
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 肉のさんた

住所 :

Kosuiji, Shiwa, Shiwa District, 〒028-3303 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Iwate

Kosuiji, Shiwa, Shiwa District, 〒028-3303 Iwate,Japan
201 pat on Google

肉の種類が豊富で、店頭で焼いている焼き鳥も旨い❗しかも一本100円、真空パックもある‼️ 先日は、味付けして揚げるだけの、鳥唐揚げ肉を購入。生姜がほどよく効いて旨い。さらに、片栗粉も着けてくれるし、価格もリーズナブル。 いろんなお肉を食べたくなります。
There is a wide variety of meat, and the yakitori grilled at the store is delicious ❗ Moreover, there is a vacuum pack for 100 yen each! ️ The other day, I bought fried chicken meat that was just seasoned and fried. Ginger works reasonably well and is delicious. In addition, it also wears potato starch and is reasonably priced. I want to eat various kinds of meat.
pump88berry on Google

こちらの焼き鳥は肉厚でジューシー。 県内でも屈指です❕ 時間に余裕があれば、予約オーダーしてみてください。あなたの家族に合わせたお肉をチョイスしてくれます?‍♀️
The yakitori here is thick and juicy. One of the best in the prefecture ❕ If you have time, try a pre-order. They will choose the meat that suits your family ?‍♀️
RAN KATO on Google

毎日焼いてる焼鳥、手作りチャーシュー美味しいです。 電話でお願いするとトンカツ揚げて用意してくれるので重宝してます。 いつも明るく親切な接客が素晴らしいです。
The yakitori and handmade char siu that are baked every day are delicious. If you ask by phone, the pork cutlet will be fried and prepared, which is useful. The always cheerful and kind customer service is wonderful.
キャサリン on Google

お値段がわりと良心的で肉の種類が豊富で美味しい‼️。そして、店員さんが常に2~3人スタンバイしていて、全員明るくテキパキ接客してくれて、何度行っても気持ちがいいですよ~※*※* 新鮮なお肉を扱うのだから、快活さは大事だなと思います?
The price is reasonable and the meat is rich and delicious! ️. And the clerk is always on standby for a couple of people, and all of them are cheerful and cheerful, and it feels good no matter how many times I go ~ * * * * I think that cheerfulness is important because we handle fresh meat ?
笑。 on Google

焼き鳥、唐揚げ 塩味、醤油味 骨付きチキンが、お勧めです その他手作りチャーシューや揚げ物 ハンバーグの惣菜 お肉屋さんなので肉の量り売りも種類豊富です。お弁当も作って貰えるので事前予約なら待たずに買う事が、出来ます。従業員の方も良い感じで話しやすいです?
Yakitori, fried salty, soy sauce flavored chicken with bones is recommended Other handmade char siu and fried food Hamburger side dish Since it is a butcher shop, there is a wide variety of meat sold by weight. You can also make a lunch box, so if you make a reservation in advance, you can buy it without waiting. Employees also feel good and easy to talk to ?
M Y on Google

焼鳥は、安い・大きい・おいしいし種類も豊富! 1番のお気に入りは、牛のたたき。 本当においしい
Yakitori is cheap, big, delicious and has a wide variety! My favorite is beef tataki. Really delicious
Morioka TAKASHI on Google

自分なりには盛岡エリアの店売り焼き鳥店ではナンバーワンだと思っています。 いくら焼いても次々と売れるので欲しいものが無い事も普通にあります。 数が多い時にはあらかじめ電話でオーダーかけるのがおすすめ。
I think that I am the number one yakitori restaurant in the Morioka area. No matter how much you bake, it sells one after another, so it's normal that you don't have what you want. When there are many, it is recommended to place an order by phone in advance.
Neko Ma on Google

国道4号線紫波の古舘付近から入って数十メートル行くと店がある。 肉屋だけに様々な肉があるのは当たり前だが、焼き鳥や揚げ物、チャーシューなどが安価で美味しい。 特に焼き鳥は大ぶりで家で温め直してから食べでも充分に良い味。 揚げ物も80円からで安価。 予算に応じて弁当も準備してくれ、個数によっては配達もしてもらえる、
There is a store several tens of meters after entering from the vicinity of Furudate on Route 4 Shiwa. It is natural that only butchers have various kinds of meat, but yakitori, fried food, and char siu are cheap and delicious. Especially yakitori is big and tastes good enough even if you reheat it at home and then eat it. Fried food is also cheap from 80 yen. They will prepare lunch boxes according to your budget, and depending on the number, you can have them delivered.

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