
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 酒のTOP武蔵浦和店

住所 :

Magamoto, Minami Ward, 〒336-0033 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
街 : Saitama

Magamoto, Minami Ward, 〒336-0033 Saitama,Japan
平林淳 on Google

カード決済は出来ませんが、ビール等の箱買いの際に利用しています。 コンビニ価格と比較すると結構お得かと。
Card payment is not possible, but it is used when buying boxes of beer, etc. Is it quite profitable compared to the convenience store price?
kazu su on Google

The store is impressive with its products piled high. On weekdays, people like restaurants come to buy. There are many types, but they may be covered with dust. Mostly it spins fast so it should be okay.
Koichi Mase on Google

ビールのケース買いで利用。 日本酒もワインも揃っている。
Used for buying beer cases. Both sake and wine are available.
esora toview on Google

The price is cheap ❗ The staff are very friendly, so ? Special service, bonus ?
飯澤康紀 on Google

コンパクトにまとまった地域の人向けの酒屋さんです。 物珍しいものはありませんが、一杯やるために必要最低限のものはここで揃います。
It is a compact liquor store for local people. There's nothing unusual, but here's the bare essentials you need to have a drink.
へるぶろす on Google

建物自体は古さを感じますが、それはさておき さすが酒の専門店だけあって、品揃えもよく安いです。薄利多売でやってくれているので、大量に買い込むにはもってこいですね。
The building itself feels old, but aside from that As expected, there is only a liquor specialty store, and the product lineup is good and cheap. It's sold at low profits, so it's perfect for buying in large quantities.
かち割り君 on Google

The parking lot is small, but the product lineup is good and the clerk is kind.
はたmasa on Google

車の点検or 車検で近くに来るので、たまに寄ります。 近所のスーパーより300円近く安くウイスキーが買えたんでラッキーでした。
I will come near by car inspection or car inspection, so I will stop by occasionally. I was lucky to be able to buy whiskey for about 300 yen cheaper than the local supermarket.

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