
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魚寅

住所 :

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–3PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Tokyo

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan
マイアミドルフィンズ on Google

The tuna sickle is not cooked and the boiled taste does not soak into the fish.
清水勝 on Google

I am always indebted! ️ You can buy delicious seafood ?
Atsushi Endo on Google

A famous fish shop in Kinshicho.
Yuko Tsuchida on Google

2,300 yen for luxury lunch is quite satisfying.
山雲海月 on Google

JR錦糸町駅南口前、魚虎鮨の道路を挟んだ手前にあります。 こちらは焼き魚、魚貝類のフライ、煮魚、魚弁当などの惣菜系が中心。 2018/01/02、この日は三陸宮古産の牡蠣フライを購入しました。 六個入りで450円、税込。 身は大粒でプリプリとしていて食べ応えがありました。 鯖の塩焼き、秋刀魚の塩焼き、アジフライ、カレイの煮付け、そして本店でも有名なマグロのブツ切りも売っています。 魚貝類のお惣菜なら迷わずココがおススメ! 安いし、美味いし、新鮮。 駅の改札を出て道路を渡らなくて済むのがいいです。
It is located in front of the south exit of JR Kinshicho Station, across the road of Uotora-zushi. This is mainly prepared foods such as grilled fish, fried fish and shellfish, boiled fish, and fish lunch boxes. On January 02, 2018, I bought oyster fry from Sanriku Miyako on this day. 450 yen for 6 pieces, including tax. The body was large and pre-prepared, and it was very satisfying to eat. We also sell grilled mackerel, grilled saury, fried flatfish, boiled flatfish, and tuna cuts that are famous at the main store. If you're looking for a side dish of seafood, don't hesitate to recommend it here! It's cheap, delicious and fresh. It is good that you do not have to leave the ticket gate of the station and cross the road.
francebk on Google

魚屋としてはこちらが本店で錦糸町駅前ロータリーとルミネ地下食品売り場にも店舗があります。 名物は何と言っても店頭の鮪と蛸のぶつ計り売り。 質が良くて安い。 店内は入口入ってすぐ左の鎌倉ハムのベーコンやソーセージがお買い得。 右側が本鮪や真鯛、雲丹等の高級魚コーナーで左側縦列はお寿司や冷凍魚介類。 お買い得品は多いが意外と普通の普段の物も混在しているので勢いで買い進まずにコスパを考えながら慎重に品定めをした方が良い。 レジのおばちゃんは忙しいので常に無愛想。
As a fish shop, this is the main store, and there are also stores in the Kinshicho station square rotary and LUMINE underground food section. The specialty is selling tuna and octopus at the store. Good quality and cheap. Inside the store, you can buy bacon and sausages from Kamakura Ham just to the left of the entrance. The right side is a high-grade fish corner such as Hon tuna, red snapper, and sea urchin, and the left side column is sushi and frozen seafood. There are many bargain items, but unexpectedly ordinary items are also mixed, so it is better to carefully decide the item while thinking about COSPA without buying momentum. The cashier's aunt is always so unfriendly.
あっかんべ〜 on Google

駅すぐのお店「魚寅」の方が昔ながらで好きだなぁ〜 自分の家で作れるけど並んでいると買っちゃう‼️それはおじさん達の美声のせいかも「いらっしゃぁーい」ってダミ声で客を惹き付ける! サラダなど有ったらお家に帰ったらOK‼️
I like the old-fashioned shop "Uotora" right next to the station. You can make it at your own house, but if you line up, you will buy it! ️ Maybe it's because of the beautiful voices of the uncles, "Welcome!" Attracts customers with a bad voice! If you have a salad, it's OK if you go home! ️
まるチャンネル on Google

It is a very famous fishmonger in Kinshicho. Above all, tuna and octopus always form a line. Satisfied with red meat and Toro mixed with tuna. Also, the turban shells that can be bought in the store are packed in one pack and are very cheap and delicious! Recommended!

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