業務スーパー エブリイ黒瀬店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 業務スーパー エブリイ黒瀬店

住所 :

Kurosecho Sugeta, Higashihiroshima, 〒739-2624 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.gyomusuper.jp/shop/detail.php%3Fsh_id%3D1167
街 : Hiroshima

Kurosecho Sugeta, Higashihiroshima, 〒739-2624 Hiroshima,Japan
がらくた on Google

他のエブリイより品物が安めです 以前は鮮魚が結構多く一匹物も多数買えたのですが最近は干物や冷凍、切り身といった魚が増えた気がします 駐車場の出入りが少し難しいです
Goods are cheaper than other EVERY In the past, there were quite a lot of fresh fish and I could buy a lot of one, but recently I feel that the number of fish such as dried fish, frozen fish, and fillets has increased. Getting in and out of the parking lot is a little difficult
mシイタン(シイタン) on Google

店員さんはフェイスシールドもしてて、感染防止が、徹底されてた。商品も豊富でした。 が、今日12:20頃にレジに並んでたら、いざ自分の番になった瞬間、レジのおばさんが消えた。何も言わず、看板すら出さず。仕方なく別のレジに並んでたら、しれっと帰ってきた。太ったおばさんです。何か一言言えばいいのに。
The store clerk also had a face shield, and the infection was thoroughly prevented. The products were plentiful. However, when I lined up at the cashier around 12:20 today, the lady at the cashier disappeared when it was my turn. Don't say anything, don't even show the billboard. When I lined up at another cashier, I came back. A fat lady. I should say a word.
宮内後美紀 on Google

おこ on Google

よく利用します 呉や東広島のように焼きたてパンはないけど 近所?の農家サンの野菜専用コーナーもあります 隣はドラックストアとクリーニングあり。
I often use it There is no freshly baked bread like Kure and Higashi Hiroshima neighborhood? There is also a vegetable corner for the farmer San Next door is a drugstore and cleaning.
陶山隆範 on Google

There is also a local vegetable corner, and the fish and vegetables are fresh, bright, and lively.
あんころ on Google

Fresh foods such as meat and vegetables are also fresh and cheap, so I think they are incomparable to the commercial supermarkets that are everywhere.
かんくろ on Google

小振りな店鋪なので商品が少ない。 焼き立てパンが無いのと、惣菜コーナーのお好み焼きをソースで選べないのが残念。店鋪によっては、オタフク、ミツワ、カープの3種類があるのでその日の気分で選べて良いのに。
Since it is a small shop, there are few products. It's a pity that we don't have freshly baked bread and we can't choose okonomiyaki from the side dish corner. Depending on the store, there are three types, Otafuku, Mitsuwa, and Carp, so you can choose according to the mood of the day.
Toshi Iz on Google

I think the store is the right size for the area. I think it is an indispensable shop in this area. You may lose in the product lineup compared to large stores, but I think it's enough for a normal life. I'm glad that there was a time sale today where you can buy eggs at a special price for purchases of 1000 yen or more. I will definitely use it again.

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