Kyobashi Stele - Chuo City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kyobashi Stele

住所 :

3 Chome-5 Kyobashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0031, Japan

Postal code : 104-0031

3 Chome-5 Kyobashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0031, Japan
四ツ葉のクローバー on Google

I didn't know there was such a monument. informative.
Yoshihisa on Google

京橋は慶長年間(1596年から1615年)に架けられて以来、幾度もの架替を経てきたそうです。 この橋柱は明治八年に架け替えられた時の親柱だそうです。
It is said that Kyobashi has undergone many replacements since it was built during the Keicho era (1596-1615). This bridge pillar is said to be the main pillar when it was rebuilt in the 8th year of the Meiji era.
Naoyuki Oi on Google

警察博物館と、関係が有りそうな位、目の前にあります。 ここは、京橋なんだ!と、大正ロマンを感じます。この付近は、新しいビルディングが立ち並び、ますます古い建物?施設が無くなっていますね。 残したい日本?古代・昔を感じさせます。 日本の中心地を感じる地です。
There is a relation with the police museum, which is likely to be in front of you. Here is Kyobashi! And, I feel Taisho romance. In this neighborhood, new buildings line up, and older buildings and facilities are disappearing. I feel that you want to leave Japan Zen ancient times and old times. It is a place where you feel the center of Japan.
軍曹スガガ on Google

京都出身の者が付近で遊女屋を営んでいたことに由来する「京橋川」に架けられた橋の名前に由来するそうです。橋が先か川が先か混乱する…? 1959年(昭和34年)、京橋川が埋め立てられ、橋は撤去され、現在は町名だけが残っている。 付近には「警察博物館」があって、展示してるパトカーの掃除をする女子達の黄色い声が…と思ってそちらを覗くと妙齢のお母様方が楽しそうに開館の準備をされていた。
It seems that it comes from the name of the bridge over the "Kyobashi River" originating from the fact that someone from Kyoto was running a vicarage shop nearby. It is confusing whether a bridge is ahead or a river is ahead ... ? In 1959 (Showa 34), the Kyobashi River was landfilled, the bridge was removed, now only the town name remains. In the vicinity there was a "police museum" and the yellow voices of the girls cleaning the exhibited police car were ... and when I looked into it, the mothers of the matured age were preparing for the opening to have fun.
shinohara makoto on Google

親柱。 距離を隔てて2本あり、製作様式の違いを比較すると面白いです。 また道路を挟んで反対側にも別の親柱があります。
Parent pillar. There are two at a distance and it is interesting to compare the differences in production style. There is another main pillar on the other side of the road.
為五郎 on Google

「京橋」はかつて存在した橋で、現在は付近の地名として残されています。 京橋は日本橋と並ぶ名橋で、日本橋より東海道にて京都方向に向かう場合、 街道で最初に渡る橋として重要な意味合いをもっていたそうです。
"Kyobashi" is a bridge that once existed, and is currently preserved as a nearby place name. Kyobashi is a famous bridge alongside Nihonbashi. When heading to Kyoto on the Tokaido from Nihonbashi, it seems to have had an important meaning as the first bridge to cross on the highway.
Wing k on Google

中央區京橋區高架橋下短短的一段路,路旁置煉瓦銀座之碑和瓦斯燈銘牌,另一邊路旁則豎京橋之親柱的介詔欄牌。短短一段路,盛載如此豐富的歷史訊息。江戶時期這裏是京橋川,川上的橋是京橋。明治五年(1872),銀座一带發生大型火災,盡成焦土。政府重建,引進西方設計,採用瓦磚(煉瓦)建材,加強防火效用。另外,街道安裝煤氣燈(瓦斯燈)。開展當時時代前沿步伐。隨著市城發展,京橋也幾經重修更換。最後川填平,橋也拆卸。現街道兩旁,放置昔日不同年代京橋柱子,分别是明治及大正年代,供遊人憑弔。 中央區的日本橋和京橋两個區域,同樣以橋名命名。日本橋仍在;京橋已沒,祗留地名。 作為外國遊客,偶爾過此。走過短短的路,豐富了對東京的歷史。感謝!另外,路旁的銀座派出所人交番)(Koban),造形特出。
A short section of the viaduct of the Jingqiao District in the Central District, with the monument of the Ginza and the nameplate of the gas light on the roadside, and the signboard of the pro-column of the Jingqiao Bridge on the other side of the road. A short period of time, carrying such a rich historical message. In the Edo period, it was the Kyobashi River, and the bridge on the river was the Kyobashi. In the five years of Meiji (1872), a large-scale fire broke out in the Ginza area, making it a scorched earth. The government rebuilt, introduced Western design, and used tile bricks (refined tiles) to enhance fire protection. In addition, the street is equipped with a gas lamp (gas light). Carry out the pace of the times at that time. With the development of the city, the Beijing Bridge has been rebuilt and replaced. Finally, the river was filled and the bridge was dismantled. On both sides of the street, the pillars of Jingqiao in different times were placed in the Meiji and Taishou eras. The two areas of Nihonbashi and Kyobashi in the Chuo-ku are also named after the bridge. The Nihonbashi is still there; the Kyobashi has not been, and the place name is reserved. As a foreign tourist, I occasionally pass this. A short walk has enriched the history of Tokyo. thank! In addition, the Ginza police station on the roadside pays off (Koban), the shape is special.
s k on Google

The Kyobashi that was built over the Kyobashi River during the Keicho era (1596-1615) was a wooden bridge, but it was replaced with a stone bridge in 1875 and an iron bridge in 1901. In 1922), a illuminated main pillar was installed. It was removed by reclaiming the Kyobashi River in 1959, and two main pillars from the Meiji era and one main pillar from the Taisho era remain in this place. The photo is one of the main pillars of Kyobashi in the Meiji era, with a decoration called Giboshi on the top. Giboshi was attached to the Kogibashi (a bridge directly managed by the Shogunate) of the Edo Shogunate, and in Edo City, it was attached to only three bridges, Nihonbashi, Kyobashi, and Shinbashi.

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