Kyomaru Nishifunabashi - Funabashi

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kyomaru Nishifunabashi

住所 :

西船橋駅前プラザ 2F 4 Chome-27-2 Nishifuna, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 273-0031
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–11:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–11PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM

西船橋駅前プラザ 2F 4 Chome-27-2 Nishifuna, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0031, Japan
サドルカバー on Google

コロナ対策 キチンとしていて、個室になっているので安心して飲めました。 プレミアムの飲み放題、地ビールなくて残念でした。
Corona measures I was able to drink with confidence because it was a chitin and it was a private room. It was a pity that there was no premium all-you-can-drink and local beer.
ひよ on Google

The inside of the store had a high-class feeling, and it seemed that the measures against corona were apt. The chefs also have a sense of luxury. But I thought this was just a performance. Because it is a dish, the quality of each dish was low. Is the chef really cooking? Isn't it just chilling frozen food in the microwave? Like in love hotels and manga cafes. .. It was like that. The pizza is fluffy, the chicken nanban is too tasty, the croquette has a stomach ache... it's a spooky store. It may be good for banquets. .. However, the inside of the store is very beautiful.
D S on Google

ランチ利用 ランチメニュー的なのが無かったのが残念。 唐揚げセットヤンニョムで頼んだが、まあ普通。 850円か、、、。 ただ広く空いてるので落ち着いて食べれるには食べれる。
Lunch use It's a pity that there was no such thing as a lunch menu. I ordered the fried chicken set in Yangnyeom, but it's normal. Is it 850 yen? However, it's wide open so you can eat it calmly.
calko pass on Google

平日の夜利用しました。 本日のおすすめと言うことでしたので、 お刺身3種盛りを注文しましたが硬くて噛みきれない分厚いタコと色が明らかに良くないマグロとサーモンにガッカリでした。枝豆もビックリするほど塩がまぶされていたし、たたき胡瓜も塩が多すぎてどれも残してしまいました。他のお料理もホームページの写真より寂しく残念です。 何年も前に2度行ったことがありその頃はお料理も美味しくて良かったので今回久々に来店しました。店内の雰囲気は綺麗なのですがお料理が値段に見合っておらず、とにかくガッカリしました。
I used it on weekday nights. It was today's recommendation, so I ordered 3 kinds of sashimi, but I was disappointed with the thick octopus that was hard and couldn't be chewed, and the tuna and salmon that were obviously not good in color. The edamame was also sprinkled with salt to the extent that I was surprised, and the tataki cucumber was too salty and I left behind all of them. Other dishes are lonely and disappointing than the pictures on the homepage. I went there twice many years ago, and at that time the food was delicious, so I came to the store for the first time in a while. The atmosphere inside the restaurant is beautiful, but the food is not worth the price and I was disappointed.
長谷川和也 on Google

安かろう悪かろうなのかな。西船橋は美味しい料理と接客が秀逸なお店が多いので、比較になってしまいますが、料理はお値段に比べて残念、接客や接客システムは、この界隈では経験したことないくらい残念、でした。 以前利用させていただいた時にはここまでではなかったので、最近質が下がったんでしょうね。
I wonder if it's cheap or bad. Nishifunabashi has many restaurants with excellent food and customer service, so it's a comparison, but the food is disappointing compared to the price, and the customer service and customer service system is disappointing that I have never experienced in this area. It wasn't up to this point when I used it before, so I think the quality has deteriorated recently.
小澤斗真 on Google

卒業式の帰りにこの店にメガネを忘れてしまったのですが、その旨を電話をさせていただいたら丁寧に対応して頂きました。 頼んだチーズの料理もとても美味しかったです。 ここでお礼させていただきます。ご対応ありがとうございました。
I forgot my glasses at this store on the way back from the graduation ceremony, but when I called to that effect, I responded politely. The cheese dish I ordered was also very delicious. I would like to thank you here. Thank you for your response.
そんちゃん on Google

Right next to Nishifunabashi station. I was able to have lunch in a calm seat. The price is reasonable and there is volume! The corona measures are well taken and I feel the quality of the shop. I would like to use it at night if I have the opportunity.
武内英二 on Google

フォアグラが食べたくて、お店を探していたらこの店のメニューが目に止まった。 久々のフォアグラ。 下のステーキ?もなかなかのお味。 スタッフも感じが良かった。
When I was looking for a restaurant because I wanted to eat foie gras, the menu of this restaurant caught my eye. Foie gras after a long absence. The steak below ? also tastes pretty good. The staff was also nice.

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