Koto Social security office - Koto City

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Koto Social security office

住所 :

5 Chome-16-9 Kameido, Koto City, Tokyo 136-8525, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 136-8525
Webサイト : https://www.nenkin.go.jp/section/soudan/tokyo/koto.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:15PM

5 Chome-16-9 Kameido, Koto City, Tokyo 136-8525, Japan
Yumi Sasaki (miyu) on Google

When I asked for the necessary documents by phone, I felt unpleasant because some people could not respond unless I heard from me.
武田不二夫 on Google

I went out for the first time to notify the change of pension receiving account, but I was keenly aware of the work at the government office after waiting 1 hour and responding in 3 minutes. Whether it is always the case or the influence of corona, I hope that you will take action from the user's perspective.
W S on Google

The customer service was terrible. I visited there on my friend’s behavior with power of attorney and copy of identification however, the staff was just not trust me and didn't help us at all. My friend who cannot visit there is very sad and it was very disappointing. 委任状を持って代理で伺いましたが、なりすましと疑われ何も信じてもらえず、何の情報もいただけませんでした。その後事情があり事務所に行けない本人に大変残念に思われました。もう少し親身に相談に乗って欲しかったです。
The customer service was terrible. I visited there on my friend ’s behavior with power of attorney and copy of identification however, the staff was just not trust me and didn't help us at all. My friend who cannot visit there is very sad and it was very disappointing. I asked on my behalf with a power of attorney, but I was suspected of being spoofed and couldn't believe anything, so I couldn't get any information. After that, I was very disappointed by the person who could not go to the office due to circumstances. I wanted you to consult with me a little more.
さまり on Google

武蔵野年金事務所はすごく対応が良かったせいで、とても残念な対応でした。 追納したかったんだけど、これじゃ追納できないのでは…
The Musashino Pension Office was very regrettable because it was very responsive. I wanted to make an additional payment, but I think I can't make an additional payment ...
Yuukou Hirata on Google

Very kind and friendly support is popular.
冨田哲也 on Google

出てくる人によって対応が全く違うのでしょうが、私の場合はいい人に対応してもらったようです。 ただ受付のお姉さんに国民年金の相談に来たと伝えたら、「今働いていないんですか?」と言われました。私は自営業のため国民年金なのですが、国民年金=無職と決めつける態度はいかがなものかと思います。
The response will be completely different depending on the person who comes out, but in my case it seems that a good person responded. However, when I told my sister at the reception that she had come to the consultation for the national pension, she said, "Are you not working now?" I am a national pension because I am self-employed, but I wonder how the attitude of deciding that the national pension = unemployed.
烏賊明太子 on Google

電話の方は丁寧な口調、対応の方でしたけど 担当部署に電話が繋がるまで延々案内コールが流れ 案内番号入力も利かないような感じでした
The person on the phone had a polite tone and responded Guidance calls flow endlessly until the phone is connected to the department in charge I felt like I couldn't enter the guide number.
Ogura Masayuki on Google

The customer service was really terrible there! Never ever come back there again!

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