
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kuranoma

住所 :

Odori, Kitakami, 〒024-0061 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : https://r.gnavi.co.jp/e66br3e10000/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–12AM
Sunday 5PM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM
街 : Iwate

Odori, Kitakami, 〒024-0061 Iwate,Japan
おばらたかと on Google

I used during the consecutive holidays. There were many kinds of dishes and it seemed to be satisfactory no matter which age was used. Both drinks and food were provided quickly and comfortable despite the consecutive holidays. The local sake was abundant and I was satisfied with my sake lover.
佐々木拓 on Google

先日新年会で利用しました! 満席に近く賑わっていましかだ、店員さん達は笑顔で接客していて良い印象が持てました! ドリンク、フード等もあまり待つ事もなく提供され満足でした!! 予約の際デザートプレートを注文していたのですが、忙しい中でもしっかりと準備していただき、笑顔で提供していただき良い新年会になりました! ただ専用の駐車場や近くに駐車場がなくそこが少し不便だなと思ってしまいました。
I used it at the New Year party the other day! The shop assistants were full of people, and the shop assistants served with a smile and had a good impression! Drinks, food, etc. were provided without waiting so much and I was satisfied! ! I had ordered a dessert plate at the time of reservation, but we had you prepare well even while you were busy and offered it with a smile and it was a good New Year party! However, there was no dedicated parking lot or parking lot nearby, so I thought it was a little inconvenient.
鈴木はじめ on Google

食べ放題とのことで予約しました。 飲み物がグラス交換なのは理解できるけど、食べ物までお皿交換では、客にメリットが感じられないためこの評価です。
I made a reservation because it was all-you-can-eat. It is understandable that drinks are exchanged by glass, but it is this evaluation because customers do not feel the benefit of exchanging plates even for food.
k k on Google

先日初めて利用しました。 チェーン店だろうと思いあまり期待せず使ってみました。 すると店員さんは元気で笑顔で対応してくれて、まぁ対応はねと思いながら席についてみると… 料理の提供やドリンクの提供も早く、飲み放題も豊富で期待以上でした。 値段も安くこの値段でこの対応で居心地が良く久々に来て良かったなと思えました! またぜひ利用しようと思います!
I used it for the first time the other day. I thought it was a chain store and used it without expecting too much. Then the clerk responded cheerfully with a smile, and when I looked at the seats, thinking that it wouldn't be possible ... Provision of food and drinks was quick, and all-you-can-drink was abundant and exceeded expectations. The price was low and I thought it would be nice to come here after a long time at this price! I will use it again!
タカハシユウ on Google

昨日予約をし利用しました。他にもたくさん予約やらお客さんが入っていて賑やかでした。 そのわりにはホールスタッフは笑顔で対応をしっかりしていて気持ちよく良い印象でした。 混んでる割には料理提供も早く良かったです。 少しだけドリンクが来るのが遅かったかな… 値段的にも安く済み個室だったので満足です。
I made a reservation yesterday and used it. A lot of other reservations and customers were included and it was lively. On the contrary, the hall staff smiled and responded firmly, and it was a pleasant impression. Despite the crowds, the food service was good too. I wonder if it was too late for the drink to come ... I'm satisfied because it was a cheap private room.
サトウジロウ on Google

先日利用させてもらいました。 居酒屋を探し道を歩いてたら個室と書いてあり、個室ならゆっくり呑めるなぁと思い利用させてもらいました。 案の定完全個室だったのでゆっくりくつろぐ事が出来ました! フードがリーズナブルで良かったです! サラダとか量が多くびっくりしました! スタッフさんも元気があり良かったです! 今度コース料理が気になるのでコースで利用しようと思います。
I used it the other day. I searched for an izakaya and walked along the road. It was written as a private room. As expected, it was a completely private room, so I was able to relax slowly! The food was reasonable and good! I was surprised by the amount of salad and lots! The staff was fine and good! Next time I am interested in the course food, so I will use it on the course.
工藤真 on Google

先月珍しいと思い牛タンのしゃぶしゃぶコースを予約し利用させていただきました。牛タンのしゃぶしゃぶとは美味しいのかと思いながらでしたが、思った以上に美味しく予約して正解でした!飲み放題も北上市内であれば多いのかなと思い満足でした! 運ばれて来るのも特に遅いわけでもなく過ごしやすかったかなと思います。残念なのコースだからなのでしょうが牛タンの追加注文ができたら尚更良かったなと思います。
I booked a beef tongue shabu-shabu course last month and used it. I was wondering if beef tongue shabu-shabu was delicious, but I made a reservation more delicious than I thought and was the correct answer! I thought that there were many all-you-can-drink in Kitakami city and I was satisfied! I think that it was not particularly slow to be brought in and it was easy to spend. I regret that it is a course, but I think it would have been even better if I could order an additional beef tongue.
齋藤美和子 on Google

夕飯目的でお邪魔しました 美味しかったし、お店も清潔で良かった 駐車場が無いのが残念でした
I bothered you for dinner aim It was delicious and the shops were clean and nice I regret that there is no parking lot

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