松利老舗 - Kusatsu

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 松利老舗

住所 :

Kusatsu, 〒525-0034 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 525-0034
Webサイト : http://matsuri-roho.com/
街 : Shiga

Kusatsu, 〒525-0034 Shiga,Japan
Yuji Taki on Google

Japanese sweets shop along the old Tokaido. Dorayaki with three colors red bean paste is a specialty.
金森澄枝 on Google

There was a long line at Kusatsu Akari. I lined up involuntarily and bought freshly baked dorayaki. Even the fluffy and generous amount of bean paste was not too sweet and was eaten crisply. Demonstration sale in front of the shop. I was excited while lining up.
ポカリすえっと on Google

I bought this three-color dumpling because it was on sale at Road Station Kusatsu.
矢野伸一 on Google

It was a small shop, but I was disappointed that I didn't have the item I wanted because the day I visited was 1/4. I thought it couldn't be helped this time.
比叡の苔石 on Google

「松里もなか」が代表的な銘菓ですが、今の一押しは「草津たび丸 どら焼き」みたいです。ひとつのどら焼きに小豆、栗入り白あん、抹茶あんと三色あんが入っています。
“Matsuri Monaka” is a typical confection, but the current push is like “Kusatsu Tabimaru Dorayaki”. One dorayaki contains red beans, white bean paste with chestnuts, matcha bean paste and three colors of bean paste.
咲夜 on Google

ランチ帰り(南草津のシャンシャンタン)に寄った和菓子屋さん。 初めてでしたが和菓子の季節商品も多数仕入れたり自点手作りの和菓子等あり。思わず懐かしい商品もあり色々買ってしまいました。駄菓子も置いてた。店員のおかみさんかな?おばあちゃんもとても愛想よく帰りにわざわざ追いかけて駐車場までおまけの和菓子届けにきてくれました! 三色あんのどら焼きはボリューム満点で美味しかったし、わらび餅も美味しかった! また行きたいお店です。お値段もお手頃。
A Japanese sweets shop that stopped by on the way home from lunch (Shang Shantan in Minamikusatsu). Although it was my first time, I bought a lot of seasonal Japanese sweets and had my own handmade Japanese sweets. I bought a lot of nostalgic products. I also put some candy. Is it the clerk's mother? Grandma was also very friendly and chased after me on the way home and came to the parking lot to deliver the extra Japanese sweets! The three-colored bean paste dorayaki was full of volume and delicious, and the warabi mochi was also delicious! This is the shop I want to go to again. The price is also reasonable.
min mo on Google

たび丸どら焼き、三色団子を購入致しました。 たび丸どら焼きは中の餡がたくさんで美味しかったです。 三色団子ですが、失敗作なのかな?と思うほど味がなく全部食べられませんでした。 これで3本360円はお値段に見合わないように思います。 また、ご好意でどら焼きの皮をくださったのは嬉しかったのですが、素手で渡され驚いてしまいました…
I bought a round dorayaki and three-color dumplings. Tabimaru Dorayaki was delicious with a lot of bean paste inside. It's a three-color dumpling, but is it a failure? It didn't taste as good as I thought and I couldn't eat it all. With this, I think that 360 yen for 3 bottles is not worth the price. Also, I was glad that you gave me the dorayaki skin, but I was surprised that it was handed over with my bare hands ...
itです on Google

観光案内の方に勧められて3色どら焼き購入させていただきました。 200円でこのボリューム✨ お勧め通りで美味しかったです! 酒屋さんの東側 見つけられてよかったです♪
I was recommended by a tourist guide to purchase 3 colors of dorayaki. This volume for 200 yen ✨ It was delicious as recommended! East side of the liquor store I'm glad I found it ♪

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