendly and unfriendly attitude. Even though I came all the way to eat as a guest, there was no call for me and I was insane. The person in charge of the store should also give proper guidance, but it seems that even that has not been done. This kind of misunderstanding is also serious, and it is related to the credibility of the operating company if it seems that people who are still serving customers at a low level are assigned. The special rice will be unpleasant.
カインの実況チャンネル! on Google

When I said hello to the person closest to the doorway, I didn't get any reply, and I feel like I didn't say anything when I left. That was a little sad. However, the food I ate was very delicious.
たなはやあかさ on Google

Even if the same material is used, there may be differences in the makers. I think that it is the most delicious in the cafeteria. The morning set meal that starts at 9 am is a great deal.
ヨッパのホッシー on Google

岸部駅前にある。朝9時にオープンし朝の定食(焼魚・玉子焼き・ごはん・味噌汁)があるのがこちらのお店の特徴。まいどおおきにらしく好みの惣菜をチョイスする事も可能。店内は木目調の和の雰囲気。テーブル席と向かい合わせのカウンター席がある。カウンター席にはシートがありコロナ対策もなされている。 玉子焼き・ナスの煮物・ジャコおろし・豚汁・ライスを所望する。どのおかずも安定感のある味。豚汁は甘く感じたので次回は味噌汁にしよう。共用駐車場もあり、駐車場の無料サービスもある。
Located in front of Kishibe station. The feature of this restaurant is that it opens at 9 am and has a morning set meal (grilled fish, omelet, rice, miso soup). It is also possible to choose your favorite side dish like a big one. The interior has a wood-grained Japanese atmosphere. There are counter seats facing the table seats. There are seats at the counter seats, and measures against corona are also taken. I would like omelet, simmered eggplant, grated jaco, pork soup, and rice. Every side dish has a stable taste. I felt the pork soup was sweet, so next time I'll use miso soup. There is also a shared parking lot, and there is also a free parking lot service.
account name: riceflow on Google

昔この近くの寮に住んでた頃、火を使わせてくれない寮だったので、よくこの店舗に通ってました。 久々に行った事による懐かしさもありますが、手作り感ある味で良かったです。大根がきちんと染み込んでいて美味しく、唐揚げもいい味でした。ご飯はここのは本当に美味しいです。但し、値段がかなり高めな設定なので、好きなの無邪気に選んでたらすぐ1000円超えちゃうのがたまにキズではありますが。 とはいえ、チェーン店としては良い味付けで、作ってる感をとても感じる店舗なので、サバ6みたいななよりこちらをもっと推していったらいいのにと個人的には思ってしまいます。
When I used to live in a dormitory near here, I used to go to this store because it was a dormitory that didn't let me use fire. It's nostalgic because I went there after a long time, but I'm glad that the taste is handmade. The radish was soaked in properly and it was delicious, and the fried chicken was also good. The rice here is really delicious. However, the price is quite high, so if you choose your favorite innocently, it will exceed 1000 yen immediately, which is a scratch. However, as a chain store, it has a good flavor and I feel that it is being made, so I personally think that I should recommend this more than something like Saba 6.

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