
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Konigs-Krone

住所 :

Abenosuji, Abeno Ward, 〒545-8545 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : https://konigs-krone.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Abenosuji, Abeno Ward, 〒545-8545 Osaka,Japan
村田充弘 on Google

I bought a greeting item. It was good that the price setting was reasonable.
南形浩 on Google

I like cream puffs with an elegant taste that is reasonably sized.
野田義雄 on Google

本日6月23日に施設のお土産に焼き菓子のセット頂きました。(ミニグラッテン食べましたが、サクサクのパイ生地と表面のザラメがマッチしてとても美味しかったです。) 写真アップしておきますので購入の参考にして頂けたら幸いです。
Today, June 23, I received a set of baked goods as a souvenir from the facility. (I ate mini-gratten, but the crispy puff pastry and the rough surface matched and it was very delicious.) I will upload a photo so I would appreciate it if you could use it as a reference for purchasing.
Shoichi Watanabe on Google

I bought a strawberry roll cake for late Christmas. Is it big for two people to eat? I thought, but it was delicious and I never got tired of it!
ひまわり桜 on Google

クローネとマンゴーパフェ購入 マンゴーは柔らかく美味しかったです クローネは商品サンプルの前で注文してお会計しました 買いやすいお値段かつ美味しいです
Buy krone and mango parfait The mango was soft and delicious Krone ordered and paid in front of the product sample Easy to buy and delicious
菊池薫 on Google

The day before the Hinamatsuri, I sold a lot of limited edition items. The taste of a popular pastry shop in Kobe was delicious
m e on Google

パフェを4つ買いました!2-3日の消費期限からすると添加物も多いのかな?と思います。 食べた後、胸焼けがするので重く感じられる方もいるかもしれません。 でもフルーツも美味しいし、手土産や自宅用でも喜ばれるのは間違いないです!見た目も可愛く綺麗です!
I bought 4 parfaits! Is there a lot of additives from the 2-3 day expiration date? I think. Some people may feel heavy because they have heartburn after eating. But the fruits are delicious, and there is no doubt that they will be appreciated as souvenirs or for home use! It looks cute and beautiful!
Tsuyoshi. S on Google

本場神戸の味が天王寺で頂けます 13時から限定発売のクローネを購入、サクサクパイ生地にクリームやあんこが絶妙にマッチして大好きです このクローネ購入には一般のショーケース前でなく、クローネのサンプルの前に並ぶので、ご注意下さいね
You can enjoy the authentic taste of Kobe at Tennoji I bought a limited edition puff pastry from 13:00, and I love the crispy puff pastry with the perfect match of cream and red bean paste. Please note that this krone purchase is lined up in front of the krone sample, not in front of the general showcase.

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