
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 行者滝

住所 :

Kurikomanumakura, Kurihara, 〒989-5371 Miyagi,Japan

街 : Miyagi

Kurikomanumakura, Kurihara, 〒989-5371 Miyagi,Japan
嶋本友子 on Google

I went there at the end of September, so I think the autumn leaves are more beautiful now.
MA MA on Google

真冬の1月に一関市街からロードバイクでハイルザームまで行く途中に寄りました。トイレは冬季閉鎖されているので注意が必要です。滝そのものが内陸地震で無くなっていると聞いて居たので現地に行って滝が残っててびっくり!嬉しかったです。駐車場は冬季でも除雪がされてますが東屋周辺は膝上丈の雪で埋まっているので注意です。(滝は東屋周辺からしか見えません) それと、冬は25cのロードバイクでは行ってはダメです…
In January of midwinter, I stopped by on a road bike from Ichinoseki city to Hiiltherm. Please note that the toilet is closed in winter. I heard that the waterfall itself had disappeared due to the inland earthquake, so I was surprised when I went to the site and the waterfall remained! I was happy. Snow is removed from the parking lot even in winter, but please be aware that the area around Toya is filled with knee-length snow. (The waterfall can only be seen from around Toya) Also, in winter you shouldn't go on a 25c road bike ...
Michika.j Happy Smile . (michika) on Google

It was a quiet place. The waterfalls and forests are beautiful and will be very healed.
佐藤一樹 on Google

駐車場からわりと直ぐに見れるため立ち寄りやすいのが良いです。 滝の直ぐ上流に人工建築物が有って水量を調整したり、季節や天候により水量が少ないと、谷や崖の荒々しい岩肌の迫力、または広さや落差に対して滝の迫力がほとんど無くなり、がっかり感が出てしまいます
It is good to be able to stop by because you can see it relatively quickly from the parking lot. If there is an artificial building just upstream of the waterfall to regulate the water volume, or if the water volume is low due to the season or weather, the impact of the waterfall on the rough rock surface of the valley or cliff, or the power of the waterfall against the size and head It ’s gone and I ’m disappointed
佐藤香澄 on Google

April on Mt. Kurikoma is still cold. I took a break on a distraction drive. It was quiet and comfortable. Violets were in bloom.
hide 4,610. on Google

栗駒山の「神の絨毯」と呼ばれる紅葉を見に、いわかがみ平へ行った帰りに気になって立ち寄りました。駐車場から川の上流方面、四阿付近から見ることができます。 滝上に吊り橋があるようなので行ってみたら通行はできなかったです。
I stopped by to see the autumn leaves called "God's carpet" on Mt. Kurikoma on the way back to Iwakagamidaira. You can see it from the parking lot in the upper reaches of the river, near Shia. There seems to be a suspension bridge on the waterfall, so I couldn't pass when I went there.
rase on Google

栗駒山に行く山道に入る直前にあるので寄りやすい。 駐車場真横にある東屋から滝が見えるので手軽でよい。 トイレもある。 橋の上にある吊橋は東北電力のもので、部外者は渡れない。 2021/09現在、行者滝入り口から50m先に横道があるのだが、公園化の工事でもしているのか木が植えられていた。 その道にそって2~3分進むと、結構でかい防砂堰があって、正直私にはこっちの方が見応えがあった。 堰の真上にまで道が続いていて、反対側まで抜けられ、結構きれいな風景だったのでこれも貼っておく。
It's easy to get to because it's just before entering the mountain road to Mt. Kurikoma. The waterfall can be seen from the eastern store right next to the parking lot, so it's easy. There is also a toilet. The suspension bridge above the bridge belongs to Tohoku Electric Power, and outsiders cannot cross it. As of 2021/09, there is a side street 50m away from the entrance of Gyosha Waterfall, but trees were planted probably because of the construction of the park. A few minutes along that road, there was a fairly large sand-proof weir, and to be honest, this one was more spectacular to me. The road continued right above the weir, and I was able to get through to the other side, and the scenery was pretty beautiful, so I'll post this as well.
もも on Google

いわかがみ平に登る際に寄りました。 駐車場からすぐに滝を見ることが できます。 紅葉した木々と滝の深いグリーン ブルーがとても綺麗でした。 トイレもあるので便利ですね。 観光スポットやトイレ休憩できる 場所などが一目で分かる 大きな看板も見やすかったです!
I stopped by when climbing Iwakagami Daira. You can see the waterfall immediately from the parking lot I can do it. Autumnal trees and deep green of the waterfall The blue was very beautiful. It's convenient because there is also a toilet. You can take a break at sightseeing spots and restrooms You can see the location etc. at a glance The big signboard was also easy to see!

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