金戒光明寺 三重塔 - Kyoto

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 金戒光明寺 三重塔

住所 :

Kurodanicho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8331, Japan

Postal code : 606-8331

Kurodanicho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8331, Japan
M 171D on Google

真如堂からの帰り道にありました。 眺めが良い。山は昔のままかな。
It was on the way back from Shinsho-do. The view is good. Is the mountain the same as it used to be?
Mako Nakajima on Google

三重塔、文殊塔の周りの柵が強化されていました。 柵を乗り越えて中に入る人が多いのかと思いましたが瓦が落ちて来るのを防ぐ為の様です。 山の上に立ってますので風雨に強く曝されて傷みも激しいのでしょう。遠くから見ると立派な御姿なのですが…。
The fences around the three-storied pagoda and the Bunshu pagoda were reinforced. I thought that many people would get over the fence and go inside, but it seems to prevent the tiles from falling. Since he is standing on the mountain, he will be strongly exposed to the wind and rain and will be severely damaged. Seen from a distance, it looks great ...
いっちゃんいっちゃん on Google

1633年、二代秀忠公供養のために建立された三重塔で、国指定重要文化財。近くにあった中山宝幢寺から移された中山文珠と呼ばれる獅子に騎乗する文殊菩薩像と手綱を持つ四体の脇侍像が安置され、運慶作ともの額も読め、わる。京都市から登録文化財として指定されたのを機に、欠損していた善財童子を新調し、渡海文珠形式に整え、法然上人八百年遠忌の2008年には御影堂に移された。ちなみにこの文殊菩薩像は諸説あるが、『安倍の文珠(奈良)』、『切戸の文珠(天橋立)』とともに、日本三文珠とされ、二層目に『日本三文珠随一』との額がかけられている。 21/05/07、雨の中、石段の登って塔の下まで歩いた。すっきりした形のいい塔で、『日本三文珠随一』の額も読め、登った甲斐があった。帰り、石段の上から見えた雨に煙る京都の街もよかった。また、晴れた日に来よう!
It is a three-storied pagoda built in 1633 for the memorial service of Hidetada II, and is a nationally designated important cultural property. A statue of Manjusri Bodhisattva riding on a lion called Nakayama Bunju, which was moved from the nearby Nakayama Hojoji Temple, and four side samurai statues with reins are enshrined, and the forehead of Unkei's work can be read. Taking the opportunity of being designated as a registered cultural property by the city of Kyoto, the missing good fortune child was renewed and arranged in the form of a bunju to the sea, and was moved to Mikagedo in 2008, which was the 800th anniversary of Honen. By the way, there are various theories about this Monjusou Bodhisattva statue, but along with "Abe Monju (Nara)" and "Kirido Monju (Amahashi Tate)", it is said to be the three Japanese monjus, and the second layer has the amount of "Japan's three monjus" It is being hung. On 21/05/07, in the rain, I climbed the stone steps and walked to the bottom of the tower. It was a neat and well-shaped tower, and it was worth climbing to read the forehead of "Japan's Three Buddhist Pearls". On the way back, the city of Kyoto that smoked in the rain seen from the top of the stone steps was also nice. Also, let's come on a sunny day!
円座厚司 on Google

金戒光明寺の三重塔は、寛永10年(1633)に徳川秀忠の菩提を弔うために建立されたそうです。塔内には中山文殊像を安置していたそうですが、現在は御影堂にお移ししています。 次回拝観した時は中山文殊の御朱印をいただきたいと思います。
The three-storied pagoda of Konkai Komyoji is said to have been built in 1633 to mourn the bodhi of Hidetada Tokugawa. It is said that the statue of Bunshu Nakayama was enshrined in the tower, but now it has been moved to Mikagedo. The next time you visit, I would like to receive the red stamp of Manjushri Nakayama.
なおかり on Google

Walk from the main hall to the top of the tomb. The city of Kyoto seen from here was very beautiful.
北谷晶司郎 on Google

三重の塔(文殊塔)は秀忠公を弔う為に建てられたとされており重要文化財です。三重の塔に向かう坂を登って行き、途中振り返ると非常に見晴らし良く景色も良いです。 幕末に会津藩が先ずこの地に入ったのは千人規模の兵を養える場所が有る事と、この地から遠く淀や山崎が見え、反幕府軍の動きが良く分かる為らしいです。 三重の塔の裏(東側)には京都商工会議所の初代会長であり日本初の市街電車、京都電気鉄道会社の初代社長でも有る高木文平の大きな墓有ります。その近く北側には清和天皇火葬塚有り宮内庁管轄です。 清和天皇は言わずと知れた清和源氏のおおもとで末裔を名乗る徳川家と共に京都を守るには良い場所と成ったのでしょうか。 三重の塔より北側少し行った所には会津藩の墓所が有り、松平容保公の座像有ります。 この広い墓所は金戒光明寺の北東、鬼門に有ります。歴史の重みを感じます。
The three-storied pagoda (Bunshu Pagoda) is said to have been built to mourn Hidetada and is an important cultural property. Climb the slope toward the three-storied pagoda and look back on the way to get a very good view. It seems that the Aizu clan first entered this area at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate because there is a place to feed a thousand soldiers, and Yodo and Yamazaki can be seen far from this area, and the movement of the anti-Bakufu army can be clearly understood. Behind the Mie Tower (east side) is the large tomb of Bunpei Takagi, the first chairman of the Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Japan's first tram, and the first president of the Kyoto Electric Railway Company. There is a cremation mound of Emperor Seiwa on the north side near that. Did Emperor Seiwa become a good place to protect Kyoto with the Tokugawa family, who claim to be descendants under the well-known Seiwa Genji? A little north of the three-storied pagoda, there is a graveyard of the Aizu clan, and there is a sitting statue of Matsudaira Katamori. This large graveyard is located in the demon gate, northeast of Konkai Komyoji Temple. I feel the weight of history.
Maboo Nakano on Google

It is an important cultural property that was built in 1633 at the highest position in this temple area as a memorial service for the second shogun Hidetada Tokugawa. It is a pleasant spot with a panoramic view of Kyoto city. Also, Gokurakubashi, which spans the lotus pond (helmet pond) at the bottom of the stone steps, is said to have replaced the wooden bridge built by the Kasuga Bureau with a stone bridge at that time.
Kraindeer on Google

good viewpoint

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