理容室 スカイビューレックス 錦糸町 楽天地ビル店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 理容室 スカイビューレックス 錦糸町 楽天地ビル店

住所 :

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : http://www.sky-salon.co.jp/barber/barber-kinsicho.html
街 : Tokyo

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan
我楽苦多聡司 on Google

Clerk 's response is good. Massage is also polite and always satisfied. I really feel comfortable from entering the store to leaving the store.
けむじお on Google

ここは本当に素晴らしい店だと思う。夕方の閉店間際になると、店員の皆さんがお疲れぎみ。あれだけ気を張ってやってれば、大変だろうなって思う。 これからもお世話になるんで、頑張って下さいね。
I think this is a really great store. When the store is about to close in the evening, the staff are tired. I think it would be difficult if you were so careful. I will continue to take care of you, so please do your best.
Shinichi KOSHIYA on Google

It's a hideaway shop as the entrance is small and the entrance and exit are not noticeable. The chairs are of the finest quality and the comfort is very good. I'm taking space or relaxing. The correspondence of the staff is also excellent.
祐佳 on Google

It's a barber shop, but if a woman occasionally warps her face, her makeup will be different and her color will change. Perfect for skin maintenance because there is an esthetic salon. There are many barbers that are difficult for women to enter, but since this is a high barbershop, it is clean and beautiful. By all means, recommended for women に
富永浩行 on Google

いつもすっきりです。✂️? 途中で、少しのマッサージ有ります。 皆さん親切丁寧です。
It's always neat. ✂️? There is a little massage on the way. Everyone is kind and polite.
krn fkmc on Google

ブライダル前の顔剃りと腕・背中・デコルテのシェービングをやっていただきました。 肌がトーンアップし、自信を持って本番を迎えられそうです。ありがとうございました。
I had you shave your face before bridal and shave your arms, back and décolletage. Your skin will be toned up and you will be confident that you will be ready for the show. Thank you very much.
Kenichi Ohtsuka (Hibari68) on Google

30年近く通っています。 ヘアスタイルは30年の間に様々なスタイリストさんにカットしてもらいましたが、どのスタイリストさんも技術的にレベルが高く、寝ぐせも絶対につかないほど仕上がりが最高です。 またエステメニューも豊富で、爪の手入れや頭皮の皮脂取りは本当に丁寧です。 季節のメニューがありますが、頭の先から足の先まですごく満足できるメニューばかりです。 最近男性でも美容室に行く方が多いですが、顔剃りがあり、肌の手入れもあるこちらの理容室は本当に素晴らしいです。
I have been going there for almost 30 years. Hairstyles have been cut by various stylists over the past 30 years, but each stylist has a high level of technical skill and the finish is so high that they never fall asleep. The beauty treatment menu is also abundant, and the care of the nails and the removal of sebum from the scalp are really careful. There are seasonal menus, but everything from the top of your head to the top of your feet is very satisfying. There are many men who go to beauty salons recently, but this barber shop, which has a shave and care for the skin, is really wonderful.
Shi Koba on Google

I've been going there for many years, but to be clear, 7,150 yen including tax is expensive for ordinary people.

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