Lotus Pond - Kashihara

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lotus Pond

住所 :

Takadonocho, Kashihara, Nara 634-0027, Japan

Postal code : 634-0027

Takadonocho, Kashihara, Nara 634-0027, Japan
eiko nosaka on Google

2021年10月17日、コスモスとっても綺麗でした。グッと寒くなった日です。 今年は猛暑と長雨で開花が遅かったそうです。これからが見頃です。 時間差で種まきをされてるそうで、まだまだ蕾のエリアが沢山ありました。
On October 17, 2021, the cosmos was very beautiful. It was a very cold day. It seems that flowering was late this year due to the intense heat and long rain. The best time to see it. It seems that they are sowing seeds at different times, and there are still many bud areas.
大本眞弓 on Google

毎年コスモスが咲き誇る藤原京。 駐車場も各所に有り、今年にはベンチも設置されて多くの人々を迎えてくれます。大和三山に抱かれたこの場所には美しさしかありません。飲食店もゴミもマナーの悪い人も近寄らないおおらかさが正に奈良です。お金儲けしたい人が何処にも居ません。
Fujiwara Kyo, where cosmos is in full bloom every year. There are parking lots in various places, and benches will be set up this year to welcome many people. There is only beauty in this place surrounded by Yamato Sanzan. Nara is very easygoing, where restaurants, garbage, and people with bad manners do not approach. There is no one who wants to make money.
のぼティー on Google

ハスの背丈が低めで、写真撮影は比較的容易です。ザリガニ釣り、ペットとの散歩など近所の方の憩いの場所ですね。 黄花コスモスも咲いていました。
The short height of the hass makes it relatively easy to take pictures. It's a place of relaxation for neighbors, such as crayfish fishing and walking with pets. Yellow flower cosmos was also in bloom.
manabou on Google

7月~8月にかけて蓮の花が咲いています。 7月の半ばではまだまだ…これから見頃をむかえるようです!
Lotus flowers are in bloom from July to August. It's still in the middle of July ... It looks like it's in full bloom!
鴨川嵐雪 on Google

The central part of Fujiwara-kyo, the first full-scale Miyakonojo on the day completed by Empress Jito in 694. Now it's a special historic site. It blooms in such a place of "the beginning of the country". Autumn cherry blossoms are also wonderful.
ねこべん on Google

今年もいい写真撮れた? 2021.10.24 秋には広大なコスモス畑が❣️こんなに沢山のコスモスを見られる所もなかなかないです
I took a good photo this year ? 2021.10.24 There are vast cosmos fields in the fall ❣️ There are few places where you can see so many cosmos.
Komkom Takokisu on Google

蓮の花目的に行きました。 8月のお盆だったので、時期的に少し遅かったです。広大な場所に咲いているので、最盛期に行けばとても綺麗だと思います。 そうそう、蓮の花は昼からは閉じてしまうらしいので、天気の良い午前中を狙うといいですよ。 雨の日の後はぬかるみまくるので、要注意です。 車は最寄りに無料であります。
I went to the lotus flower purpose. It was the Obon festival in August, so it was a little late. It blooms in a vast place, so I think it will be very beautiful if you go to the peak. Oh yeah, the lotus flower seems to close from noon, so it's a good idea to aim for the morning when the weather is nice. Be careful as it gets muddy after a rainy day. The car is free near you.
RISHU ZERO on Google

普段は大神神社への抜け道に利用してるだけですが、この時期には是非ちょっと寄り道で訪れて見て下さい。 休耕田を利用した一面のコスモス畑が素晴らしいです。直近に数ヶ所の無料駐車場も完備され、利用しやすくて便利です。
I usually only use it as a way out to Oomiwa Shrine, but please take a detour at this time of year. The one-sided cosmos field using the fallow fields is wonderful. There are also several free parking lots in the immediate vicinity, making it easy and convenient to use.

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