カット専門店 ふくしまカット

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カット専門店 ふくしまカット

住所 :

Kuwano, Koriyama, 〒963-8025 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : Fukushima

Kuwano, Koriyama, 〒963-8025 Fukushima,Japan
はまりないと on Google

Mr. Fukushima Cut who has been indebted for a long time. It's 900 yen, which is quite cheap, fast and good. I personally want to promote this shop on my blog. The owner's personality is also gentle and charming. Always I am indebted. I'm thinking of going tomorrow, so thank you ?
ちしゃけ on Google

Not only is it cheap, but the cutting technology is also high! You can park a few cars in the parking lot, and it's faster than anything else! There is no need to make a reservation and there is almost no waiting time, so it seems that business trip office workers can easily cut. This is my second time, but I would like to ask you every month ♪ The fee is 900 yen. I only cut.
だーだー on Google

とりあえず迷ったらここにすべき。 丁寧でしかも早い。普通の早さじゃないくらい早い。店主は45年以上やってるらしくて手慣れ過ぎってくらい丁寧 時間をかけずに髪を整えたいならオススメ。穴場です
If you get lost for the time being, you should go here. Polite and fast. It's not as fast as normal. The shop owner seems to have been doing it for over 45 years and is so polite that he is too accustomed to it Recommended if you want to straighten your hair in no time. It's a little-known spot
ママタタ on Google

I always have them cut with no waiting time. It's cut very short so it's very nice to be able to grow and go immediately. Uncle is a very good person (laughs) I will continue to attend.
久美子大柳 on Google

初めてカットをしていただきました。 何がびっくりって…‎( ⊙⊙)!! 10分もかからずに、私の美容師泣かせの、くせ毛を希望通りに仕上げてくれた事です。 それで、900円とは…またまたビックリ? これからも、お願いしたいと思いました。 カットのみですが、きちんと細かい髪の毛も処理してもらい、お買い物をして、帰って来ました。 オーナーさんも、気さくな話しやすい方です? 帰りには、付き添いて来た孫に、キャンディ?の、おみやげまでいただき、ありがとうございました??‍♀️
I had you cut for the first time. What surprised me ... (⊙⊙) !! In less than 10 minutes, my hairdresser made me cry and finished the curly hair as I wanted. So, what is 900 yen ... I'm surprised again ? I would like to continue to ask. It's only a cut, but I had my fine hair treated properly, did some shopping, and came back. The owner is also a friendly and easy-to-speak person ? On the way back, thank you to my grandchildren who accompanied me for the candy ? souvenirs ??‍♀️
髙橋文治 on Google

安い(900円)、早い(10分)、上手いの三拍子揃ったカット専門店。剃刀は使わないようですが、襟足・もみあげ等もきちんと整えてくれます。 眉毛・耳毛処理などはしていない模様。近くに立ち寄ればまたお伺いします、ありがとうございました?
A cheap (900 yen), fast (10 minutes), good cut specialty store with a good triple time. I don't seem to use a razor, but it also arranges my neckline and sideburns properly. The eyebrows and ears are not treated. Thank you very much if you stop by nearby.
マスコ on Google

希望のヘアスタイルをスマホに用意し予約無しで来店 座ってと言われ10分後には完成 大満足の破格の900円 もっと早く知りたかった♡♡
Prepare your desired hairstyle on your smartphone and come to the store without reservation I was told to sit down and it was completed in 10 minutes. I was very satisfied with the exceptional 900 yen. I wanted to know earlier ♡♡
大柳夏実 on Google

母が見つけた穴場美容室(^^)v??? 付き添いついでにカットしてもらいました! 私20代女ですが、文句なしの仕上がり!最高! しかも安い! 理想通りの髪型にしてもらいました✨ 900円なのでお財布に優しいです。若者の皆様ぜひ! オーナーのおじさんいつも息子にキャンディーありがとうこざいます?
A little-known beauty salon that my mother found (^^) v??? I had them cut while attending! I'm a female in her twenties, but the finish is perfect! The best! And it's cheap! I had my hairstyle exactly as I wanted ✨ It's 900 yen, so it's easy on your wallet. By all means, young people! The owner's uncle always thank my son for the candy ?

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