Maebashishioshima Park

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Maebashishioshima Park

住所 :

Amagawaoshimamachi, Maebashi, 〒379-2154 Gunma,Japan

街 : Gunma

Amagawaoshimamachi, Maebashi, 〒379-2154 Gunma,Japan
萩原喜弘 on Google

Because there is a toilet near, there is a worthwhile rush. I think it's a good place to rest.
ころとん on Google

The area with playground equipment is small, 80% ground.
北爪さん、岡ちゃん on Google

大島公園の桜って?キレイやなぁ〜〜? 前橋大島駅?の電車とかあって凄い景色でしたよ
Cherry blossoms at Oshima Park are pretty and beautiful ~~ ~ There was a train at Maebashi Oshima Station ? and it was a terrific view
Sei Oh on Google

It's a pity that there is no parking lot
o- tan on Google

The flowers in the flowerbed are beautiful, and the lawn park is large and calm.
ファットマン大佐 on Google

Some people come from a distance to walk the dog in the car, but some people let go of the dog without a lead or brush it on the bench.
syu syu on Google

I think it's nice to have a park like this in front of the station, but I felt that there weren't many parks.
秋産 on Google

注意!!見かけたら110番通報を!この公園内及び隣接する車歩分離式横断歩道に、黒1頭、茶色1頭の計2頭の大型犬を放して散歩させている30〜40代前半の痩せ型で身長175cm前後の近隣住民の男性が、複数人に目撃されている。リードをつけているが放している為非常に危険。 被害として、公園で遊ぶ子供及び保護者への噛みつき未遂、公園前の車歩分離式横断歩道も放して通行させる為、通行人に恐怖心を与えている等が確認された。 現れる時間は平日、昼など時間はランダム。 随分前からこの男は大型犬2頭を公園内で放していたが、公園管理者はそれを知っていてノーリードを黙認していた。関係者の話を聞いたところ、普段の様子から反省等の色は全く見られず常習犯だという。 前橋市ではペットとして飼っている犬を放すことは条例で禁止されています。 小さな子供などが多く利用する公園です。 公園内にも放すのは禁止と前橋市による注意書きがあります。 噛み付いて万が一、幼児が命を落としたら。 事があってからではもう遅いです。 みんなで条例違反者から我が子や家族の命を守ろう。 天川大島交番だけでなく、前橋のこの地区全体の警察にこの案件は受理されています。 警察からは、更なる被害を防ぐ為にも放しているのを見かけたら即110番通報するように、と公園利用者及び副管理人に注意がなされた。 近くの天国社の方角から横断歩道を渡って入場してくるので、遊ぶ時は、そちらの方向に常に目を配り、公園内に入ってきたら決して近寄らずに離れ、放す動作が確認されたら即通報を。
Note! ! Call 110 if you see it! In this park and on the adjacent walking-separated pedestrian crossing, we are leaving a total of two large dogs, one black and one brown, walking around and walking in the early 30s to 40s neighborhood inhabitants of about 175 cm tall Men have been witnessed by several people. It is extremely dangerous because you are turning on the lead but being released. As damage, attempted biting to children playing in the park and guardian, attempted passage of the car crossing pedestrian crossing road in front of the park, confirmed that they are giving fear to passers-by. Time to appear is random, such as weekday and day. A long time ago this guy had released two large dogs in the park, but the park manager knew it and tolerated Noorde. When I heard the story of stakeholders, I heard that colors such as reflections can not be seen at all from the usual appearance and it is said to be a remedy. In Maebashi City, freeing a dog kept as a pet is prohibited by the ordinance. It is a park that many children use such as small children. There is a ban on release in the park as well as a note written by Maebashi City. If the baby bitters, the infant drops his life. It is already late when things happen. Let's protect the lives of our children and their families from violators of ordinances. This project is accepted not only by Tenkawa Oshima police box but also by the police in this whole area of ​​Maebashi. From the police, attention was given to park users and sub-administrators to immediately notify 110 if they saw that they were releasing to prevent further damage. As I enter the crosswalk from the direction of a nearby heavenly company, I will always look out to the direction when playing, as soon as I enter the park I leave without approaching and as soon as the action to release is confirmed Report.

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