Kurita Clinics - Naka

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurita Clinics

住所 :

505 Toyobami, Naka, Ibaraki 311-0117, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89987
Postal code : 311-0117
Webサイト : http://yuhokai-kuritah.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

505 Toyobami, Naka, Ibaraki 311-0117, Japan
ひろ on Google

There is a difference in waiting time depending on the attending physician. There are people with dementia, so there are times when it is noisy. The handling of the reception desk is not so good.
K S on Google

副作用が出た薬を再処方された。 コンサータは覚醒剤なので処方しない方針らしい、ADHD の可能性があるならば他院にした方が良い。。
I was prescribed a medicine that had side effects. It seems that it is a policy not to prescribe because Concerta is a stimulant, and it is better to go to another hospital if there is a possibility of ADHD. .
きぃえぁさん on Google

まぁ、下手な病院よりは、マシかな。 基本的に、精神科は、何処でもそうだが、電話での完全予約制。 精神的に病むだけで、自分から、命を絶たない限り、緊急性は無いから、救急車も受け付けない。 下のコメントを見た限り、助けて欲しいから、電話せずに、自分の力で、病院に行ったんだろうな。 丁寧に、コメントを書く余力もあるし、誰がに発散出来る内は、大丈夫。 そんな軽い程度なら、他の病院に行きな。 逆に、テキトーに薬を出されるか、人気有りすぎて受け入れ拒否とか、様々あるからな。 多分、どうしようもない状態になって、来るだろうがな。 そんな、どうしようもない状態の人の集まりだ。 普通の人の、杓子定規で、測るな。 精神科の専門知識を持った、専門の医師が居る病院だ。 受付嬢は、医師じゃない。事務員だ。勘違いするなよ。 それでも、薬飲んで、良くなるかも知れないが、最終的には、自分が何とかしなきゃ行けない。心の持ち様を。 医師だから、話しを聞いて、病名を決めて、それに対しての薬を出すだけ。 カウンセラーに、色々、自分の事、話さないといけないし。 話せないなら、身内なり、友達なり、恋人なりを、連れていけばいいよ。 話せる余力があるなら、あちこち電話したり、色んな人の話しをして、自分にあった行動や、色んな病院に行きな。 多分、ここに来ている病人は、自分で精一杯か、自分では分からないが、連れてこられた人ばかり。回りとか、あまり気にしない。する余裕が無いし、騒がれたら、迷惑だ。 医師は、ピンキリらしいが、私は、1人しか、分からないが、悪くない。 こればかりは、相性なり、運みたいなものだからな。 変だなって思ったら、話せば良いし、違う病院の精神科に、処方薬をみせてみな。 貴方の心は、貴方しか、分からない。 気が済むように、やってみな。 そういう意味では、この辺の精神科の中で、一番だと思う。実績や、経験が多い、ちゃんとした精神科ですね。多分。 それでも、穴はあるがな。そういう意味では、ザルだし、精神病の経験が無いからかな。仕方ない。 今でこそ、こうやって書いているが、ある意味、この病院は正解だったんだろうな。病院だけで、良くなった訳では無いが。 一回、電話して、予約して、受けてみる価値は、あると思う。波はあるが、2~4週間後には、診てもらえるだろうな。 まぁ、やってみな。話しは、それからだ。
Well, it's better than a poor hospital. Basically, psychiatry, wherever you are, requires a reservation only by phone. As long as you are mentally ill and do not die from yourself, there is no urgency and no ambulance will be accepted. As you can see in the comments below, I guess I would go to the hospital on my own without calling, because I wanted help. I have the power to carefully write comments, and it's okay if anyone can diverge. If so, don't go to another hospital. On the contrary, there are various things such as taking medicine by Tekito or rejecting acceptance because it is too popular. Maybe it's going to be helpless. It is such a gathering of helpless people. Do not measure with a normal person's scoop ruler. It is a hospital with specialized doctors with psychiatric expertise. The receptionist is not a doctor. A clerk. Do not misunderstand. Still, taking medicine may improve you, but ultimately you have to do something about it. How you have your heart. Because I am a doctor, I just listen, decide on the name of the disease, and give me medicine for it. I have to talk to my counselor about myself. If you can't speak, you should take your relatives, friends, and lovers. If you have the capacity to speak, call around, talk to various people, go to different hospitals and go to different hospitals. Maybe the only sick people who come here are those who have been brought in, though they don't know whether they are doing their best. I don't care about things around. I can't afford to do it, and if I make a noise, it's annoying. The doctor seems pinky, but I don't know only one, but not bad. It's all about chemistry and luck. If you think it's weird, just talk and show your prescription to a different hospital psychiatrist. Your heart knows only you. Do it as you please. In that sense, I think it is the best psychiatry in the area. It is a decent psychiatry with many achievements and experiences. Maybe. Still, there are holes. In that sense, it's a monkey, maybe because I haven't had a mental illness. it can not be helped. I wrote this now, but in a sense, this hospital was probably the right answer. The hospital alone hasn't improved. I think it is worth calling once, making a reservation, and receiving it. There are waves, but you will see them in two to four weeks. Well, do it. The story starts from that.
Leafy (Leafyleafy) on Google

