La vie de Croissant Toyota - Toyota

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact La vie de Croissant Toyota

住所 :

4 Chome-1-1 Nichinancho, Toyota, Aichi 471-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 471-0032

4 Chome-1-1 Nichinancho, Toyota, Aichi 471-0032, Japan
生田孝司 on Google

It's my first time to enter, but it's fun just to look at various miscellaneous goods and sweets. Women like this kind of place, but men can enjoy it enough.
赤子 on Google

多種多様な商品構成の雑貨屋さん。 1階の広い店内にはエリア毎にジャンル分けされた商品が陳列。婦人服等のアパレルも、雑貨屋としては多い。 「有ったら便利!」な調理器具や、「食器棚が楽しくなる!」ようなデザインの食器、「つい、雨の日も出たくなる!」柄の雨具や、「人にも贈りたくなる!」ようなタオル等の実用品まで、選んだり探したりが楽しめる内容かと思う。 奥にはキッズスペースも有り、「ゆっくり買い物したいけれど、子供が…」という子連れママにはありがたい。 2階フロアは子供向けのアイテムが多い。 「腹ぺこ青虫」や「バーバーパパ」、「スヌーピー」や「ムーミン」等の商品が陳列。休憩スペースも有る。 景品やプレゼントなど「ちょっとした贈り物」探しに便利なお店です。
A general store with a wide variety of products. In the large store on the 1st floor, products categorized by genre are displayed. There are many apparel such as women's clothes as a general store. Cooking utensils that are convenient if you have them, tableware that is designed to make the cupboard fun !, rain gear with a pattern that says “I want to get out on a rainy day!” And “I want to give it to people. I think that it can be enjoyed by selecting and searching for practical items such as towels. There is also a kids space in the back, and I am thankful to my mom with children saying “I want to shop slowly, but my kids ...”. The second floor has many items for children. Products such as “Hungry Caterpillar”, “Barber Daddy”, “Snoopy” and “Moomin” are on display. There is also a rest area. This is a convenient place to search for “little gifts” such as giveaways and gifts.
メロンパン on Google

お店の近くを通る度に、いつも車が満車状態で、いつか行ってみたいお店の一つでした。お店の近くに行く用事があったので、やっと入店することが出来ました。女性に大変人気のお店です。 雑貨品もとても充実していて、観ていて楽しいです。 一つずつ時間を掛けて選びたいです。 ショッピングバッグを購入しました。 とっても可愛いくて、使い勝手もよさそうです。 また、近くに行ったら、お伺いしたいお店です。
Every time I passed near the shop, the car was always full and it was one of the shops I would like to visit someday. I had a business to go near the store, so I was finally able to enter the store. It is a very popular shop for women. There are a lot of miscellaneous goods, and it's fun to watch. I want to spend time choosing one by one. I bought a shopping bag. It's very cute and seems to be easy to use. Also, if you go nearby, this is the shop you want to visit.
ゆっくん on Google

雑誌がいろいろあります。 子供用もありますよ。 プレゼント選びにも向いてます。
There are various magazines. There are also children's items. It is also suitable for gift selection.
たま on Google

かわいい雑貨が1階2階に置いてあります。洋服もあり、おしゃれな調味料やフードもあり、見ていて楽しいです。 レジ袋が有料化のこのご時世にラッピングが無料なのも嬉しいです
Cute miscellaneous goods are on the 1st and 2nd floors. There are clothes, fashionable seasonings and food, so it's fun to watch. I'm glad that wrapping is free in this age when shopping bags are charged.
T Y on Google

雑貨、洋服、文房具、食品まで どれもかわいいものばかり。見ているだけでも楽しい空間です。
Miscellaneous goods, clothes, stationery, food All of them are cute. It's a fun space just by looking at it.
makkey northern on Google

豊田市の大型雑貨店。 17:00までに3000円以上の購入毎に、無料で一杯ドリンクをいただく事ができます。 お酒とお酒のつまみから婦人服、ギフトまで取り扱っており、正に雑貨屋さんのバラエティーに富んだ品揃えで、女性のお客さんを中心にお客さんが来ています(^-^)
A large grocery store in Toyota City. For every purchase of 3000 yen or more by 17:00, you can get a free drink for free. We deal in wine clothes and gifts from liquor and liquor picks, and a variety of sundry shops selling a wide variety of products, customers are mainly attending female customers (^ - ^)
生田孝司 on Google

ここはたまに行くけど小物雑貨などおもしろい物もたくさんあって見るだけでも楽しいと思います。女性をターゲットに してるみたいだけど男性が行ってもおもしろいかな。
I go here once in a while, but I think it's fun just to look at a lot of interesting things such as small items. Targeting women It looks like they're doing it, but it would be interesting for men to go.

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