
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 細見工房

住所 :

Kumihamacho Kanzaki, Kyōtango, 〒629-3441 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87789
Webサイト : https://www.uminokyoto.jp/experience/detail.php%3Fexid%3D68
街 : Kyoto

Kumihamacho Kanzaki, Kyōtango, 〒629-3441 Kyoto,Japan
りょうちぇる on Google

ろくろ体験を良心的価格でできます。 スタッフの方も親切でした。 今度は湯呑みを作りたいです。 久美浜にいったらまた行きます。
You can experience the potter's wheel at a reasonable price. The staff was also kind. I want to make a cup this time. I will go again when I go to Kumihama.
a spic on Google

超初心者。なんの知識もなく申し込みましたが、気さくに丁寧に説明していただけますし、難しいところはサポートしていただけます。 観光地の陶芸体験というより、知人宅のようなアットホームな雰囲気。 時間を気にせず楽しみました。 陶芸がこんなに楽しいとは思いませんでした。久美浜に行く機会があれば、ぜひまた訪れたいところです。
Super beginner. I applied without any knowledge, but I can explain it freely and can support difficult places. Rather than a pottery experience in a tourist area, a homely atmosphere like an acquaintance's house. I enjoyed it without worrying about time. I didn't think pottery was so fun. If you have the chance to go to Kumihama, I definitely want to visit again.
o k on Google

初めての陶芸体験楽しかった! いつかはやってみたいと思っていたが、なかなか思うようにはいきませんね。失敗の連続でした。 でも先生が手や指の使い方を親切に教えてくださり、初心者でもなんとか形を残せる物が出来た。 陶器が届くのが楽しみです。また体験したいな。
The first pottery experience was fun! I wanted to try it someday, but I can't quite do it. It was a series of failures. However, the teacher kindly taught me how to use my hands and fingers, and even beginners managed to make something that could leave a shape. I am looking forward to receiving the pottery. I want to experience it again.
神光癒心 on Google

適当に作らせて絵付けさせておしまいではなく、体験なのに丁寧に教われました。 色は白黒緑から焼き上がりが選べます。 ズボンが汚れますので対策を。 郵送費用はかかってしまいますが、 2ヶ月後の到着が楽しみです。
I was taught carefully even though it was an experience, rather than letting me make it properly and painting it. The color can be selected from black and white green. Take measures as your pants will get dirty. Mailing costs will be incurred, I am looking forward to arriving in two months.
Toshinori Hirabayashi on Google

An unknown place in Kumihama. You can enjoy pottery at a cheap price. Above all, I will come to the kindness of the owner, Hosomi. There is no commercialism and you can experience making things gently in nature. If you visit Kumihama, you can enjoy your work by mail. An art space for both children and adults.
ken 4 on Google

I started quickly and I've been able to redo many times, so I'd like to try it a bit, but if you're wondering what, come on! Please call me for the time being, gentle uncle will respond ♪ Clay is 1,500 yen for 1 kg, I think that you can make a bowl and a cup! I should have done 1,500 yen postage, it was fun.
青春ララバイ on Google

素晴らしい陶芸体験が出来ます。 不器用なので何度も失敗してしまいましたが、 笑顔でご対応頂き 何度も作り直しさせて下さいました。 材料費が本当に心苦しかった。。 いつか、表札を作りに行きたいと思います! 寒い中、遠い所を送迎までして頂き 本当にありがとうございました。
You can have a wonderful pottery experience. I've failed many times because I'm clumsy, Please respond with a smile I was allowed to remake it many times. The material cost was really painful. .. I would like to go make a nameplate someday! In the cold, please pick up and drop off at a distant place I'm really thankful to you.
いでいみちよ on Google

先生が優しく解りやすく説明してくださいます 最後の手直しもお手伝いしてもらえるので 子供や不器用な初心者でも 楽しく体験できました
The teacher will explain it in a gentle and easy-to-understand manner. Even children and clumsy beginners can have a fun experience because they can help with the final rework.

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