①プライバシーの保護の配慮が感じられます。 名前ではなくその日に付与された番号で呼ぶ。 診察室は待合室からしっかりとした扉のある別室にある等。 ②認知症の疑いで、家族の診察に付き添いました。初回検査の時間はかかりましたが、認知症のような別の病気の可能性の検討もするため、CTをはじめいろいろな検査を実施し、また本人や家族からの話も総合して判断していただけるので、誤診のようなリスクはとても低いと感じました。また、診察の結果も限りがあるとはいえかなりの時間を取って話してくれました。 ③星を1つ減らしたのは、アクセスが悪いこと。でも予約すれば無料のバスもあるそうですが、本数はごく限られています。せめて公共バスがもう少しあるといいのですが。
①Consideration of privacy protection is felt. Call by the number assigned to the day, not the name. The examination room is in a separate room with a solid door from the waiting room. (2) I went to see my family on a suspicion of dementia. Although it took time for the first test, we conducted various tests, including CT, to examine the possibility of another disease such as dementia, and made a comprehensive judgment based on the stories from the patient and his family. I felt that the risk of misdiagnosis was very low. In addition, although the results of the consultation were limited, he took a considerable amount of time to talk. (3) One star is reduced because of poor access. But if you make a reservation, there are also free buses, but the number is very limited. I hope there is at least a public bus.
石神瑞貴 on Google

The other day, the onset of corona was confirmed at Kurita Hospital, so I was contacted by phone and waited for the call, and then I was told only the hospital name without giving my name and when I talked about the symptoms, that kind of thing will happen on the next consultation day I was told to tell my doctor. I had told in advance that I would like the caseworker to take over after the telephone examination, and I heard that it would be possible to take over the telephone after the examination, but I was unilaterally refused to come to the caseworker for consultation at a later date. It was. Although it is a response of some psychiatrists, I am confused and distrustful that it is a good hospital, so I am considering another hospital
on Google

長く書き込みますが言いたいのは「ここで診療を受けない方が良いです」 予約診療でも多少待つのは仕方がないと断念できる。 診察で何か訴えて投薬を希望すると、直ぐに薬を増量したり種類を追加してもらえる。 問題は薬の副作用。 副作用で別な病院の他の科を受診したことがある。「お薬手帳」を提示して薬の副作用が原因だとわかった。 依存性の高いベンゾジアビゼン系の薬ばかり出された。 抗うつ薬の減量や断薬も下手。 抗うつ薬の急激な断薬で離脱症状が出現して緊急入院となってしまった。 最低。 外来の時は感じなかったが、入院すると看護職員(准看護師や看護助手)全体のレベルの低さがわかる。 患者を馬鹿にしたような言動。他の患者と間違って話しかけてくる等。 外来看護師の採血手技は上手かったが病棟は最悪。採血というか注射をしたことがなさそう。患者相手に練習しないで欲しい。 入院患者の食事も最低最悪です! 退院後に転院したが、転院先の医師はよく話を聞いてくれて依存性の高い薬は使用せずに、抗うつ薬は完全に断薬できた。 精神科が儲かるのだろうが、儲けに走りすぎ。 絶対にもう行かない!
I will write for a long time, but I would like to say, "It is better not to receive medical treatment here." I can abandon it if I can't help waiting for a while even for appointments. If you complain about something at the medical examination and request medication, you can immediately increase the dose or add more types of medicine. The problem is the side effects of the drug. I have visited another department in another hospital because of side effects. I presented the "medicine notebook" and found that the cause was the side effects of the drug. Only benzodiabisene drugs with high addiction were released. I am not good at reducing or withdrawing antidepressants. Withdrawal symptoms appeared due to the sudden withdrawal of antidepressants, and he was hospitalized urgently. The lowest. I didn't feel it when I was outpatient, but when I was hospitalized, I could see that the level of all nursing staff (associate nurses and nursing assistants) was low. Words and deeds that make the patient foolish. For example, talking to another patient by mistake. The outpatient nurse's blood sampling technique was good, but the ward was the worst. It seems that he has never collected blood or injected it. Don't practice with the patient. The diet of inpatients is also the worst! I was transferred to another hospital after being discharged, but the doctor at the transfer destination listened to me well and I was able to completely withdraw the antidepressant drug without using highly addictive drugs. Psychiatry may be profitable, but I run too much to make a profit. I will never go anymore!
東日本JR on Google

こちらに通院してますが、とても良く対応してもらっています。入退院、繰り返ししてますが、最近は、落ち着いていて、診察の間隔も、だいぶ長くなりました。 何かあると、相談にも、のってもらえて、とても感謝しています。いろいろな過去の中、理解してもらえて、過ごしやすいです。
I go to the hospital here, but they are very well treated. I have been hospitalized and discharged repeatedly, but recently I have been calm and the intervals between consultations have become much longer. I am very grateful to have you consult with me if there is anything. It's easy to get people to understand and spend time in various pasts.
えび on Google

とても良い病院でした。2022年2〜3月頃、入院中にお世話になりました。担当の医師(主治医)は、じっくり話を聞いてくれて、薬の調整もすんなりと上手く行きました。今まで飲んでた薬が依存性の高いものだったと主治医が教えてくれて中止にしました。優しくて笑顔で対応してくれる医師でした。外来や病棟の看護師も優しい方が多くて、何かあったとき相談しやすかったです。ご飯も温かくて美味しかったです。 医師や看護師などの支えもあり、12日間で退院できました。ありがとうございました。
It was a very good hospital. I was taken care of during hospitalization from February to March 2022. The doctor in charge (the attending physician) listened carefully to me, and the medicine adjustment went smoothly. My doctor told me that the medicine I was taking was highly addictive and I stopped it. He was a doctor who was kind and smiled. Many of the outpatient and ward nurses were kind, and it was easy to consult when something happened. The rice was also warm and delicious. With the support of doctors and nurses, I was able to leave the hospital in 12 days. Thank you very much.

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