4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Kamikoya, Yachiyo, 〒276-0022 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.local-local-garden.com/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kamikoya, Yachiyo, 〒276-0022 Chiba,Japan
ko tomi on Google

It is a cafe in the forest that appears suddenly as you move through the residential area. You can relax all the time, or play with a small small athletic or skateboard. As we can add food, it may be a picnic aimed at the photo.
佐々木明子 on Google

とてもおしゃれな空間で素敵なところでした!こだわりのコーヒーと紅茶も美味しくて素敵な休日を過ごすことができました! 子どもたちが楽しそうにあそびまわっていて、また来たいと思いました♪
It was a nice place in a very fashionable space! The special coffee and tea were delicious and we had a wonderful holiday! The children were playing around happily and I wanted to come again♪
suzukake lenia on Google

森の中でゆっくりと時間を過ごせる屋外cafe&BBQ(要予約) 緑に囲まれ、チェアやハンモックが有るので安眠に誘われるかも。屋外なので虫対策が必要。木漏れ日や風に靡く木々や葉の音、素敵です。珈琲も美味しかった!
Outdoor cafe & BBQ (requires reservation) to spend time slowly in the forest It is surrounded by green, and there may be a chair and hammock, so it may be invited to sleep. As it is outdoors, insect control is necessary. The sound of trees and leaves looming through the sun and the wind is wonderful. The salmon was delicious too!
TAKA MA on Google

高い。これに尽きる。入場料で2000円。それとは別に一人2000円取られる。 他は満足できるだけに残念。
high. It's all about this. The entrance fee is 2000 yen. Apart from that, 2000 yen per person will be charged. Others are disappointed to be satisfied.
Yoko on Google

少しの時間だけ、外でリフレッシュしたい方には本当におすすめです。ピクニックプラン1時間で家族で利用しましたが、ソファーやハンモックで青い空を眺めながら美味しいコーヒーと持参したパンでランチしてとってもリフレッシュできました。隣は住宅街なので、静かにくつろぐ感じです。コーヒーと共についてきたフィナンシェもとっても美味しかったです。 家から近いのに、遠くへお洒落キャンプに来た感覚になれます! また近いうちにお邪魔させてもらいます!!
It is really recommended for those who want to refresh outside for a short time. I used it with my family for 1 hour on the picnic plan, but I was able to refresh myself by having lunch with delicious coffee and the bread I brought while watching the blue sky on the sofa and hammock. The neighborhood is a residential area, so it feels like you can relax quietly. The financier that came with the coffee was very delicious. It feels like you're in a fashionable camp far away, even though it's close to your house! I will bother you soon! !!
Takahiro S. on Google

場所はすこし変わった所にあるが、BBQするには素晴らしい設備です。 個室のような空間で非日常を味わえます。
The location is a bit unusual, but it's a great facility for BBQ. You can enjoy extraordinary life in a space like a private room.
ひろみんはぎ on Google

めちゃくちゃ可愛い!そしてお洒落! 各ツリーデッキは高低差がありお互いのスペースが見えづらくなってるし、ブース毎に趣があり、今回利用したブース以外も利用してみたくなりました。 森の中にあるので直射日光が当たらず木漏れ日がまた良い。 こだわりのコーヒー(日替わり?)も飲みましたがこれもまた美味しい✨コーヒーがあまり好きじゃない友人も美味しいと言ってました。 また利用します!
Insanely cute! And fashionable! There is a difference in height between each tree deck, making it difficult to see each other's space, and each booth has its own taste, so I wanted to use a booth other than the one I used this time. Since it is in the forest, it is not exposed to direct sunlight and the sunlight through the trees is also good. I drank my favorite coffee (daily?), But this is also delicious ✨ My friend who doesn't like coffee said that it was delicious. I will use it again!
モモ on Google

新しく始まった夜のBBQに行ってみました! 昼間とはまた違う雰囲気で、ランタンの灯りが心地良くとても落ち着いて過ごせました! 虫対策も万全なのでストレスもなし! 焚き火スポットがあり、自分で火打ち石を用いて火起こしをし、(難しくて最後はオーナーさんに手伝ってもらいましたが笑)マシュマロを焼いて食べたのが楽しかったです!
I went to the new night BBQ! The atmosphere was different from the daytime, and the lantern lights were comfortable and very calm! There is no stress because the measures against insects are perfect! There was a bonfire spot, and I used a flint stone to start the fire myself (it was difficult and the owner helped me at the end, but lol) I enjoyed baking marshmallows and eating them!

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