
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ブラベリーファーム(旧三栄農園)

住所 :

Kurai, Iizuna, Kamiminochi District, 〒389-1204 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://saneinouen.jimdofree.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Nagano

Kurai, Iizuna, Kamiminochi District, 〒389-1204 Nagano,Japan
佐藤博美 on Google

It is a family-owned store. Everyone is good, and it seems that some people come to buy gifts every year during the apple season. You can also enjoy apple picking.
ma- sugi on Google

I ask for an apple for gifts every year. I asked yesterday too. I also bought the apple for my home. Yesterday, it ’s raining so hard that even apple hunting ca n’t be done.
san kei on Google

2020年9月に再訪しました。林檎の樹は無事で紅玉も手に入りました!! ただ、建物は浸水の為取り壊すそうで来年からは飯綱町の畑近くに店を移転されるとのこと。 −−−−−−−−−− 紅玉が収穫出来るりんご園。他の品種もあるけど私は一点推しです。 [追記]2019/10台風19号被災されました。
I revisited in September 2020. The apple tree was safe and I got a red ball! !! However, it seems that the building will be demolished due to flooding, and from next year the store will be relocated near the field in Iizuna Town. −−−−−−−−−− An apple orchard where you can harvest red balls. There are other varieties, but I recommend one point. [Addition] 2019/10 Typhoon No. 19 was damaged.
お琴 on Google

Apples ? I hunted ? All kinds of apples were delicious ? I enjoyed it without any time limit.
桑原昌紀 on Google

フレンドリーに接してくれますし、品種についても詳しく親切に教えてもらえます。その場にあるいくつかの品種の食べ比べの試食もさせてもらえました。 林檎狩りメインか、お土産買いメインかが悩んだ場合には先に相談するとよいと思います。 販売しているものを一個いくらとだけ考えると、安価に感じないかもしれませんが、持ち帰って食べてみると近場のスーパー等で売っているものとは味の違いをはっきりと感じることができました。 シーズン中に近場に行かれるようでしたら訪問されることをお勧めします。
They are friendly and kindly tell us about the varieties. I was also allowed to sample some of the varieties on the spot. If you are worried about whether you are mainly picking apples or buying souvenirs, you should consult with us first. It may not seem cheap if you think about how much you sell, but when you take it home and eat it, you can clearly feel the difference in taste from the ones sold at nearby supermarkets. It's done. If you're in the area during the season, we recommend visiting.
gori ra on Google

先日、むすめと2人でりんご狩り体験をさせていただきました。 りんごはとてもおいしく、店員の皆さんがとても親切で、楽しくりんご狩りをする事ができました。 いろいろお気遣いありがとうございました。 みなさんにおすすめできます。
The other day, I had an apple hunting experience with my daughter. The apples were very delicious, the staff were very kind, and I enjoyed picking apples. Thank you for your concern. I can recommend it to everyone.
Tわぐま on Google

リンゴ狩り体験。四連休の日曜午後に行くも、偶然他に客はおらず伸び伸びと利用出来ました。 なんと3キロ以上持ち帰り購入で食べ放題(時間無制限)はタダと言う太っ腹! しかも最終的に3.5キロで¥1200と言う格安! 店員さんも非常に気さくで明るい方で、安く美味しく楽しく過ごせました 消毒アルコール、除菌シート、果物ナイフが備え付けも◎
Apple picking experience. Even though I went on Sunday afternoon for four consecutive holidays, there were no other guests by chance and I was able to use it. All-you-can-eat (unlimited time) with a take-out purchase of 3 kg or more is free! Moreover, it is a cheap price of 1200 yen for 3.5 kg in the end! The clerk was also very friendly and cheerful, and I enjoyed spending time cheaply and deliciously. Equipped with rubbing alcohol, disinfectant sheet, and fruit knife ◎
Tia Millares on Google

Amazing staff! You have to try apple picking when in Nagano and this orchard will not disappoint. We truly enjoyed harvesting different kinds of apples and tasting them. You can eat as much as you like at the orchard and pay good price for the ones you bring home. The apples were delicious, as expected of Nagano ... but the friendly staff made it all the more special. Thank you for the experience!

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