モーリーファンタジー 高松店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact モーリーファンタジー 高松店

住所 :

Kozaihonmachi, Takamatsu, 〒761-8012 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.fantasy.co.jp/molly-fantasy/
街 : Kagawa

Kozaihonmachi, Takamatsu, 〒761-8012 Kagawa,Japan
dust Moe on Google

600円で時間無制限で遊べるスペースがあり ボールプールの様な場所で子供が楽しそうでした。 UFOキャッチャーの商品はあまり魅力的では ありませんでした。
There is a space where you can play for unlimited time at 600 yen The children looked like having fun at a place like a ball pool. UFO Catcher products are not so attractive There was not.
いぬのあきら on Google

There are game consoles for small children, and there are places to play (for a fee). UFO Catcher is not willing to take small machines and service stands. It's hard to put it back. Money is sucked up (laughs)
r w on Google

For large stuffed animals, the probability of a three-claw machine is about 2500 to 3500 yen, which is probably not worse than in the city.
Masahiro Monoi on Google

It's a place to spoil children (laughs). I always take 20 minutes here to take away my parents' time (laughs)
西川明宏 on Google

It prevents infection and is comfortable and fun to play.
t okb on Google

I paid 700 yen for free time, but once I went out and tried to re-enter, I couldn't enter due to the limited number of people. What does "all day" mean? Should we count including the number of free time customers?
やまかわゆい on Google

2021年11月20日、久しぶりに1000円の一時間ゲームし放題を購入しました。 VRゲームに乗ろうとしたところ、機体を再起動中と言われて後で並び直すことに。そのときフリーパスを機械にかざしてしまっていたため、遊べなかったのに一回利用したとシステムで認識されてしまったのか、後ほど遊ぼうとしたら一回しかできませんでした(一時間コースだと通常は2回プレイできる)。 受付で調べてもらって乗せてもらったのですが、混んでいたので並んでいるあいだの時間をロスするし、受付の店員さんにしかめ面をされて嫌な気分でした。 「すでに2回遊んでいるようですが?」と疑り深い目で見られたので、どうやらズルをして3回目をタダで遊ぼうとしている泥棒扱いされたようです。 再起動中の機体にフリーパスをかざしたさい、近くにいた店員さんが見て注意してきたのだから、一回分のVRが使用されてしまったことを教えて先に修整処理をしてほしかったです。
On November 20, 2021, I bought an all-you-can-eat game for 1000 yen for the first time in a long time. When I tried to ride a VR game, I was told that the aircraft was being restarted and decided to rearrange it later. At that time, I was holding my free pass over the machine, so maybe the system recognized that I used it once even though I couldn't play it, or when I tried to play it later, I could only do it once (usually for an hour course). You can play twice). I had them look it up at the reception and pick it up, but it was so crowded that I lost time while lining up, and the clerk at the reception made me feel uncomfortable. I was seen with suspicious eyes, "It seems that you have already played twice?", So it seems that he was treated as a thief trying to cheat and play the third time for free. When I held the free pass over the restarting aircraft, a clerk who was nearby looked at it and was careful, so I wanted you to tell me that one VR was used and to correct it first. is.
mako s on Google

ジャックポット何度も取れて それで遊んでます(笑) 子供達も色々なゲームの種類あるので 楽しめるようです。 ユーホーキャッチャーの商品は微妙かな…
Take the jackpot many times I'm playing with it (laughs) Children also have various types of games It seems to be enjoyable. Yuho Catcher's products are subtle ...

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