Kurakuen-Guchi Station - Nishinomiya

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Contact Kurakuen-Guchi Station

住所 :

1 Ishibanechō, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0074, Japan

Postal code : 662-0074

1 Ishibanechō, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0074, Japan
anaka nian (ANAKA) on Google

傍に夙川公園あり、花見、散策に向き、電車でお出掛けの際、訪れるにはおすすめの駅です。 しかし、地域住民で通勤、通学に駅を利用する者として少し苦言ありです。 周辺住宅増加に伴う利用者増、混雑は仕方ないですが駅のホームで並ぶ際のマナーが悪い方が目立ちます。 降乗車位置で並んでいる列から外れた位置に待ち、列車が着き扉が開くと列を無視して強引に横入り・先入りするのです。 きちんと並んでいる方が後から体を押し込まないと乗れないなど理不尽です。
There is Shukugawa Park beside, it is a recommended station to visit when you go out by train for cherry blossom viewing and strolling. However, there are some complaints as local residents who use the station for commuting and going to school. It is inevitable that there will be more users and congestion due to the increase in surrounding houses, but those with poor manners when lining up at the station platform will stand out. Waiting at a position off the line at the boarding / alighting position, when the train arrives and the door opens, ignores the line and forcibly crosses and enters. It is unreasonable that people who are lined up properly can not ride unless they push their bodies in afterwards.
mikutosang _ on Google

花見の季節には良いですよ 夙川公園の最寄り駅です 甲陽線で走っている二本の電車はここで行き違いを行います 駅前にはロータリーがあるのでタクシーに簡単に乗車することが可能です。
It's good for the cherry blossom season It is the nearest station to Shukugawa Park The two trains running on the Koyo Line cross here There is a rotary in front of the station so you can easily take a taxi.
弁護 on Google

It is inconvenient because you can only buy a ticket on one side and go from the other side unless you cross the railroad crossing. Especially in the morning, it is very dangerous for pedestrians, especially around the railroad crossings. There are only toilets in the Yodogawa area, and it is inconvenient to use the toilet. It is a necessary station because it will not be used if there is no business. This is a plus because there is a solid waiting room.
1300 Kingfisher on Google

小さいけど街がとてもきれいで落ち着いた場所だなぁと思います。 駅前にパン屋さん、三井住友のATMもあり便利です。 桜の時期は、線路に沿って流れている川岸の桜がとてもきれいでした。
It's small, but I think the city is very beautiful and calm. There is a bakery and Sumitomo Mitsui ATM in front of the station, which is convenient. During the cherry blossom season, the cherry blossoms along the riverbank were very beautiful.
masa on Google

阪急電鉄甲陽線で唯一の中間駅です。単線ながら朝ラッシュ時は7 - 9分間隔で電車がくるために便利です。 相対式ホーム2面2線を有する、交換設備を備えた地上駅である。駅舎(改札口)は甲陽園行きホーム甲陽園寄りに西口(西改札口)が、夙川行きホーム甲陽園寄りに東口(東改札口)がある。西口には自動券売機・有人改札・自動改札機があり、東口にあるのは自動改札機のみである。互いのホームは地下道で連絡している。 トイレは夙川行きホーム中ほどに設置され、多機能トイレも併設されている。
It is the only intermediate station on the Hankyu Koyo Line. Although it is a single track, it is convenient because trains come every 7-9 minutes during the morning rush hour. It is a ground station equipped with exchange facilities, with two lines on two sides of a relative platform. The station building (ticket gate) has a west exit (west ticket gate) near the platform Koyoen bound for Koyoen, and an east exit (east ticket gate) near the platform Koyoen bound for Shukugawa. There are automatic ticket vending machines, manned ticket gates, and automatic ticket gates at the west exit, and only automatic ticket gates are at the east exit. Each other's homes are connected by an underpass. Toilets are installed in the middle of the platform for Shukugawa, and there is also a multifunctional toilet.
ちくりん on Google

Take a walk upstream along the cherry blossom trees from Koroen to see the cherry blossoms, and head home with this as your goal. Standard course.
de fault on Google

余所者が行くと露骨な差別を受けますよ。 そうやって自分達の聖域を守っているのでしょう。そう言うエリアです。 好奇心で足を踏み入れたおのぼりさんは気をつけましょう。 それも一つの社会勉強なのかも知れせんが。
If someone else goes, you will be discriminated against. That's how they protect their sanctuary. That's the area. Be careful of the climbers who set foot with curiosity. It may be a social study, too.
平野善信 on Google

単線区間の阪急電車甲陽線で現在唯一電車の行き違いが出来る駅で、西宮七園のひとつ。 周辺に高級住宅や高級マンションが立ち並ぶし、芦屋市の六麓荘町や鷲林寺町への最寄り駅となっている。 (甲子園.香櫨園.昭和園.甲陽園.甲風園.甲東園.苦楽園が西宮七園と呼ばれるらしい) 梅田や三宮方面への朝の通勤通学ラッシュ時間帯は車両編成が短い為、三密状態でまさに苦! 此の駅から夙川駅、又は阪神電車の香櫨園駅迄の夙川公園沿いに咲き誇る桜はまさに、さくら散歩道で楽!
The Hankyu Koyo Line, which is a single-track section, is currently the only station where trains can cross each other, and is one of Nishinomiya Nanaen. The area is lined with luxury houses and condominiums, making it the closest station to Rokurokusocho and Jurinjicho in Ashiya City. (Koshien. Koroen. Showaen. Koyoen. Kofuen. Kotoen. Kurakuen seems to be called Nishinomiya Nanaen) Morning commuting to Umeda and Sannomiya During the rush hour, the trains are short, so it's really hard in the three-csed state! The cherry blossoms that bloom along Shukugawa Park from this station to Shukugawa Station or Hanshin Railway's Koroen Station are truly easy on the Sakura promenade!

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