Kusuri No Aoki Tokura Shop - Chikuma

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kusuri No Aoki Tokura Shop

住所 :

1916-1 Togura, Chikuma, Nagano 389-0804, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 389-0804
Webサイト : https://www.kusuri-aoki.co.jp/search/map.php%3Fid%3D357
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM

1916-1 Togura, Chikuma, Nagano 389-0804, Japan
tomo zo (TOMOZO!) on Google

The products we sell seem to be the same at every store.
unagi perori on Google

Parking lot is large and comfortable.
鼠根川獺 on Google

When he gave a prescription at the pharmacy, he said, "I don't have this medicine." I haven't left it, so I just ask you to go to another pharmacy. Other Aoki's pharmacies will ask you for some time and will order it. If it takes too long, at the Shinonoi store, it will be delivered directly or by courier. After this, I went to the Shinonoi store and was told, "Please give me some time. It will take about an hour because it will be ordered, but please wait, what do you do?" I told you that I will be shopping and waiting in the store. I think it's a very good response. The pharmacist at the Tokura store is the worst. I never go to the Tokura store pharmacy, nor do I go to the Aoki Tokura store.
hayen Tarlon on Google

割り込み客をそのまま受け入れてきちんと並んでいた客を延々と放置する最低の接客をする店。 クスリのアオキは嫌いではないが戸倉店には二度と行かない。
A store that accepts interrupted customers as they are and offers the lowest customer service, leaving the customers in line for a long time. I don't hate the medicine Aoki, but I will never go to the Tokura store.
チャンネルニコラシカ on Google

安い!気がします。 品揃えもいいし、買い物もし安い感じです。
cheap! I feel like. Assortment is good, and it is feeling that it is cheap for shopping.
みーこ on Google

調剤薬局の方の対応が酷い。 17:55分過ぎに訪ねたところ、薬について聞かれ詳しく伝えたというのに、閉店間際だったらしくカーテンを閉めてこの薬は一つもありません!の一言で処方箋を突き返された。 若い女性の店員さんのときは家まで宅配便を送りますか?など丁寧な対応をしてくれるのに年配の女性のときは最悪。 もう絶対にアオキの調剤薬局は行きません。
The response of the dispensing pharmacy is terrible. When I visited after 17:55 minutes, I was asked about the medicine and told in detail, but it seems that the store was about to close and I closed the curtain and there is no medicine! The prescription was pushed back in one word. If you are a young female clerk, do you send a courier to your house? It is the worst when it is an elderly woman though it responds politely. I will never go to Aoki's dispensing pharmacy anymore.
アレクシスサンチェス on Google

It's an ordinary Aoki.
ラブオゆめゆめ on Google

スタッフのレジの方の挨拶が気持ちいいです。ここまで声が出てる所は他にはないくらいです。凄く清々しく感じます?たまに買い物を袋づめする台まで運んでくれ、親切です☺️ カロリーメイトがいつも安く買えます。紙パックのサントリーのワインが安くて助かります? ドトールのアイスが美味しいので、買い物の度にこちらで、購入します?いつもきらすことなく置いてあるので、非常に助かってます? また今後ともよろしくお願いします?
The greeting from the cashier of the staff is pleasant. There is no other place where you can speak so far. It feels very refreshing ? It's kind to take me to the table where I sometimes pack my shopping ☺️ You can always buy CalorieMate cheaply. Paper carton Suntory wine is cheap and helpful ? Doutor's ice cream is delicious, so I buy it here every time I shop ? It's very helpful because I always keep it without messing up ? I look forward to working with you again ?

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