
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 美遊着

住所 :

Kusanagi, Shimizu Ward, 〒424-0886 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : http://www.mi-yu-ki.net/
街 : Shizuoka

Kusanagi, Shimizu Ward, 〒424-0886 Shizuoka,Japan
パンダ・ザ・ジャイアント on Google

I went to see the hair ornaments, but the assortment was not good enough.
Lovely Pinky on Google

I took my daughter to see the kimono for the first time, but the person who was very gorgeous in the shop (Mr. Yamada) was very polite and easy to talk to. I was thinking of going around several times, but I decided to go to this shop with my daughter!
池田砂由里 on Google

私がこのお店で振袖を買ったので 妹の成人式もみゆきさんに頼みました! 姉振?ってやつですねw スタッフさんも覚えててくれたので 妹が選んでる間話したり楽しかったです?? 家からちょっと遠いので☆4つなんですけどw また着物の事でなんかあったらみゆきさんにきたいと思います?
Because I bought furisode at this store I asked my sister's ceremonial ceremony Yuki Momi! Sister swing? That's w The staff also remembered It was fun to talk and enjoy while my sister chose ?? It's a little far from home ☆ There are four, but w In addition, if there is something about kimono, I would like to visit Miyuki-san ?
Masahiko Furumaki on Google

娘の成人式で美遊着さんにお世話になりました。 着物、小物等、細部までこだわり、丁寧にコーディネートして頂きとても満足いく仕上がりとなりました。 着付け、ヘアメイク、写真すべてこちらで済ませることができるのでとても助かりました。 写真もたくさん撮って頂き、その中から自分の気に入ったものを選んでオリジナルアルバムを作ることができ、とても良い記念になりました。
My daughter's adult ceremony was taken care of by Miyu. The details such as kimono and accessories are carefully coordinated, and the finish is very satisfying. Dressing up, hair and makeup, and photos are all done here, so it was very helpful. I had a lot of photos taken, and I was able to choose the one I liked and make an original album, which was a very good memory.
渡邊幸子 on Google

初めて娘の着物を美遊着さんで購入しました。 三姉妹なので大事に着させてもらいます。 本人が気に入ったものが見つけられて、成人式に早く着物を着たいと待ちわびてます。
For the first time, I bought my daughter's kimono at Miyu. I have three sisters, so I will wear them carefully. I was able to find what I liked and wanted to wear a kimono as soon as possible.
TAMAYO on Google

娘が私の振り袖を着ると言ってくれました。しかしそのまま着るのもどうしたものかと思っていたところ、美遊着さんへ持ち込みました。 素敵な帯、華やかな小物でとても何十年も前の着物とは思えない変りぶりに、娘も大満足! 来年の成人式がとっても楽しみです(^_-)-☆
My daughter told me to wear my furisode. However, when I was wondering what it would be like to wear it, I brought it to Miyu. My daughter is very satisfied with the wonderful obi and gorgeous accessories that make me feel like a kimono from decades ago. I'm really looking forward to the adult ceremony next year (^_-)-☆
新名隆大 on Google

2018年正月、長女が美遊着さんで仕立ててもらった晴れ着を着て、グランシップで行われた成人式に、無事に列席しました。 わが家は、三姉妹。3人が2年おきに、順番でみんな着られるようにと、地元清水の美遊着さんにお邪魔しました。 大学進学で県外に出た長女が実家に帰省したタイミングで、三姉妹そろって見に行ったところ、3人とも「これがいい!」と、意見が一致する商品に巡り合うことができたのは、本当に嬉しかったです。 個性それぞれの姉妹が着物のデザインで意見が一致するなんて、予想しておりませんでしたが、まさかの全会一致!ほとんどミラクルです☆ 美遊着さんの商品ラインナップが、普遍的な美しさと品をもち、かつ新世代の若者感覚にも合うものだったから・・・と、感謝しております。 三姉妹全員が成人するまで、毎度地元のお店にお世話になることができるという安心感もあります。 通算で4年間、たっぷりお世話になります。毎回、家族みんなで美遊着さんにお邪魔することが、家族の絆にもなります。 末永く、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
In the New Year 2018, my eldest daughter wore a sunny clothes tailored by Miyu and safely attended the grand ceremonies held at the grandship. ‥ My family has three sisters. I asked Mr. Miyu, who is a local member of Shimizu, to wear all three in turn every two years. When my eldest daughter, who went out of the prefecture to go to university, returned to my parents' house, I went to see all three sisters, and all three of them were able to come up with products for which they agreed, "This is good!" I was really happy. ‥ I did not expect that the sisters of each individual would agree on the design of the kimono, but it was a unanimous consensus! Almost a miracle☆ I am grateful that Mr. Miyu's product lineup had universal beauty and products, and also fit the feeling of a new generation of youth. ‥ There is also a sense of security that you can take care of the local shop every time until all three sisters are grown up. In total, I will be grateful to you for four years. It is a bond for the family that every time the whole family interferes with Miyu. Thank you for your continued support.
S S on Google

この店舗になる前、清水銀座にあった店舗で着物を購入しました。購入する際には以後着付けは無料ですと言われておりましたが、購入して5年後に結婚式で着たいとお願いしたところ、あなたの着物は安物で無料で着せる気はないと言われました。 その安物を売っていたのはこの店舗ですし、成人式の時には買わせたい一心で接客もしていたのに、買った後はこんな対応なんだと思いました。
Before this store, I bought a kimono at a store located in Sei Merza. When purchasing, it was said that dressing was free afterwards, but when I purchased it and asked to wear it at a wedding five years later, it was said that my kimono was cheap and I would not wear it for free Was. It was this store that was selling the cheap goods, and at the time of the coming-of-age ceremony, I always wanted to buy it and I was waiting on customers.

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